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Redneck Texas

Member since October 20th, 2006


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-my name is rachel.
-i play air guitar.
-my brother plays the real guitar.
-his real guitar skills are nothing compared to my air guitar skills.
-unicorns are fun!
-i support peta but im not a vegitarian.
-i have a cat named turtle.
-turtle rules your face.
-i enjoy romantic sunsets and long walks on the beach.
-that last fact isn't true.
-when it comes to music, i'll listen to almost anything. [yes, even country... and madonna]
-but i mostly listen to hardcore screamy type of stuff. [ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!]
-its suprising that mcr is one of my favorite bands.
-heat exhaustion sucks.
-that last fact has nothing to do with anything. i know.
-small local shows are way better than big huge concerts.
-i would like to meet gwen stefani so i can ask her what a "hollaback girl" is.
-i love animals but i absolutely hate birds.
-its not that i have anything against birds. but i've been deathly afraid of them since i was 6 [no im not kidding]
-i enjoy singing even though my voice sucks.
-i heart the bass.
-i have no friends on this site [yet] but im always on it anyway.
-i enjoy talking to random people.
-everytime i hear someone speak in a british accent, i cant help but laugh my ass off. they just sound so funny to me.
-on that note, i just recently found out that british people make fun of our accents. [i find that strange]
-i know ebonics.
-in ebonics form: I know e-bizzle-onics fo realz.
-high school sux!
-when i got in my first real mosh pit, i got thrown against a bunch of chairs and a giant cement wall AND i fell face first on the stage and leaving me in pain for several days. that my friends is what i consider the highlight of my life so far.
-it is possible to fall UP the stairs.
-another fact is that i just ran out of facts.
-if you have any facts about me, let me know.


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