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Member since March 4th, 2007




i've met aly & aj, shiny toy guns [twice], angels & airwaves, forever the sickest kids, kenny from the starting line, justin from blue october, from rome to paris, david archuleta, jason castro [and got to touch his hair!], seyesha mercado, kristy lee cook, micheal johns, and chikeze.


  • Photo #13307

    Gabe Saporta from Cobra Starship and Me <3

  • Photo #13306

    Austin Bello from Forever The Sickest Kids and Me <3

  • Photo #13305

    Caleb Turman from Forever The Sickest Kids and Me <3


  • Firefly.

    Ohhhh thats not good. :/
    But if you already got them to come, she can't really say no, can she?
    Ask her when they're standing outside the door.

    Firefly., March 13th, 2008 at 12:26:03pm

  • gabriel gray;

    i'm all better nopw i passed my flu along to someone else lol.

    i just bought tickets to IKTPQ fturing [and more importantly] bring me the horizon :]

    orly? oh thatd be rad awesome :] i've heard a couple of their songs theyre pretty rad

    gabriel gray;, March 13th, 2008 at 07:24:32am

  • x-I'm Not Okay-x

    oh okay :D
    i'll listen and tell ya :D

    and it'll happen, if they say it will :P

    x-I'm Not Okay-x, March 6th, 2008 at 09:38:59am

  • joy division.

    Aw thanks! :)
    Meh, im boring you with school talk. How life apart from school?
    XOXO Hannah

    joy division., March 5th, 2008 at 03:50:25pm

  • Firefly.

    I am GREAT, amazingly awesome, etc etc. My life is working right now! Yay! *dance*

    How about you?

    Firefly., March 5th, 2008 at 10:47:09am

  • gabriel gray;

    touche :O golly, lol.

    i'm stellar, i'm just sitting in class but it's boring so i'm lurking on ino like a lurky lurker instead XD

    i have the flu and it's annoying me cause my septum ring and all >.<

    how are you?


    gabriel gray;, March 5th, 2008 at 01:17:59am

  • Fading Sanity

    Oh okay, awsome then =)
    We take it our freshmen year and then it's over *hazzah*

    Fading Sanity, March 4th, 2008 at 11:03:12pm

  • joy division.

    Ahh Thankyou ^^
    I think I just failed my maths today. I missed about 20 questions. Im sure he hasnt even taught us half of what was on the test
    XOXO Hannah

    joy division., March 4th, 2008 at 12:12:33pm

  • x-I'm Not Okay-x

    oh okay :D
    i dont think i've listened to them yet,
    I'll have to do that!
    and how was the performance?

    x-I'm Not Okay-x, March 4th, 2008 at 09:37:42am

  • Firefly.

    xD I wouldn't be able to wait either.

    Firefly., March 3rd, 2008 at 10:06:52pm

  • YoungHearts

    hey im good too thanks!
    lol xD
    i havent been on in a while

    YoungHearts, March 3rd, 2008 at 08:34:38pm

  • Fading Sanity

    hey, sorry, my internet has been acting all evil lately *grr*...
    Volleyball? That sucks =(
    But it'll be over soon =D Or do you have to take gym every year?

    Fading Sanity, March 3rd, 2008 at 04:27:35pm

  • joy division.

    Im good, you? Exams at school. Im sure they're out to kill me. *sighs* Oh well. I did update my Mibba story though. XOXO Hannah

    joy division., March 1st, 2008 at 07:10:52am

  • Mrs_Jacob_Black

    my mom didnt like that i got my lip pierced
    heres my list...
    cartlidge-i was 13
    belly button-14
    i want to get my tongue done
    this guy i knew died yesterday....

    Mrs_Jacob_Black, February 28th, 2008 at 05:12:46pm

  • Firefly.

    :O LUCKY! That's like, INSANELY lucky. Woooooow. xD

    Firefly., February 28th, 2008 at 08:51:13am

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