Lady Wicked

- Name:
- Miranda Sanderson
- Age:
- 33
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Pinedale
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- if you can find me go ahead
okay im sick of explaining this shit. miranda, 21, not looking nor interested in looking, i work at a subway doodle and play video games. i smoke to much green and ciggs and drink to much. tada. me in a nutshell
my siblings and me
Merry Christmas my Love
Jerm, December 25th, 2012 at 05:19:55am
Wellll, its more like 4 years 8 months, 3 days 9 hours and 26minutes as I write this. But whos counting :)
I would give up anything to be able to go back to that first week I was there. I never wanted to leave, you knew that. Hell you still know that. I cant try and push you into the back of my head and forget you. its just not possible. There is a part of me that always have to have you on my mind at some time during the day. Lately it has been a lot harder. I miss you Miranda, really more than you could ever know. You are my entire world. Im lost without you. you know I still send you a little prayer every single night and kiss my hand? Just like I used to and always have.
I would never break that promise to you. No matter how little we are able to keep in touch with each other I will always be there. Just like is was a couple of years ago and just like it is always going to be. When I was there, when I surprised you, I still look back and that day and cant believe I made you cry when you seen me for the first time. We both still had a lot of growing up to do then. Though, I cant imagine my future without you in it. I just cant. Its a image placed in my head and it has been there from the moment you first called me. I stand by you because I Love you Miranda.
I wouldnt say so much as ripping my heart out.. i got jealous. I was thrown into the middle of a situation that I didn't know anything about. If I had known everything would have gone down the way that it did would I have still made the trip there. You bet your f*cking ass I would. i didn't come there to cause trouble or make any one angry. I didn't come there to mess things up between you and I. A part of me was running away from here so I could be there with you. To always know that I will be able to take care of you and your family. But at the time that wasn't my place to do so.
You know your family and friends are always going to be there for you. We Love you like crazy. Truth be told you dont know how much it took for me to actually tell you what was going on with me at the doc. Things are definitely looking better now tho its something I am going to be living with for the rest of my life. Nothing to serious just really annoying at times lol. You would have to be wrong. I want you in my life always and until the end of time. Im sorry that I have ever caused you any type of pain. It kills me to know that I have caused any at all. I know I can be stubborn, but you know what, you're just as stubborn as I am. But I cant fault you for that. I've fallen in Love with you. I'm still in Love with you. You a brat.. neah :P I miss the sound of your voice you know? I haven't heard it in almost a year. You called me close to this time last year and we talked until 4am. We Laughed, we cried. We went back to being how we were. I can't think of a time I'm happier than when I get to hear from you. But most importantly of all you could tell how much in Love we still are with each other.
Things can always change my dear. Ugh, there is that word again sorry. You know you're not allowed to be sorry for anything. There is nothing to be sorry for. So smile. You know that one I Love so much? The one when all I have to do is look at you? YUP see that one right there :) I Love you with all my heart Miranda.
It's true, we could have a life together. We still can have a life together. We just need to get all our sh*t figured out first. I know it's something that I have always dreamed about with you. I still do.
I miss you too my Mira. I Love you with all my heart and my soul. I never want you not here with me in my arms or my heart. For now this is the way things have to be. I'm never far away from you. I'm always there. I always hold you tight when you're afraid. I always kiss you head when you're alseep and most importantly, I am always with you when you dream. Keep your head up baby. I Love you with all my heat.
Love always and forver,
Jerm, December 11th, 2012 at 01:07:36am
I wish things could go back to the way that they were. I'm tired of pretending like I'm happy.
I smile wide as I see her bright red face.
Knowing that my heart has finally found its place,
My Mira, my angel, my everything...
I solemn want to hold her
Alone at night I cry.
But she makes everything better, my angel in disguise
Not a day goes by without her in my head.
She's here with me each night
When we lie down for bed.
I know one day well be together,
Forever hand in hand.
Until the shadows cast, apon this wrecthed land
I'll crawl into her arms,
where I'll be safe and warm.
She's my angel in disguise.
My Mira, my angel, my everything...
I give my Love to you.
Always and forever, I exist because of you.
My angel in disguise..
Jerm, November 28th, 2012 at 08:56:41pm
Happy Thanksgiving <3
Jerm, November 22nd, 2012 at 09:24:14am
Just seen your comment, Been checking back here from time to time to see if i can get a chance to talk to you. I really miss you. Nothing much from the doc next apt is in January, No surgery was needed but I am doing rehab exercises on my knee. Everything is getting better. Hope to hear from you soon.
Jerm, November 20th, 2012 at 07:48:47am
There are so many things I wish that i could say to you but I know what they wont come out right. I know that I Love you, and that im in Love with you. I feel like the only way I can really be happy is when Im with you. And I got this funny feeling in my tummy that you feel the same. I just sit and I remember all the good times that we had together. And the not so good times. But hey thats what makes people grow stronger. When I think about your smile I can still find myself blushing. Suddenly tho my smiles turn to tears because it feels as tho I have lost you forever. I dont want to Lose you forever :( Youre the one person who makes me happiest in my life. When I got to hold you for the very first time and you didint know whether to be mad or cry or what but the look on your face was priceless. The first time I seen you there in the store I didnt know what to think. Hell you didint even know who I was at first. But I could relive that moment over and over again for the rest of my life. I know we really didint get to have a lot of crazy adventures together but the time spent with you is worth more than anything else in this world to me. Them first couple days we heaven. I spent most of my time there crying tho... After the fight. I just wish we werent so stubborn, Hell I wish I lot of things could of happened another way. But that isnt the case. All I know is Im going to wait for you and hopefully one day Ill again have you in my arms so we can relive that happiness again for the rest of our lives. You make not feel like youre much because the people who always put you down but if its one thing I tried to show you its how beautiful you really are. I mean DAMN Ive never looked at someone before and instantly blushed just because they smiled. You hold the most special place in my heart and the place is forever bonded with you. I just know this, I Love you. The day when I was playing Catch with Bugs and I heard you guys talking in the background I had to fight back tears. It was hard. I mean.. I just Love you so much and for all the things I got to do for you and the things you got to show me are just amazing. God the way you hugged me and looked at me after I told you that i wanted to come back and stay there with you for good. Its still fuzzy t me on how exactly that all changed but it doesnt matter. Ill just hold out until again one day you are here with me in my arms, Home where I know youre meant to be. And I know you feel the same. Jeez I feel like im rambling again babe. Just know... That youll always mean the world to me and that youll always be the most beautiful girl that these eyes have ever seen. Ill Love you till death and even after all that sh*t. So thank you for Loving me and I wouldnt have it any other way because in my eyes youre PERFECT and Prefect is how you shall remain,
~Love forever and Always,
Your Jerm
Jerm, April 16th, 2012 at 06:08:31am
you do that on purpose, don't you?
your lips are that dry that i just need to kiss them as your pose forces me to grab your hair... your sight made me giggle like a little girl, you're damn sexy, you know.
littleMCRmouse, February 28th, 2011 at 02:19:38pm
there is nothing better than a smile of yours
and i think the glass is not as thin as you think
so let me love you
listen, you left me waiting, i really thought you don`t love me
it`s not a secret that i was hurt, i thought, kay she`s not the one, but okay i still love her, as much as she allows it. i stoped listening to my heart and kept loving you that way. and now, i think maybe you are the one, i hope so. <3
ow how happy would i be if i really could be someone special to you, if i could be your everything
littleMCRmouse, October 31st, 2009 at 07:25:24am
goddammit what did i just say??????
Ugh oh well lol anyways dont be a stranger god no one freakin comes to see me anymore
Call me Priest, October 15th, 2009 at 01:54:58am
you don`t really want me, right?
but it`s okay
i just miss you
littleMCRmouse, October 13th, 2009 at 02:25:03pm
littleMCRmouse, October 3rd, 2009 at 10:20:53am
well thats a sh*tty reason lol
And hey no sorrys u dont need to apologize
Call me Priest, September 30th, 2009 at 01:05:30am
ugh i really hate being alone like this i really do its the worst thing for me but hey oh well i dont care how you were when you showed up its ok i didnt mind at all i can deal but hey why am i a dumbass????? Huh huh?????
Call me Priest, September 26th, 2009 at 02:05:35pm
yeah im ok it was really painful and all but i finally know how to let go thats a plus
And about sabrina im sure thats exactly what she meant but she doesnt talk to me anymore and i miss her idk why she wont message me back
Call me Priest, September 24th, 2009 at 04:56:11pm
Jerm, September 2nd, 2009 at 11:56:05am