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11/13/2007 - Sheffield, UK - Hallam FM Arena.

Jon Snow.
Demolition Lover
Jon Snow.
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 16891
December 4th, 2007 at 06:37pm
i love then they were talking about ejaculating and Gerard just shouts Suprise!


I'd be on my way home now from the concert 3 weeks ago...
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 35214
December 4th, 2007 at 06:39pm
I'd have just got home, and and be layed on the sofa, half dead but still buzzing like "o_O that was sooooooo amazingggggg *falls asleep*"
Green Faerie
Salute You in Your Grave
Green Faerie
Age: 38
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Posts: 2903
December 4th, 2007 at 06:51pm
What time did the tour bus leave? I don't remember, Lol. Had it gone already? Lol. After the 'blue fence' I waited ages for a taxi and then got back to the travel lodge and lay upside down in the bed and listened to MCR on shuffle for a couple of hours... Oh and ate ikea sour cream crisps. Smile It's annoying me that I can't remember what time the bus left!

Oh and that download froze at 99%... jdfiuwegfwbcwugf Gah! *runs to try again*

The Rumor
Awake and Unafraid
The Rumor
Age: 32
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Posts: 11966
December 5th, 2007 at 11:58am
The bus left fairly immediately, it was around midnight.
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 35214
December 5th, 2007 at 12:01pm
Really? Wow.
If I'd have known that, I would have been like "ZOMG LETS LOOK FOR THE BUSSS!" in the car going back.
Thank God I didn't know... for their sake.
Jon Snow.
Demolition Lover
Jon Snow.
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 16891
December 5th, 2007 at 12:20pm
If i was old enough , could drive and had a car i would follow the bus xD.
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 35214
December 5th, 2007 at 12:33pm
I would as well! Laughing Tehe
I would have tried to stay far behind enough so it wasnt obvious, but it wouldnt end up working. If I was driving Erin would be like "FASTER DAMMIT!!" or something. Haha
Green Faerie
Salute You in Your Grave
Green Faerie
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 2903
December 5th, 2007 at 01:06pm
drunken elevator.:
I would as well! Laughing Tehe
I would have tried to stay far behind enough so it wasnt obvious, but it wouldnt end up working. If I was driving Erin would be like "FASTER DAMMIT!!" or something. Haha

Lol, trust me, it's better than you retained your dignity. I didn't quite manage, I have never felt such an obsessive freak in my life! Lol. Oh I listned to the loveline interview last night, it was so Funny! I kepy laughing out loud, and since I was in bed and it was 3:00 am, I had to be quiet... My favourite part was their shocked laughter all the way through, when the radio guy was taling about being racist and encouraging people to have random unprotected sex, I love the shocked gasps and giggles from the band they were hysterical! They really sounded like they were having a great (Somewhat random) time, Hehe.

A 10 year old boy came up to me at work and told me he googled MCR videos... (So not my fault! I can;t help constantly talking about them to children aged 4-10) Anyway he was describing one he loved, and I shreiked 'Famous Last Words' and launched into telling him it's biography (date, injuries etc) Lol. I had to shut up when my supervisor came in *whistles* I'm busy corrupting the minds of children everyday, it's great. Smile

If anyone has anymore great download links to rec i'd love to hear them! I'm on a bit of a download frenzy at the moment.

The Rumor
Awake and Unafraid
The Rumor
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 11966
December 5th, 2007 at 01:09pm
I was laughing into my pillow but cringing at the same time because Gerard was talking about sex. Rolling Eyes It was so funny though.

Edit: Okay, so...I have a bunch of interviews and can upload. Here's a list of what I have, tell me what you want. They're not all interviews, strictly speaking...but they're all talking audios from the band.

Idobi Radio (Frank)
Video Diary (LOTMS audio, March 21 2006)
My Chemical Romance Welcomes You To The Black Parade (WTTBP b-side, September 11th 2006)
New Years (MCR and Taking Back Sunday, December 2006)
Projekt Rev. Press Conference 1 (TBS, LP, MCR, May 7th 2007)
Projekt Rev. Press Conference 2 (TBS, LP, MCR, May 7th 2007)
KROQ Breakfast (30th July 2007)
Youth Spin (Gerard, August 2007)
Gerard on SURS (featuring Lalazzara, August 22nd 2007)
Gerard on Nowwhat, Pre-show Interview (Projekt Rev., August 22nd 2007)
KROQ Hostile Takover (Gerard and Bob, August 23rd 2007)
Taste It TV (Gerard Way, April 2007)
Loveline Interview (Frank, Mikey, Gerard, April 4th 2005)
iFanboy (Gerard Way, November 2007)
Comic Geek Speak (Gerard Way, November 13th 2007)
Taste It TV (Gerard Way, Luxembourg, November 7th 2007)
The Edge NZ (Frank, Late November 2007)
NME interview with Gerard Way Part 1 (November 15th 2007, London O2)
NME interview with Gerard Way Part 2 (November 15th 2007, London O2)
Taste It TV (Bob and Gerard, June 2007)
Royal Radio (Gerard, September 2007)
Green Faerie
Salute You in Your Grave
Green Faerie
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 2903
December 5th, 2007 at 01:27pm
OMFG! Shocked Shocked Shocked Lol, any, all! I feel like a MCR fan at a merch stand! Ooh the NME one please, from before the O2 show, I've fallen in love with that on youtube, to have it on my iPod would be heaven. SmileSmile Thanks much much much!

I now have the loveline one and TBP Welcome one. I listen to it alot. Hehe.

Loveline taught me that Frank is very very surprisingly sensible and Gerard thinks that men should very much be allowed to get sexually excited by being dressed as a woman, but won't quite say it on the radio. *giggle*

The Rumor
Awake and Unafraid
The Rumor
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 11966
December 5th, 2007 at 01:30pm
They're all audios, not videos. Just thought I'd make that clear now.
*starts uploading*
You already have 'My Chemical Romance Welcomes You To The Black Parade (WTTBP b-side, September 11th 2006)'?
Green Faerie
Salute You in Your Grave
Green Faerie
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 2903
December 5th, 2007 at 01:32pm
^^Yeah if it's the same one, I got it from the downloads on this site... (Thanks to Jess) I love my downloads. Smile

Edit: 6 posts away from new status. Smile
The Rumor
Awake and Unafraid
The Rumor
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 11966
December 5th, 2007 at 04:01pm
Cool, well...I'm uploading loads of stuff right now, I'll post it when it's done.
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 35214
December 5th, 2007 at 04:20pm
Yeah the NME ones would be awesome. =)
and I would love the KROQ Breakfast one, if you can, hehe.
Green Faerie
Salute You in Your Grave
Green Faerie
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 2903
December 5th, 2007 at 03:19pm
[/spam] Did anyone else find it impossible to get on INO for the last 25 minutes? Or is my computer being a meanie?
Jon Snow.
Demolition Lover
Jon Snow.
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 16891
December 5th, 2007 at 03:29pm
It wasn't letting me on ealier , and on loveline Gerard was dishing out advice. Where he goes "play dungeons and dragons and video games , that will set you straight"
Green Faerie
Salute You in Your Grave
Green Faerie
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 2903
December 5th, 2007 at 03:36pm
Doctor...Doctor who?:
It wasn't letting me on ealier , and on loveline Gerard was dishing out advice. Where he goes "play dungeons and dragons and video games, that will set you straight"

I loved that. Solution to extra sexual energy? Be a geek! Long live the geek! The boys would never let me play any of their roleplay games, meanies.... They said it wasn't for girls. *Pokes tongue out* I really think I need to listen to it again! It's a shame about the random music! At one point it started playing a song I liked and then it only played like 2 lines, Gah!
Jon Snow.
Demolition Lover
Jon Snow.
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 16891
December 5th, 2007 at 04:18pm

I will bring this thread back to life!!!!!!
The Rumor
Awake and Unafraid
The Rumor
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 11966
December 5th, 2007 at 05:34pm
Green Faerie
Salute You in Your Grave
Green Faerie
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 2903
December 5th, 2007 at 05:44pm
The Rumor.:
Okay, interviews.
There are two more uploading at the moment but they're available for download elsewhere...I'm uploading them for other people. I'll still post them here when I'm done though.

Oh My Goh! Seriously you are the best ever! I am going on a downloading frenzy. *squuueeeeee!*