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crazy girl

crazy girl
the weird girl with the bass
brawley california

Member since March 17th, 2007



well what can I say first of all I am 17 years old I am In a band a rock band I am the basist but so far since we are noobs we are just making cover songs I am coming up with some new material but the leader of the band is just weird about it oh well and what I like is that people are honest and cool about things and not making stuff up just to look cool in front of others cause that kinda sucks ya know and well I want to meet Mcr someday lol if my band makes it big I would be able to Razz nah I dont care about that I care about my band and meeting Mcr someday I know I will and well I would like to meet people cause this place seems cool and all ^^ well I just hope to meet all of you and thank you ^^
he is cool I love him (Crazy boy) ^^



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