Spiderman 3 soundtrack was out recently and i make a Gerard Way tribute video using this beautiful song called "Signal Fire" by Snow Patrol - which is also the main theme for the movie.
Is it wrong that I was laughing for a good majority of that video?
Especially when that shot of Bob comes on, and the guys like,
"Woah! He must be on crack."
That's so funny.
haha yea that was pretty funny. i was also laughing at how pathetic this guy was making fun of MCR. but it also made me pretty mad. i mean really, that guy must have no feeling at all saying WTTBP has no fucking meaning. god, what has this world come to?
Is it wrong that I was laughing for a good majority of that video?
Especially when that shot of Bob comes on, and the guys like,
"Woah! He must be on crack."
That's so funny.
haha yea that was pretty funny. i was also laughing at how pathetic this guy was making fun of MCR. but it also made me pretty mad. i mean really, that guy must have no feeling at all saying WTTBP has no fucking meaning. god, what has this world come to?
I just think he was jealous cause he didn't get a medal. XD
i'm making one for vampires will never hurt you, it's for a class, and i just started it, and we have 3 weeks to finish it, it's gonna be sooo awesome, i'll post it as soon as we finish it.
I laughed to, but at the same time i was stressed sayin my chem cnt perform, HAHA!!! but it some things he said was quite funnY! BUT I FUCKING HATE IT! lol
some fuckface posted this on the web! I didnt make it just to clarify! i luv MCR and would never do this!
that was hilarious. i mean sure the guy who made it needs to get a life...but really..that was funny! and he did one on im not okay. i was laughing my ass off the whole time. but really. how about not listening to them...you dont need to make a video about it!