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Top Hat

Top Hat
Up on Melancholy hill

Member since March 26th, 2007



------------Made Of Win. For The Win.-----------

Lets see how pretty you are with your organs hanging out and the maggots in your eye sockets
I Am Nathan.
I am Caities bitch
I am Top Hat.
I am The Black Cutlass.
I am That drummer kid with the sweet ass set up.
I am The boy with pretty girl hair.
I am That guy who goes out of his way to make people smile.
I am VERY protective of my friends. I fucking love them all.
I am a person who doesnt care for people who backstab..even myself.

Pirates beat the fuck out of Ninjas. Okay so perhaps I see the arguement on how they may win a fight..But dude...PIRATES KICK ASS!!1 Rape Pillage Plunder. For real a cutlass swipe or an ounce of lead or a yawning hole through a battered head. PIRATES OF THE BLACK TIDE.

Caitie is my bestfriend in the whole world, the bond we share is that of a fairy tale or a really good romantic movie where things get really crappy at times, but no matter the tragedy or the issues the couple perseveres and comes out stronger then the hulk all jacked up on LSD. She has become so much to me, I never want to be without her and I never will she has my heart and I have hers and ill keep it safe for eternity<3 ^^

[color=yellow] Speaking of friends I have a few of those.
Drew- The Back up Guitarist. Not only does he kick ass at guitar but that kid always has my back even when he knows im wrong that kid always knows how to turn my frown upside down. He is the friend i can tell anything to and know he wont blow it out of proportion.
James- The "Sometimes" bassist rofl. .. . . He's rad as hell that kid and i have known eachother since we used to play dragon ball z on recess lol. Now were a bit older and were playing pirates. FUCKING W007!!1 He is my best friend we have tons of fun doing absolutely nothing. Repetetive Dynasty Warriors Ftw.
Casey- The banshee singer. He may be an ass at times but only when he feels its for the best. That kid knows and feels a lot more than people may perceive.
KATE MONSTUH!!- She has been my major friend for a very long time. We have been through some terrible times together. And were going to be friends and lovers for a very long time. Very long time...<3 Shes my boo! And my babygirl.

Band is PowerThirst.we kick ass and dont bother taking names theres far too many. Band has been altered. We now run by "Archon" So far it's working. I've currently only wrote two songs though...Procrastination ftw. :]


  • safafdsgfdhfj

    One year and five months and I love you more than ever.

    safafdsgfdhfj, February 13th, 2011 at 10:12:15pm

  • safafdsgfdhfj

    Happy anniversary babyboy <3

    safafdsgfdhfj, January 9th, 2011 at 02:23:10am

  • safafdsgfdhfj


    safafdsgfdhfj, January 6th, 2011 at 01:10:14pm

  • safafdsgfdhfj


    safafdsgfdhfj, October 5th, 2009 at 10:47:12pm

  • i s2 gw

    hey:) oh i love pirates too, and ninjas but pirates are cooler :)

    i s2 gw, April 7th, 2009 at 02:04:53am

  • Cloud_Envy

    upon reaching the end of my the end of the section about me i had the sudden urge to yell "Its do or die" about 83 times. after the 83'd but before the 84'th time my father came down stairs and said "wtf?" at which point i pull a spear outta nowhere and hit him with it while yelling "Another has fallen to my spear".................................. ......................yeah those repetive phrases get in ur head and screw with ya...........................

    ( and no this didnt really happen)

    Cloud_Envy, July 11th, 2008 at 11:37:48pm

  • Cloud_Envy

    that random bit of code at the end is a nice touch

    Cloud_Envy, June 16th, 2008 at 08:24:46pm

  • DontJudgeMe7

    So the other day with you and James was......(lol) FUN! I love getting to see my babe! cal me later!

    love you!

    DontJudgeMe7, June 15th, 2008 at 01:14:47pm

  • DontJudgeMe7

    So I pretty much LOVE YOU! call me....super excited to hang with my babe

    DontJudgeMe7, June 11th, 2008 at 11:44:19pm

  • Death By Shrink

    nice dp

    Death By Shrink, June 9th, 2008 at 10:50:39am

  • Cloud_Envy

    yeah so thursday i cant do nething unless i can get home before 3:45 cuase my parents are being gay. then im workin friday and saturday night and sunday during the day

    Cloud_Envy, June 4th, 2008 at 08:44:15pm

  • Cloud_Envy

    so i read the last comment you left me and i realized is June...yeah but anyways dbz at recess was hella fun back in teh day. but now that i think about it didnt we just play it on ps2 not that long ago?

    Cloud_Envy, June 1st, 2008 at 08:29:04pm

  • DontJudgeMe7

    Hey Babe! Just thought I would Stop in and say I love you! lol get back at me babi! well I can't wait we hang out soon even though I know you work all this week. Welp get back at me hun!
    I love you babe!
    mrs. amazing! hehe

    DontJudgeMe7, May 19th, 2008 at 04:23:05pm

  • xXHearts--CollideXx

    Actually, I dont go on here all that much either,

    I miss you tho! :'(

    Do you have msn??
    You should add mmee!!

    xXHearts--CollideXx, May 19th, 2008 at 03:34:21pm

  • xXHearts--CollideXx

    Hey hun!
    how are youu!! long time
    no talk!! lol

    xXHearts--CollideXx, May 15th, 2008 at 08:05:58pm

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