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Na Na Na Premiere Coverage from Noteworthy: A Critical Podcast

Gerard Way Jr
Gerard Way Jr
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 32
October 18th, 2010 at 02:08am

I don't know where I should've put this; I supposed "media" would be as appropriate as it gets. Maybe one of the Fanmade forums? I dunno, if it needs to be moved, then, by all means, move it.

The latest, Episode 4, I recorded as the "Na Na Na" video premiered with another MCR fan, and it's been jumping around from place to place on the internet. XD We even got a mention on Scenes From the Life of the Girl Automatic, which is this HUGE Danger Days-related blog that I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen.

I'd really love it if you subscribed; we'll be having more My Chem-related shows, no doubt. In fact, I plan to cover the release of the album from whatever shows I go to. ^_^

Thanks much!