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Member since April 12th, 2007



A real MCR fan:

1.Real M.C.R fans know more songs than Welcome to the Black Parade.

2.Real M.C.R fans know Gerard Way's brother's name

3.Real M.C.R fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.

4.Real M.C.R fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard's hair.

5.Real M.C.R fans know the names of everyone in the band and what they do.

6.Real M.C.R fans shop for hours just to find a jacket like the band's have for a M.C.R concert.

7.Real M.C.R fans have this on their profile

92% of the teen population likes rap and hip-hop.
If you're one of the 8% who listens to rock music, paste this in your profile.

92% of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch decided breathing wasn't cool!
Put this is your profile if you are one of the 8% who would be laughing hysterically instead.

I'm Hayley, and I'm generally a nice person. I do like to be alone on certain occasions and I like popsicles. =] My favorite band is My Chemical Romance, obviously. I have a passion for writing and always will. Wanna know more about me? Then just pm me. =]


  • yousawnothing

    Heya! Yay popsicles! :D

    yousawnothing, November 7th, 2008 at 11:18:11am

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