
- Name:
- chloweee
- Age:
- 30
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Gangstaavile
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welcome to my ino page, i have been on ino for about 1year and a half or something and got bored after a while and moved onto Mibba, where i also go bored. I still have my Mibba but never use it, as you can probally tell, i'm back on ino and would love to meet and talk to new people.
Since being on ino to start with, i have met and talked to some amzing people, Ashley and Sophii are probally the closets people off here. i love them too lots <3.
Now, lets talk about me (:
My name is chlowee, its like chloe but spelt Diffrently.ilive in surbion in surrey, near london. My birthday is April 25th and im a twin.My favourite color is Orange i have 5 piercing in left ear and have a 12 mm stecher in the right ear. I don't do drugs or drink every friday because people say its 'cool', its not, its stipid. i love piercings even though i dont have many, i plan on getting my lip and septum pierced this year. Im quite a confident person and don't care on other peoples oppinions on me. I do like to meet new people and have made many amazing friends in my life, i have also made some enimies but don't we all? I usually act like a child and i can get over excited easily. i'm vegetarian also. i get hyper really easy, even if i don't want to go hyper. My spanish lessons always make me hyper.
<3 (:
windy days, long walks, cuddles, holding hands,photography, museums, art & design, high fashion, clothes, meeting/ talking to new people, Experimenting with make up. my hair big, piercings and tattoos, Music, shoes, smiles, horse riding, talking like a ned, being a gangsta, funny people, soppy love films & songs, the summer, clothes, ear steching, tv, kids tv, bus rides,
</3 ):
fakes, liars, mean people, animal cruelty, science, school, bullies, paramore, fall out boy, boring people, wonna be wags, smoking, drugs, people who are all talk, stuck up people, racis people, pop ups, war, poverty, boring tv,
Heros..icons.. insprations
Frank Iero
Gerardway Mikey way Bob bryar Ray toro the used Marilyn monroe Tim Burton Audrey Kitchen Lee Evans Kate moss Russell brand The mighty boosh simon cowell Little Jimmy Urine Paris Hilton
Music is yumm
My chemical romance, the used, Paris Hilton, Escape the fate, three days grace, breaking benjamin, Tokio hotel, panic at the disco, An cafe, Green day, Duffy, Aiden, Bring me the horion, Hawthorne heights, Queen, Leathermouth, Pencey prep, the all american rejects, AntiFlag, bowling for soup, AFI, mindless self indulgence, Sex pistols, you me at six, Busted, You, me at six, The black out, Billy tallent, and loads more. one day i will write out my itunes list (:
MCR <3
My chemical romance are amazing, i feel i ow them alot, there have been times i felt like quiting and giving up, but i havn't because they say they are 'a band to save your life' and i want them to live up to that, they have lived up to it. my aim in life is too meet them, actually talk to them, tell the guys from mcr what they mean to me. Their Music is so meaning full, so genuin, so emotional. The music they all make together is awsome, i love the way the three diffrent guitar sounds work well together, the way Bob plays those drums like there is no tomorrow, the way Gerards voice fits with the whole mood of the siong, no matter what song. They play with their heart and soul & have made something they should all be proud of. My chem have been my favourite band since year 7 when i met my friend Lotte, she made me lisern to them and i loved the sound from the moment i heard it, i still love it now maybe even more. You know, im writing this and really can not think of the words that describe how much they mean to me, what i do think of doesn't come close to how much i love them. The five guys that make them who they are, are some of the most amazing people in the world. I Love them so much & hope i always will, if i don't im stupid. God, My chemical romance, i love you and owe you all so much.
Well, this was my attempt at my new profile, i have updated it too this just to swipe out all my old info, thats not me anymore, this is the new and improved Chlowee Elizabeth Painter (:
welcome to my ino page, i have been on ino for about 1year and a half or something and got bored after a while and moved onto Mibba, where i also go bored. I still have my Mibba but never use it, as you can probally tell, i'm back on ino and would love to meet and talk to new people.
Since being on ino to start with, i have met and talked to some amzing people, Ashley and Sophii are probally the closets people off here. i love them too lots <3.
Now, lets talk about me (:
My name is chlowee, its like chloe but spelt Diffrently.ilive in surbion in surrey, near london. My birthday is April 25th and im a twin.My favourite color is Orange i have 5 piercing in left ear and have a 12 mm stecher in the right ear. I don't do drugs or drink every friday because people say its 'cool', its not, its stipid. i love piercings even though i dont have many, i plan on getting my lip and septum pierced this year. Im quite a confident person and don't care on other peoples oppinions on me. I do like to meet new people and have made many amazing friends in my life, i have also made some enimies but don't we all? I usually act like a child and i can get over excited easily. i'm vegetarian also. i get hyper really easy, even if i don't want to go hyper. My spanish lessons always make me hyper.
<3 (:
windy days, long walks, cuddles, holding hands,photography, museums, art & design, high fashion, clothes, meeting/ talking to new people, Experimenting with make up. my hair big, piercings and tattoos, Music, shoes, smiles, horse riding, talking like a ned, being a gangsta, funny people, soppy love films & songs, the summer, clothes, ear steching, tv, kids tv, bus rides,
</3 ):
fakes, liars, mean people, animal cruelty, science, school, bullies, paramore, fall out boy, boring people, wonna be wags, smoking, drugs, people who are all talk, stuck up people, racis people, pop ups, war, poverty, boring tv,
Heros..icons.. insprations
Frank Iero
Gerardway Mikey way Bob bryar Ray toro the used Marilyn monroe Tim Burton Audrey Kitchen Lee Evans Kate moss Russell brand The mighty boosh simon cowell Little Jimmy Urine Paris Hilton
Music is yumm
My chemical romance, the used, Paris Hilton, Escape the fate, three days grace, breaking benjamin, Tokio hotel, panic at the disco, An cafe, Green day, Duffy, Aiden, Bring me the horion, Hawthorne heights, Queen, Leathermouth, Pencey prep, the all american rejects, AntiFlag, bowling for soup, AFI, mindless self indulgence, Sex pistols, you me at six, Busted, You, me at six, The black out, Billy tallent, and loads more. one day i will write out my itunes list (:
MCR <3
My chemical romance are amazing, i feel i ow them alot, there have been times i felt like quiting and giving up, but i havn't because they say they are 'a band to save your life' and i want them to live up to that, they have lived up to it. my aim in life is too meet them, actually talk to them, tell the guys from mcr what they mean to me. Their Music is so meaning full, so genuin, so emotional. The music they all make together is awsome, i love the way the three diffrent guitar sounds work well together, the way Bob plays those drums like there is no tomorrow, the way Gerards voice fits with the whole mood of the siong, no matter what song. They play with their heart and soul & have made something they should all be proud of. My chem have been my favourite band since year 7 when i met my friend Lotte, she made me lisern to them and i loved the sound from the moment i heard it, i still love it now maybe even more. You know, im writing this and really can not think of the words that describe how much they mean to me, what i do think of doesn't come close to how much i love them. The five guys that make them who they are, are some of the most amazing people in the world. I Love them so much & hope i always will, if i don't im stupid. God, My chemical romance, i love you and owe you all so much.
Well, this was my attempt at my new profile, i have updated it too this just to swipe out all my old info, thats not me anymore, this is the new and improved Chlowee Elizabeth Painter (:
HAPPY BIRFDAY 2 CHLOWEEE HAPPY BIRFDAY 2 CHLOWEE HAPPY BIRFDAY 2 CHLOWEEE HAPPY BIRFDAY 2 YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehe my birthday is a 2 weeks from tomorrow!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! hehe xD
SevenDifferentShades, April 24th, 2008 at 09:56:23am
hey... Im new... Visit my Profile
Angie Dawn, March 19th, 2008 at 03:44:59pm
the remembered one., January 12th, 2008 at 10:09:13am
haha ur my b*tch now
u and ur kick ass pruple pants
my god I want those pants SOOOOOOO BADDD
SevenDifferentShades, October 13th, 2007 at 07:03:11am