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She, The Souless Warrior, of Vast Suicidal Thoughts.

Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 18th, 2008 at 06:14pm

Hi guys. Welcome to my poetry page =].

For now, this is all I am going to post. I'll work more later though, I promise.

18/6/08, 11.10P.M; "Angels" - dedicated to the people of CoS.

Glistening all around
Angels sing a loving sound
Red robins can't resist to join in
Tears stain the skies
And laughter rumbles just like thunder
Angels sing to light the stars

They lift me up to rise again
They carry me home with their broken wings
They protect me from all around
Angels are all I've known

I hold a red rose close to my chest
A diamond stone, shines all darkness astray
There's a cross marked on my wrist
Angels listen in sadness and
Try to lift me from my ashes

They give me grace
They give me peace
They give me life
They give me love
They give me hope
They give me dreams

Angels sing all around
A loving sound
They fly and circle, lighting up the stars
With small little twinkles

I can fly even
With broken wings.
jared leto.
Awake and Unafraid
jared leto.
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Posts: 12568
June 18th, 2008 at 06:23pm
Love it Lora <3
Robert Corey Bryar.
Always Born a Crime
Robert Corey Bryar.
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 5373
June 18th, 2008 at 06:24pm
it's wonderful lora... i love it hug
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 18th, 2008 at 06:42pm
18/6/08, 1111:24PM; "Calling Out"

Calling out, calling out
I don't feel like talking
Rush of feeling, leaves me nothing
Calling out, calling out
I want to scream

I won't be woken
my feelings are shaken
I'm paralyzed from you

and it's all because of you

now I can hear, no thanks to you
you can't fool me again, cause I know far too well

and all I can hear is
calling out, calling out
these thoughts of you
and calling out, calling out
these feelings I never knew

I've been dumped once again
I should've known but it's not my fault
it's your's for the taking
go on, go on, you know you want too

and I shall only die because of you

calling out, calling out
the room's filled with nothing
I can't feel my tears running
I can't see where I am standing
or walking, I'm damaged, no thanks to you
I'm fragile, so frail, torn and worn

and I'm not the one to blame
only you
Always Born a Crime
Age: -
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Posts: 5046
June 18th, 2008 at 06:44pm
YEEE!!!! I LOVES YOU!!!! hug hug You're amazing!!!!
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 18th, 2008 at 06:45pm
16/6/08, 4:45PM; "Simple Goodbye"

Everybody makes mistakes from time to time
They all can tell a lie, pretend to be a saint
And then throw you away, like a waste of paper
That’s how I feel as off now

I can learn to either live or die
I don’t know which one I prefer
I know that I can choose
From the scars or from the tears
But still, it doesn’t change

Sometimes it gets too much to bear
I wish I didn’t hate myself as much
As I do right about now
But when you can’t open your eyes
To face another day, the same as yesterday
It becomes too much of a strain
You can’t bear it all by yourself

And as night slowly drifts on
My emotions can’t run free
I’m trapped, oh so trapped
It feels like I can’t breath for myself
All I want is to live
Why can’t I break free?

When the sunrises, I’ll shy away
I won’t awake, I’ll slump further
It’s far too much of a strain, too much fear
And only more lies than a simple goodbye.

My life is over, yes I’m bleeding
Choking on the tears, dying deep inside
One more thing and that’s my final break
So say your goodbyes while you can.
anthony green.
In The Murder Scene
anthony green.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 23325
June 18th, 2008 at 06:46pm
ily and all your poems
you are amazinggg Smiley
and i'm working on the first one.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 13906
June 18th, 2008 at 06:47pm
Lora, this is so totally awesome!!!hug
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 18th, 2008 at 06:48pm
5/3/08, 1:23AM; "A Girl Can Dream"

A girl can dream though her dreams won’t fly
She went her separate way but she isn’t coming back today
Somebody beaten her soul to the ground
They didn’t see what she truly believed in
But they tore it away from her like it was nothing

A girl can dream though her dreams won’t fly
She took the sacrifice to make a change but it
Only took away her heart as little as can be

She didn’t know what love was until somebody
Took a step into her life changing everything
From black to white but now she knows
A girl can dream though her dreams won’t fly
But maybe they’ll take their course some other day
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 18th, 2008 at 06:51pm
8/6/08, 3:09PM; "Thank Holy Fros For Liquor!"

The bloodstained glass, do you remember?
You drank liquor just to pass the time, till the cops
Came and discovered my bloody corpse, crushed through a window

The tearstained cheeks, do you remember?
You came home in a temper, the clenched fist
One bloody nose, another sleepless night

The weddingstained bliss, do you remember?
I could faintly remember, a time when I could trust you
No more, no less, then things changed

The pregnancy test came clear, do you remember?
I thought it fixed everything, we were going to be parents
But it only made things worser, you went back to the liquor
All the lies, the secret cigarettes from time to time

The night was coming, you killed me, do you remember?
Your temper went higher, as I went flying through our bedroom window
The 5th floor balcony, it didn’t catch my fall, the loud crunch filled the silence

Telling you this was over, thank holy fros for liquor!
Because that’s all you’ve got left, in your empty prison cell
Meanwhile your baby son and beloved wife, live buried far below
You shall have nobody left.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
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Posts: 4172
June 18th, 2008 at 06:55pm
You're an amazing poet, Lora.
I can't write for my life. hug
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 18th, 2008 at 06:58pm
10/6/08, 10:55PM; "A Treasured Gem. (One Last Hope)" - dedicated to Megan (Zombie)

I thought I saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
But it wasn't quite how I pictured it to be.
I thought I was getting better, but it seemed to be the other way around.
And I could see a demon, waking up inside of me.
I felt so powerless, so un-incontrol, I felt so horrible, like a splattered mess.
And then I saw in me, a monster so deep, filled with nothing but hatred.
Not only for me, but for the world, that surrounds my everyday lead.

But if I could change, I would, though I need to say.
I'm lost on my way, on my journey through the rain.
And I want to grasp the monster, this gothic demon inside of me.
So tight, till I become strong, so positive and mature.
And then I can be me, I can smile without shedding a single tear.
I'm okay today, keep telling myself that, but it's a single little lie.
Just know that I understand how you feel, I've been there far too many times.
But I grasped the strength to change, I made myself a better person.

Please tell me, are you okay? No, I didn't think so.
It's okay to say that, I know how you feel.
There's so much pressure, too much emotion, over sensitive's fear.
Let me in, let me in, I want to help you, that's what you need.
A friend, a treasured little gem, somebody to lean on.
A shoulder to cry on when things get rough, but you can change.
I know you have it in you, you're gonna be okay, you can make this go away.

I thought I saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
But it wasn't quite how I pictured it to be.
I thought I was getting better, but it seemed to be the other way around.
And I could see a demon, waking up inside of me.
I felt so powerless, so un-incontrol, I felt so horrible, like a splattered mess.
And then I saw in me, a monster so deep, filled with nothing but hatred.
Not only for me, but for the world, that surrounds my everyday lead.

So don't be afraid of what you're turning into.
There's a demon, a monster, a evil soul within us all.
But we have the self-power to make it leave, we can change.
And I have to stress, I have faith in you, you can make this all better again.
Now you need to take this hope of off my hands, and let me in.
Cause I'm your friend today, from now and till the end.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
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Posts: 4172
June 18th, 2008 at 07:11pm
Lora, I've already said this, but thank you so much.
That poem makes me cry. It's amazing. hug
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2300
June 21st, 2008 at 02:39pm

Changed your name again? Damn it!
Shoudln't have left out your thread to the end, 'cause they are just amazing.

A Treasured Gem. (One Last Hope), This poem is so great. damn, wish it were written for me LMAO!
It is so deep, my favourite part:
"I thought I saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
But it wasn't quite how I pictured it to be.
I thought I was getting better, but it seemed to be the other way around.
And I could see a demon, waking up inside of me.

I like the way yout though of friend ship, really good words! Damn I missed some of your poems, I'm out of town, that's why... I'll be back =).

Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 26th, 2008 at 06:29pm
26/6/08, 11.00PM; My Tales of Lies

I could see a blinding light, a powerful flash of color
It was washing over me, almost like a tearfull rainy day
I could swear I had told a thousand lies, by the end of my evening
And that was okay, it was all alright (only in my mind)

I could tell the hurt from their eyes, the dried blood, the black skies
The burden I carried, it was getting too much, for one person to carry
But I distanced myself from them all, they're just a click
An immature click, whom I'm an outsider in their sights, and I'm alone to cry

All alone to die

When it all got too tough to handle, they left me, they broke me
Down and down again, they caused me to lie, they made me die inside
They taught me fear, sorrow and regret, nothing else
Only now I live without my will to find one day of happiness
Within my burning, damaged soul
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 28th, 2008 at 09:19pm
29/6/08, 2:18AM; "A Disease"

One little look was all it took
Could you tell I was broken?
I’m an angel, without some wings
A stranger on the streets
Kicked and treated like a disease
This is what it is like
To be somebody called ‘me’

And I could suffer
Beg to differ
Wouldn’t make a difference
I could lie, one tiny little lie
And then I’d cry
That’s just me, disastrous me

Could you tell I was beaten?
Tragic tales, that revolves around me
I’m a nightmare, a disaster,
One big disgrace, I’m the shame on your face
A disease

One little look was all it took
I am broken, I am broken
Beaten to hell, locked away to the Devil
Told a thousand lies, and didn’t regret
I shamed you, I ruined you, I am your guilt

And that’s me, the one you can’t stand
The disgusted look on your face,
The angerous flames in your eyes
The words you scream, ‘I fucking hate you!’
That’s all because of me

A disease
Horrible, nasty disease
I’m broken, a fallen angel
And a tragic tale, with no passion
No success for my life
A walking nightmare, the disaster
I am a disease.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 29th, 2008 at 07:53am
29/6/08, 12.53PM; "I Am"

I can’t go on, I try to find a answer
But I can’t seem too
I am dying inside

I am lost, in the dark
And I am trapped, within myself
I am selfish, oh so selfish
Self centre is wrong

This is me crying, almost lying
I am dying, deep down inside
And I scream, I can shout

I am breaking down, I am worn
And so torn, I am broken
Like glass, I won’t be mended
I am down, I am out

I am dying inside
I am crazy, I am wrong
I’m in control, I am wrong
I am right, I’m always right
I’m broken, yes I am
I am me tonight
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 29th, 2008 at 08:00am
29/6/08, 1.00PM; "Untitled"

I look around and I cannot see
I am blinded, I can’t tell you why
I keep secrets, I tell lies
And this is my only confession
My shameless romance

I had affairs, a man for every day of my life
Babies every year, my life was perfect

I had no wrongs
I could only do right
Not till I pushed with all my might
My shameless romance
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2300
June 29th, 2008 at 09:49am
I AM this poem is seriously unique.
I love the darkness.

Untitled This is too damn good to be untiteled...
Seriously. I love the idea it talked about.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
June 29th, 2008 at 11:31am
Thankyou Cherokee. I haven't got a name for Untitled yet.

29/6/08, 4.30PM; "I feel so lonely"

Why can't you hear me crying out to you?
A simple feeling, I can't seem to shake
I feel lost, time seems to go by too fast
And I seem to get left alone, as time passes by
Where have you gone too? I need you

I can still see you smile, I remember the way you always made me laugh
I could talk to you about it all, you were always there to catch me when I fall
And when I need a helping hand, it feels as though, you're all gone
Will I always be on my own?

I still love you, you're my whole world, my skies
You know how I feel, you can take my hand, lift me up high
I would always rise after I fell, if I was with you
Where have you gone, where's my little star?
You shine the way, you help me more than I'd ever say
And I wish you were here today