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Amber Q
hastings, england

Member since February 7th, 2007



well my names amber... of coarse....
and im 13 and emo, say what you want i dont care because life is short...
im obsessed about MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, my bedroom walls are covered in posters of mcr there isn't a gap on the walls that aren't covered....
As soon as i heard mcr i was on the phone to my mates, talking about making a band and were still going strong... and so far we have composed and recorded(at our school) 4 songs.. which is good for us because were always in trouble or we are revising for tests and exams, so we only get to practice about once maybe twice a week.. and my first drumming lesson i had was when i went to see slipknot in concret and i met joey jordison, hes an ace drummer, but shamefully not as good as bob(mcr)
..................... my favourite band member of mcr is frank iero and if i got to meet him i would drop down dead, cause hes so dreamy and my mate wants his guitar(pansy)
so anyway thats pretty much all i have to say about me, probably not that interesting but what the hell...


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