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MCR-April 4th, 2008- Warfeild- San Fransico

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 35
April 27th, 2008 at 11:53pm
i went to my first mcr concert on april 4th. i took a plan up to san fran with my dad...yes eww gag...wut ever u wanna say. any i go there and im wearin black skinny jeans and a red top with very minimal eye liner. yes, i no, lame, but im only twelve, wut do u want from me? so i go there and i stick out like a sore thumb. im lyk the only blonde with her dad. embarissing. Just as we were sitting down the opener, Drive By, came on. They were ok..nothin special but ok. Not nearly as good as MCR. Second warm up band was Billy Tallent. They were great. Every time the singer screamed (even though he sounded sorta like a cat and was wasted beyond beliefe) everyone moshed lyk there was no tomorow. Wish i was in there, but its my first concert, ill save it for another. Then the big moment, GERARD WALKS OUT. the crowd goes wild. u can barely hear n e thing he is saying over the screams. they played for a good 2 hrs, talked about a red bull smoothie that made Gerards ass light on fire, they got pictures from the fans, and all the other doo dads thrown on stage,and then finialy walked off . And off course we wanted more. so the hole freakin place started chanting MCR MCR MCR. Very high energy. So they come out again and play sum more lyk 5 songs then they end with a bang with a breath taking preformance of Helena. I almost cried wen it was over, but it was the best night of my life ever. I wouldnt trade it for the world.
Jazz Hands
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 309
April 28th, 2008 at 12:16am
May I direct you here?
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 35
April 28th, 2008 at 01:34am
thank u person Smile