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Demon Child
burning in hell

Member since April 13th, 2007


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imma f***ing kill her just watch imma kill him...u wanna help...we can all kill them..them n ther lil friendz

"watcha just watch"
watch, just watch and soon she'll be dead
watch, just watch and soon he'll be dead
watch, just watch and soon we'll be dead
watch, just watch and soon you'll be dead
watch, just watch everyone IZ DEAD!!!!!!!!

why is it that you hate me?
why is it that you love me?
why is it that when you see me you go in the other direction away from me?
why is it that when you see me you continue in the same direction towards me?
why is it that when we're talking you show that you want other girls?
why is it that when we're talking you show that i'm your only girl?
why is it that you never show how much you care for me?
why is it that you always show how much you care for me?
why is it that i dont hate you as much?
why is it that i dont love you as much?
why is it that you hate me?
why is it that you love me?

"Mystery Love"
I know who you are
And everything that is about you
You don’t know me but I love you
My world is evolved around you
And you evolve around the world
You do not notice me
You are among the shadows
And the shadows are among me
I love you, yes, I love you
I would die just to hear you say
“I do” and for me to answer “I do”
I hope you love me too

"Strange Change"
Love is strange
People change
Friends become enemies
Enemies become friends

I love you
I hate you
I just can’t get over you
I gave you my soul
…and you killed it
I gave you my heart
…and you broke it
I hope you love me
I hope you hate me too

Death is a thing unknown
Some people are afraid to die
I am not afraid
I wish


1. Thou shall not put a gun to thy lover's head.
2. Thou shall be willing to die for love.
3. Thou shall seek revenge on those who wrong you.
4. Thou shall be a demolition lover.
5. Thou shall unleash the bats.
6. Thou shall protect thy lover from everything (even vampires)
7. Thou shall respect the lord, Gerard.
8. Thou shall sing the holy hymns of the chemical romance
9. Thou shall see beauty in bloody love.
10. Thou shall rock hard.

life iz hell...i live in hell...get ready for hell
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Put him on your
(*)_(*) homepage and help him on his

support da panda pweaz
(o) (o)

my name means:
I : great in bed
L : unbelievably great in bed
L : unbelievably great in bed
I : great in bed
A : you like to drink
N: you like to drink ALOT.
N: you like to drink ALOT.
A : You like to drink

D : one in a million.
E : Great in bed.
M : Great in bed.
O: awesome kisser
N: you like to drink ALOT.

C : You are really silly.
H:You have a very good personality,looks and a very good kisser
I : Great in bed.
L : Unbelievably great in bed.
D : One in a million

find out what ur name means:
A : You like to drink
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly
D : One in a million
E : Great in bed.
F : You are dead sexy
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H:You have a very good personality,looks and a very good kisser
I : Great in bed.
J : People Adore you
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Unbelievably great in bed.
M : Great in bed.
N: you like to drink ALOT.
O: awesome kisser
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Fuckin Crazy.(in a fun way)
S : Easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You are really silly.
V : You are not judgemental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Great in bed.
Z : Always ready.......

1.What time is it?9:22 am
2.When is you birthday? October 1, 1994
3.Full name? Illianna *****
4.What do you fear most? Clowns & dolls
5.What do you drive? nunya
6.Have you ever seen a ghost? yea
7.Where were you born? mo val
8.Ever been to Alaska? no
9.Ever been toilet papering, rolling or decorating trees? no duh
10.Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
11.Favorite day of the week? saturday
12.Favorite Restaurant?jack's jr. (fast food)
13.Favorite flower? black rose
14.Favorite sport to watch? football...y?
15.Favorite drink? dr.pepper
16.Favorite ice cream? cookie dough
17.Disney or Warner? disney sux booty
18.Favorite fast food restaurant? fast food/resturant
19.What color is your bedroom? you've been in there u should know
20.How many times did you fail your driving exam? comment...
21.Before this one, from whom did you get your last email from? a person...
22.What do you do most often when you are bored? write poems
23.Favorite show? dont hav 1
24.Ford or Chevy? Ford
25.What are you listening to right now? my chemical romance
26.Favorite colors? black, red, white
27.How many tattoos do you have? hehehe...wanna count?
28.Do you have any pets?
29.Which came first the chicken or the egg? uhm...the egg, because the baby chicken in the egg evolved while in there, from whatever chickens evolved from...
30.What would you like to accomplish before you die? 2 late im already dead
31.Chocolate or diamonds?

* •. .•**My Chemical Romance*..*
/.•*•.\ ¸..•¤**¤•., .•¤**¤•. *

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it's backwards...lolz =D




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