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Wolf Child

Wolf Child

Member since August 6th, 2007



I am very very weird and i carnt spell atall as you will find out from reading this. I have a older brother and we are friends but we do fight alot because he dosent like my chemical romance and i love them cos they are brilliant. My brother likes stuff from the 80's and 70's. He's quite into Qween. they're ok and i like them abit aswell. what my and my brother have in comman is we both love acient times when people lived in clans in forests. he likes swords and i like bows. We like the cronicals of ancent darkness books by michelle paver. I play guitar. i have a electric and a acoustic but i might get a new electric and a distortion pedal cos my mate has one and it sounds realy cool. my brother wants to learn how to play the bagpipes but he can sing quite well. he never dose plays or audistions but he can sing and no one knows it not even him. i only know cos he came into my room andsaid that this good song was on the raidio and sang the chorus and it sounded realy good. I want him to sing in my next band cos i just left my old one. I played lead guitar but no one else wanted to do anything so i left. I realy want to learn bass guitar then mabie I'll try drums.


  • Photo #2450

    Gerard beening held back by the other members of MCR

  • Photo #2448


  • vampireBITE

    hey its me. that person that i am.

    vampireBITE, August 29th, 2007 at 05:16:24pm

  • Toronado

    *gasp* YOU HAVE NO NAME!

    Toronado, August 21st, 2007 at 06:50:42am

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