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Scarred Poetry

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 36
July 3rd, 2008 at 08:33am
I'm no poet at all, really. My ability for it is quite slim, but it allows me to express myself in ways that are not direct and quite so straight-forward. I write it because I love it, and for no other real reason - it's not for talent, but for an outlet for my problems and such. I write it all the time, when I'm sad, happy, or just plain pissed off.

Here at INO, I hope to share this poetry with you. Though help criticism is important, bear in mind I do this to helpful me, and therefore write it for me. I'm not used to sharing my poetry with others, so please have mercy with it all. x]

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Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 36
July 3rd, 2008 at 08:33am
Not that long ago I was walking along with my friend, and suddenly became quite suicidal. I ran far ahead of her, and eventually got out of eye sight. I ran to the bridge that was not far from her house, and was about to jump when she pulled me back. Just by seeing what I would of done to myself hurt her a great deal, and made me pissed off at myself.

Looking at myself,
It isn’t an easy thing to do.
Knowing what I’ve done,
Knowing the pain that I have caused you.

Your eyes are wet and teary,
With unimaginable worry.
I see you staring past me,
Your mind caught up with thoughts of me.

You weren’t supposed to see,
You weren’t supposed to know,
Not until it was all too late,
Not until it was already done
And over with

But here we are today,
Staring face to face,
Your arm holding onto me so tight,
Keeping me from losing my faith.