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She, The Souless Warrior, of Vast Suicidal Thoughts.

Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
April 12th, 2010 at 09:09am
Person In The Mirror;


Shimmering silver in a bright light,
In vanquish and mass mayhem,
Everything you never thought to see,
Staring right at you, in bleak.


Close up in the mirror,
Just to see how ill you seem to be,
A reflection gazing back,
Of someone deemed mental,
What happened?
Where'd I go to let this all collapse?


Your tongue glides over the silver through your lip,
It's cold and dry, slice dry,
Like weather surrounding your move,
You don't remember who you are.



Is this the end of the road, our journey?
"Does it matter?" You say,
And to my heart's deep glory,
This was our dream, to me it matters deeply.


Who's the person in the mirror?
She's short, not exactly skinny,
Black and red hair,
Black eyes and clothing,
Looking ill and despondent.



Oh, that person is me, that person is me,
Why can't any one see?
And when I touch things, it all goes through me.
Oh, that person is me, that person is me,
The person in the mirror....
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
April 12th, 2010 at 09:21am
You're My Chemical Addiction;


Slowly, slowly, watch it all go,
The world's in slow motion,
And we're striving for the notion,
Of our unwanted devotion.


Who are we? We're the kids with attitude,
The ones who don't belong, who aren't,
Part of your crew, with much more intellect,
And our creativity will blow out your minds.


Passionately we're strong,
Destructively, we don't belong (and you make it known!),
So what's your reaction,
To a chemical addiction?
You're my addiction.



Your face's printed memory less inside my head,
Who'd ever want to remember you?
Stick your homophobic and racist ways,
And stick your comments too,
They're not wanted around me.



Don't be fooled by our striving for notion,
Our obviously unwanted devotion,
We may not be like you,
So what's your reaction,
To a chemical addiction?
You're my fucking addiction. My chemical addiction.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
April 12th, 2010 at 10:21am
What My Chemical Romance Really Means;

It starts with a boy in a basement,
So reserved, quiet and shy,
For his only company,
Was the artwork by his hand.

And on his way to work one day,
Travelling through the city of New York,
Where disaster struck, knocked him back,
Amongst distraught screaming,
It comes to him now, he needs to do more,
Than the artwork in his basement room.

He set out that day afterwards,
Calling everyone, asking if they were happy,
Or if they wanted something new,
Something so much better,
And that's where this creative picture came together.

Joined forces together with 4 other guys,
Just like him, bored, fed up with mundane lives,
Wanting a better cause, they started tracking down songs,
Till they came up with songs with dark titles,
"Bring Me More Knives" was one to list just but a few.

Unable to stop, he carried on, despite the negativity,
People told him he'd never make it, and he strove to prove wrong,
The clan got stronger, he became stronger.

An insight mind, he opens his heart into songs,
Words jolted down, black ink to white paper,
His thoughts, his feelings, his flaws,
His depressions, his failures, all his quirks and mysteries,
All that make him, well him.

Five brothers with a new album out,
Playing basement shows and living on people's floors,
First class hard-working, don't they know?
This'll pay off for them in future years to come.

And thus, they lost a brother, but gained another,
However then, they had to face the loss of their,
Beloved Helena and had to watch The Ghost Of Her,
When they had to do the Cemetery Drive on her funeral day.

He fought the Sleepless nights right on to the end,
With the help of his Disenchanted Teenagers always by his side,
His followers of the Black Parade,
Because he gave them his "Famous Last Words" of positive encouragement.

And now this is his final death sentence, not a fucking fashion statement!,
He's not afraid of dying of cancer when he has his house of Wolves,
In the dead! of night all by his self;
And that's when he wonders, whatever happened to the Desolation Row they always made?

So he came from the life on a murder scene, where you knew what,
They did to guys like him in prison,
Where they always gave 'em hell, kid,
Because of who they were.... who they were.

And now he's brought you his bullets, what happened to your love?
He's now thanking you for the venom,
'Cause he's an astro zombie with a need of wanting,
His three cheers for sweet revenge on those who wronged him.

So now they stand tall, brothers in arms,
Forever and till the end, their journey lies,
Saving the galaxy, which means so many more lives,
This is what it means,
For the band behind the name of their tainted love,
My Chemical Romance will live forever
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 26
April 23rd, 2010 at 09:06am
These are beyond amazing. <3 (:

*without a sound... I took her downn*
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
April 24th, 2010 at 07:38pm
Did you read all ten pages? I'd be fucking impressed if you did! lol
Thank you, though!

New stuff comin' up!

“Mountain Of Valley's Heavens
(With Prayers And Loving Thoughts to Lina Aas-Helseth's Aunt And Grandma)”

Verse 1.

The passage through the valley of life,
Turmoil between living and grief,
Lurking in the shadows,
A weight tugging you down further.


But on the bright horizon;
The heavens open, angels sing,
Valley's Heavens, where everyone comes,
To find comfort for something they'd lost.
(For everyone they loved; lost) <----- echo effect, in background.

Verse 2.

Everything had split under,
And how I wish I could've made a difference,
How I wish I could've made you stay,
Just for a little longer.


Verse 3.

For everything we achieve,
We have to let go of something else first,
Through every single hospital visit,
To having whisper a final “goodbye”,
(For everyone they loved; lost) <----- echo effect, in the background.

Chorus x2

Verse 4.

So you remember maybe memories,
A few poetic tragedies,
Every song I listen too,
It reminds me of you.
And that's why, I dedicate this,
To you. <---- echo effect, in the background.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
April 24th, 2010 at 07:39pm
Noone Left To Know But This Ink On The Paper;

Discarded on the floor yet again,
By now you've become accustomed,
To the knowledge of knowing,
That nobody even wants you alive.

So she throws you under again,
With venomous words attached to her lips,
A fist raised, with a deadly voice,
And the past, it's all relived.

Far from the truth,
Alone and abandoned,
So you crawl, trying to make it back,
Trying to remember a day,
When it all held nothing and didn't matter.

There use to be a time,
When everything was right,
And I never cried,
Now I let you win,
You always got the better of me,
In the end.

And now I'm glad she's gone,
Taking the venomous words along,
Cause it's confusing as to why,
But suddenly, suddenly,
I feel alive.

Behind this black eyeliner,
I will submerge you a picture,
Of every lie she told,
Every time she'd hold me down,
She'll always be the demon in my dream.

As much as I try,
To confront my fears,
I stumble and fall,
She'll always take me alive,
Even though I refuse to die.

She knows how to get me,
And my weakness is that I,
I'm afraid to be in her sights,
Mmm yeah, oh woah, oh woah,
She's pinned me down now.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
April 24th, 2010 at 07:40pm
Dear Maria, This One's For You.

So one day soon, you'll never know,
How many times it kills me to know,
I wish I could make the agony go,
Just so you can be alive, again.

I never want to lose you,
And you'll never know, it kills me to know,
That when I hear you talk like this,
I wish you'd stop and think for a second,
Just how much you are needed here,
You have a purpose, I have mine.

So one day soon, you'll never know,
How many times a day, you enter my mind,
Now it makes me feel bad to know,
How you feel like your dreams are wasted at the seams.

And this distance, I wish I could kill it,
This silence brought upon us, I'm wanting it to stop,
Stop already! I've never been this bitchy,
And I never intended to start it.

Please don't ever think I don't care,
You know that's never gonna be true,
I've tried to let you know, I'll never let you go,
I won't let you fall, I'll pick you up and carry,
You home. Yes, I'll carry you home...

I can't believe I, I kept all this deep inside,
I know sometimes I lie and that I,
I act without often thinking,
But I, no, never, I haven't become as,
Self-centred as I always seem to see.

And I wish this distance hadn't divided us,
I wanna be there for you, every single day,
And try help you get your life back, even if it's not today.

Dear Maria, Dear Maria,
You're always on my mind now sister,
I know there's never been no need for a show,
But you've always been worth more than one show,
And I'd sing back this song to you, every single night,
If you'd let me, if you'd let me...

So, Dear Maria, Dear Maria,
I'm here for you to hold on tight,
I won't drop you now or let you stumble,
I'm here day and night,
So Dear Maria, Dear Maria,
Won't you please talk to me tonight?

Sometimes I don't always understand,
And there's times I ever can't,
But that doesn't tear me down from,
Still caring, cause I do, I do,
I care for you like a sister.

And if you feel like there's no one left,
To come running too, I'm holding open my arms,
I'm here for you day and night,
Hey now, sister, hey now, sister,
You're always playing on my mind now.

So, Dear Maria, Dear Maria,
I'm writing this line and hoping to show you,
I'm sticking around for the fight,
Yes, I'm sticking around for this fight,
Just to be.... on your side, tonight.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
April 24th, 2010 at 07:41pm
“I'm On Your Side – Rana's Song”

Through every whisper,
Every singe little lie they told,
A million things can go wrong tonight,
But I want you to know I am on your side.

Why'd it have to end this way?
I ask myself so many times a day,
You're my only hope,
I depend on you now, entirely.

So many trick questions plague my mind,
With every shallowed breath of self-doubt,
But through everything,
I know you're on my side.

Another day ends, somebody's life begins,
Walking down the boulevard,
Strong-willed and a song-full heart,
Separate minds, clashed thoughts and feelings.

I know there's people out there who don't understand,
The way we feel, the way we think and see,
Some don't know sympathy from bullshit,
And despite simplicity, we don't appreciate your stereotypical.

When we feel alone, when we're alone,
Life can look bleak, you'll feel bleak,
Sometimes you don't know if hope exists,
But I hope you know, I'm on your side.

Browsing through every Vinyl disc shop,
Excuse us, we're finding our sound,
I'm no copy-cat, I stay safe,
I create my own style; I wear nothing,
That you'll be able to stereotype me with.

And I know you have your doubts;
Mine too, but in the end,
In the end, that's what friends are for,
But more than friends, with such a tight bond,
We're staying safe; we have one another's back.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
April 24th, 2010 at 07:46pm
Come Save Me From Myself;

The wind breezes through an open mind,
Whispering silences of the blind,
Yes, I'm blinded,
And so wounded.

The tears that use to be a fear,
Are starting to fall down those pale cheeks,
I'm feeling alone, all alone,
With no place left to go.

And behind a gravestone,
I lie, crying from the inside,
Freedom please come to me,
Cause the walls are closing in.

I can't deny, I can't lie,
It was so much easier back then,
To pretend that inside my mind,
I am going blind with time,
I'm not anybody tonight.

So won't someone please,
Come save me from myself?
I'm going under, in this fragile state,
I wanna scream, I wanna scream,
“I'm still trapped, when's it ever gonna end?!”

Oh! Nooo! No!
There's no way out,
And I can't stop now,
Won't someone please come save me


I'm going under, under,
And I know there's no way out,
Except to die,
And there's a ringing inside,
Asking me if tonight, do I really wanna die?
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2784
May 9th, 2010 at 11:22am
Your really goood! (:
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
July 8th, 2010 at 06:18pm
Thank you! ^^

Now I Get Why:
now I get why am so lonely.
looks like I'm being left behind again.
will you still remember my name,
this time next year?
and if my heart breaks.
would you kindly pick up the pieces?
I forget we seem to parted.
now I get why am so lonely.

haven't spoke in so long.
now I get why am so lonely.
and I remember I was born.
to be the biggest loner within.
the last length of our time.

would you kindly pick up the pieces?
please pick up the pieces of my broken heart.
it hurts and cuts deep down.
the realisation is too much.
I miss you, deeply, I do.

now I get why am so lonely.
looks like I'm being left behind again.
will you still remember my name,
this time next year?
and if my heart breaks.
would you kindly pick up the pieces?
I forget we seem to parted.
now I get why am so lonely.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 1787
July 14th, 2010 at 01:05am
I like this one, you're really talented.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
November 24th, 2011 at 03:55pm
Looking From The Outside:

Opening a new page, a new story,
Learning how to live again,
Starting to move on,
From the memories, past pain,
I'm now looking from the outside.

I can remember when I use to pick up the blade,
Cut my skin deep, bleed out my pain,
Hate on myself and the world,
But something changed,
When I met you,
You helped me find myself.

When I dance, I feel like I could fly,
When I sing, all my problems aren't real,
When I perform, I'm looking from the outside.

I found ways to move forwards,
Make new friends, new adventures,
A new future, for me,
And what matters most,
It's all for me, as I'm now looking from the outside.
Helena Rush.
Awake and Unafraid
Helena Rush.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10158
December 1st, 2012 at 08:14pm
I Miss You.

I can't seem to escape,
Memories you have left behind,
They're like a shadow in my mind,
Over and over they taunt,
Remind me, remind me,

I'm in too deep,
Like a soul with no sleep,
You make me feel weak.

I'm sick, yeah,
I'm sick of you,
The memories you have left behind,
You lied,
You played me well,
So congratulations,
Here's your fucking round of applause.

See through my pain,
You're that vain,
Nothing else matters to you anyway,
Just money and fame,
Just money and fame,
But when you need someone,
Don't count me to be there.

I miss you, yes, it's true,
But you don't need me,
And I've grown to not need you,
All I can do is try to leave behind,
The memories you have left behind,

So go ahead and cry,
I'm not your puppet,
Or your fucked up little friend.

I'm not fame or fortune,
I'm just so cheap,
Does the words 'I miss you'
Mean anything at all to you?