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My best friend:The life saver

Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 11
June 11th, 2009 at 10:47pm
One pull and i'm dead
I finally had that gun to head
I couldn't take the insults any longer
People say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Well there wrong
I've cried my last tear
It's the count down 3...2...
The knock at the door startles me
I drop the gun and it goes off
Shoots me in the side and I run to the door
Answer it and I dropped to the floor
Next thing I know i'm in the hospital a smiling girl at me side
"Who are you?"
"I'm Sylvia I was your ride."
So many emotions I never felt before.
Happiness, greatfulness, and many more.
I got out the next day and there she was
My parents didn't pretend to care but I know she does
I gave her a hug and run into my home
I no longer felt alone
Someone in this word actually cared
Thats all for now so be glad i shared