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:Confined To Bedposts:

Jazz Hands
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 283
August 18th, 2008 at 06:09pm

Comments Appreciated! Smiley Smiley
Jazz Hands
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 283
August 20th, 2008 at 10:57pm
One of my first poems I made a while back I made it when i was really bored it's kind of random.

Parlance In this town of façade
hear it, But can’t feel it
not today believe it but don’t live it
Today say it but not fake it.
Origami souls on the verge of
Vengeance, without a break,
it’ll come out from hiding
In the corners of the alter
It slithers into.......
Jazz Hands
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 283
August 20th, 2008 at 11:04pm
Prescient Metaphor:
_ --

Addiction to daydream solutions for lone reality…
Bilingual family expectations
want the perfection of individual soul adaptations
void of the hearts purpose
a minority greater then the reality
an outer connection through
internal belongings
sole scraped down from top adoration
Whisper the inner chaos
Cry out to understand the hidden cartilage in the heart

Mummified memories that never live up to the current stature
A million miles away from an hour ago
Blinded by the currant of information
An attempt to highlight old thoughts that never came.
Jazz Hands
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 283
August 22nd, 2008 at 07:40pm
parts of "Presient Metaphor" turned into another meaning.
Document for Genicide
Human documentation
restrictions of freedom for
race bias satisfaction
control through the generalization
race status stance before social rights
poverty salvaged by outer condolences
Addiction to daydream solutions for reality.
bilingual family expectations
want the perfection of soul adaptations
a minority greater then the reality
an outer connection through internal belongings
sole scraped down from top adoration
void of the hearts purpose
The minority for the greater opportunity
Suicide for a greater life
Courage overwhelmed by stalking
Power fueled by paper restrictions
Trains that carry success of the collective defeat

Mummified memories that never live up to the current stature
A million miles away from an hour ago
Blinded the currant of information
Jazz Hands
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 283
August 25th, 2008 at 02:43pm
Paper Technicalities
Handful of the gruesome fate fed to you
By the cleptmatic escape.

In the rows that stand before the stanza
All rights are thrown through the circa
In the end form far the river
In the dark of that letter
He finds that of the roar in the depths of unjust clutter

Black veils fly

Smothering all that was once the binding of that future
Fell through the roof of the hidden

Passion from that of the
Rimming counterculture
Overflowing is the face production
Walking into

paint of the pain that fallows
wind on the homebuilt from
dissected paper technicalities
on this you will find
the holy shrine connected by
concertina wire

wobbly dirt path shrinking way worth
veins containing ejaculated

taken by the feel of collective sun settings
longing call coming from the imaginary
stone banked worm conclusions