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Jimmy Jazz

Jimmy Jazz

Member since December 5th, 2006


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you could have it so much better if you tried.


  • Don Juan Triumphant

    i got home a while ago from playing in the band for graduation. now im looking at the kittens on my porch =]

    Don Juan Triumphant, June 10th, 2009 at 10:11:06pm

  • Don Juan Triumphant

    you? haha and i wish it was cold. i like cold better than hot any day

    Don Juan Triumphant, June 9th, 2009 at 06:16:23pm

  • Don Juan Triumphant

    haha me too =]
    ive been good,
    except for the abnormally
    hot weather haha

    Don Juan Triumphant, June 9th, 2009 at 03:18:32pm

  • Don Juan Triumphant

    heyy im lynae =]
    i was just on the bands you love but no one knows thread and i was like "FINALLY! SOMEONE WHO'S HEARD OF DISCO ENSEMBLE!" hahaha so i figured id tell you that XD haha how are you this fine day?

    Don Juan Triumphant, June 2nd, 2009 at 03:38:58pm

  • Romeo Retarded

    Hyvää syntymäpäivää Anna :D

    Romeo Retarded, April 22nd, 2009 at 02:59:38pm

  • chelsea smile

    O N N E A !


    chelsea smile, April 22nd, 2009 at 01:48:02pm

  • Disorder

    kiitti mulla menee ihan hyvin [:
    hahaa,kohta alan leipomaan mokkapaloja :'D
    ja se on muuten harvinaista,koska leivon harvoin meillä mitään,koska inhoan sitä kun äiti tulee viereen antamaan kaikkia ohjeitaan ja valittaa asioista jotka teen muka väärin -.-
    itselläs ?

    Disorder, November 15th, 2008 at 06:58:01am

  • Disorder

    love your profile *__* !

    Disorder, November 8th, 2008 at 06:17:40pm

  • PiNkFlAmE

    Moi Anna!!! <333

    first of all i'm sorry for my huge delay but when i came back from my holidays i immediately re-started to go back to university and i don't have a lot of time to stay on INO...unfortunately :(
    but i can't complain because during the summer i could rest a bit!

    WHAT?! you're going to London?!!! (or are you already there? because i saw you changed your location XD ) and for a year?? that's superrrrrr COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
    i'm sure you are excited!!! i hope it will be a wonderful experience! <3

    i'm waiting impatiently the new TR in italy the release is tomorrow (the 3rd of october) still few hours!!! ^^ ....but i confess that i've already listened to all the songs .....and i almost know all of them by heart! XD ooops! i couldn't resist anymore after so many years without them!!!

    anyway yes! i've already seen them....but just twice :( and for the new tour they should come here around february...but nothing is confirmed yet! =/

    i saw that there are several gigs in finland...and i'm really sorry that you can't go! :(
    btw how many times have you seen them live?

    i really hope you are doing well! <333


    PiNkFlAmE, October 2nd, 2008 at 02:13:29pm

  • November Rain

    Niin no en tiiä. En kehtais kauheasti isäntäperheeltä tai liideriltä sellasia kysellä. :''DD Lontoon kielimatka-esittelyssä tosin sanottiin, jotain, että jos oot tarpeeksi onnekas, voit nähdä suosikkibändisi Wembleyllä. Se vaan, että Losi on vähän isompi kuin Lontoo, kun metropolialueella asuu yli 12 miljoonaa ihmistä, eikä julkistaliikennettä taida olla nimeksikään, että se on vähän hankalampaa sitten se poistulo. D: Ellei justiinsa sitten satu asumaan Long Beachilla, että ei olis ku parin kilsan kävelymatka.
    Äh, no voi. D: Mä en kyllä niin paljoa tykkää niistä, mutmut. Mut toivottavasti tekevät. :)
    Aww, mut nuo kuvat Ianista on kyllä niin söpöjä. :') He he.

    November Rain, September 29th, 2008 at 12:56:43pm

  • November Rain

    Oo, kiva uusi profiili. :'D
    Hitto sullaki tuo keikkalista vaan kasvaa. Epistä. 8( Mä en ole edes varma, että pääsisinkö Kaliforniassa edes käymään missään... siellä ku on joka viikko jotaki. Periaatteessahan se ei oo kiellettyä, mutta pitäis tietää ne kotiintuloajat. :o

    November Rain, September 27th, 2008 at 07:39:54am

  • November Rain

    No mä oon iloinen siitä, että mun naaman paikalla on hienompi naama. 8) Ja mun kuvassa mun pää heiluu sen olkapäällä, lulz. Oliskin. *insert tehe here*

    November Rain, September 25th, 2008 at 04:37:48am

  • November Rain

    Onneksi mun naama ei näy tossa meet and greet-kuvassa. Saan kiittää Johnnya siitä. :o Olis muuten niin ylijärkyttävä.

    November Rain, September 24th, 2008 at 10:34:06am

  • PiNkFlAmE

    MOiiiii Anna!!! <3

    yeah!!!! i'm so happy to be on holidays (finally!) least some weeks of break before starting again >.<
    well uni will re-start in the middle of september (more or less) so i still have some days of freedom! lol

    and i think that is a good idea that you take a year's you still have some time to think about what are you gonna study at uni (if you are not sure yet) and you will be defenitely more relaxed . And i say it because last year when i started uni...immediately after finishing the highschool , was very hard (especially during the first months) because ,in my opinion, you still have a bit of tiredness of the final exams

    and aww i'm sorry the weather is not so good in finland! =(
    instead here some days are too much HOT ,really. and when it's like that the heat is annoying because it becomes very hard going around or sleeping during the night!
    so yeah! sometimes is too much!!!

    but now only work for you :( ..or also a bit of holidays?

    i hope you're doing well!!!! <3



    PiNkFlAmE, August 12th, 2008 at 03:45:03pm

  • Mmai

    mooiii :-)
    mitä kuuluu? Smiley

    Mmai, August 9th, 2008 at 08:00:51am

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