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Member since August 8th, 2007


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Perpetual nincompoop and smellfungus. Snollygoster, quean, fatuous and a little bit rambunctious. Sometimes I lollygag.


  • the side effect

    ~mortal instruments lover here!!! fwends

    the side effect, December 27th, 2011 at 02:07:48am

  • TomSawyer

    Nevermind. I was going to ask how to get on the chat, but I figured it out. Thanks anyway(:

    TomSawyer, May 21st, 2011 at 07:54:36pm

  • TomSawyer

    HELLO! Could you help me? :3

    TomSawyer, May 7th, 2011 at 04:08:35pm

  • fire at will.


    i looked at it on a thread and saw it said MODERATOR underneath your name.
    and was like, "WUT? an 11 year old mod? crazy"

    fire at will., May 4th, 2011 at 01:23:01am

  • fire at will.

    omg jenny, i love your theme.
    and how you're now an eleven year old boy! :]

    fire at will., May 3rd, 2011 at 12:54:53am

  • brandleys;

    Merry Christmas, Jenny

    brandleys;, December 25th, 2010 at 12:21:50pm

  • ReadyFreddie.

    Haha! Hello! Wow, there is no new layout here yet... hmm...

    ReadyFreddie., September 18th, 2010 at 02:24:20pm

  • Go fuck yourself

    I'm halfway through. It's addicting! not as good as Catching Fire or the Hunger Games, but still incredible.

    Go fuck yourself, September 7th, 2010 at 08:39:02pm

  • Go fuck yourself

    Have you read Mockingjay yet?

    Go fuck yourself, August 28th, 2010 at 11:18:48am

  • Go fuck yourself

    oh I knew I was forgetting a song by her I really like. Idk, I prefer the Dresden Dolls more. I don't really understand Brian touring by himself as the Dresden Dolls.

    also, you might like Somato Sensory. their from San Diego. Look up Seeker of Youth, Victum for You. thier really good

    Go fuck yourself, May 4th, 2010 at 06:32:05pm

  • Go fuck yourself

    haha oh yeah. I'm always trying to get my boyfriend to read, but he never goes to the library. So while he's down here I'm forcing him to read multiple boks since I have school and he'll have to kill some time. i actually just recently became a nerdfighter, I love John's vlogs though his brother speaks way too fast. Looking for Alaska is incredible, you should read Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Paper Towns. I tried to read his other book Abundance of Katherines and I couldn't get into it, it was alright but nowhere near as great as his other stuff. Actually I'm excited cause their making all his books into films (except WG, WG) The Catcher in the Rye, it was weird, I love it the fact you don't have much of an actual story, it's all just one conversation in this kid's mind that's all alone, and sacred and trying to run away from those facts. Oh I've been meaning to read those for forever, next time I go to the library I'll get some of his stuff.

    I absolutely adore the Dresden Dolls, but I must say I'm not to crazy of alot of Amanda Palmer's on her own stuff, Austronaut, Leeds United and Guitar Hero are really good but other than that it's pretty mediocre. I think thier best cd is the first. If you want a book that I think goes perfectly along with the Dresden Dolls, Wonder When You'll Miss Me is like the Dresden Dolls in book form. You must listen to Circus Freak Love Triangle though, it's by Amanda Palmer and Hierosonic. It's simply amazing, Hierosonic is actually a really incredible band. Lately I've been getting more into Muse and Cursive. We have amazing taste in books and music

    Go fuck yourself, May 4th, 2010 at 11:40:24am

  • Go fuck yourself

    Oh way sweet. Yeah, unfortunately since I'm saving up I'm just waiting for the library to get it (I'll put a Hold on it so I can get it ASAP) But I plan on getting the whole series eventually and forcing my boyfriend to read them (know I'm scheming for future brithday presents etc. x3) Yeah, I did like the Hunger Games alot more, Catching Fire was good, but like the Quell and the Victory Tour seemed alittle too rushed in some places. I really love John Green (I actually got to meet him alittle while ago and he's one of the coolest people I've ever met) I love alot of books. If you like the Hunger Games you absolutely must read Unwind by Neil Shusterman that's one of my top favorites besides the ones previously mentioned are The Catcher in the Rye (I'm a total sucker for it, I've read it like 5 times), Wonder When You'll Miss Me (sadly the author was killed while she was working on her second novel) Crash into Me (my boyfriend's birthday present to me) and Looking for Alaska.
    Hmm I've never read any of his books, what has he written?

    Go fuck yourself, May 2nd, 2010 at 09:33:59pm

  • Go fuck yourself

    Haha since we both have amazing taste in books, I felt I should properly introduce myself, I'm Ali.

    And dude I can't wait for the third Hunger Games, I'm actually writing my english research paper based of it and how fragil tyrannical governments are, the tools they use to ensure thier power, etc. Those books were just pure amazing, their so thought provoking.

    Go fuck yourself, April 30th, 2010 at 08:45:57pm

  • Toaster_King


    Toaster_King, December 29th, 2009 at 07:19:39pm

  • it's all happening

    Thanks for pulling me back in :) It only took four days... hahaha. I have no willpower, I shouldn't have "left" in the first place

    it's all happening, November 19th, 2009 at 09:05:29pm

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