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Harvester of Sorrow.

Harvester of Sorrow.

Member since September 21st, 2007


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So what should I tell about myself.. well, I’m Päivi and I turn 14 this year. I live in Rovaniemi, that’s a fuckin' too small city in Finland. I can’t wait the time I’m adult. Then I'm gonna move as far away from here as possible. I have never been farther away than Estonia, so I guess u got my point? This city is in the middle of nowhere and here's absolutely nothing.
I don't get along with my family that well. I don't care. I don't have to get along with everybody if I don't want to. That's probably the reason why I don't have that much friends.
Stubborn, social, a bit vivacious, weird. Those words describes me a lot. Everybody hates me for being so stubborn, but I’m like that; if I want something, I get it. I almost always get my will through.Things I hate about myself are; I’m sometimes too out-going(I can’t say is that a good or a bad thing), I don’t always think what I do, I speak too much, I don’t speak when I should, my opinions chance a lot and if I don’t like someone, I show it.
I don't have a favorite color, but usually I wear black and red.
My hobbies are volleyball(errr..), music, drawing(I can’t draw so good) and friends. I love watching movies. I love horror movies and thrillers. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp. (my answer isn't so personal, I'm sure that almost everybody agrees with me)
I used to didn't read anything, but now I've started to visit in library more. I'm into reading biographies, and books of bands and musicgenres. Here's some good examples: Nancy, Vicious - the art of dying young, The Dirt, Please Kill Me, Punk and Johnny Rotten.
Oh yeah. And then the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. Can't wait 'til the movie.




I found MCR in the autumn of -06. First song I heard was WTTBP, and it came from MTV. I fell in love with them right away.
I don’t know the reason why I loved MCR more than anything. I think it was because their music was so unbelievable, that I didn't have enough words to describe it. The things I liked in MCR were damn great lyrics, melodies, and musical genius. I didn’t only love the music of theirs, I loved the whole band!
But nowadays for reason or another I don't listen to them that much. To be honest I almost hate listening TBP. I just don't like what Gerard became. I still watch LOTMS and listen to Revenge and Bullets, but I hate even think what they are these days. They've changed, I dunno why.
''These five guys are amazing, and I can’t stop believing to them.'' That's what I used to think. Anyway I've kinda stopped believing to them.


30 seconds to mars + ac/dc + aiden + alice in chains + apulanta + avenged sevenfold + billy talent + black flag + black sabbath + deep purple + disco ensemble + dingo + eppu normaali + escape the faith + funeral for a friend + OLD good charlotte + green day + guns n' roses + hanoi rocks + hassisen kone + in flames + kaaos + kill hannah + kiss + klamydia + korn + leathermouth + machine head + maho neitsyt + marilyn manson + metallica + mindless self indulgence + my chemical romance + mötley crüe + nirvana + panic at the disco + papa roach + paramore + peer günt + pelle miljoona + pencey prep + pink floyd + popeda + puhelinkoppi + the ramones + ratsia + refused + say anything + scorpions + the sex pistols + sixx am + slipknot + sonata arctica + stam1na + taking back sunday + the exploited + the used + the vittupäät + turmion kätilöt + whitesnake


  • jonas erik altberg.

    I've been fine.
    To be honest,i cannot remember much Finnish.
    =\ xxxxx

    jonas erik altberg., August 7th, 2008 at 07:36:51am

  • jonas erik altberg.

    I haven't been learning much Finnish.


    jonas erik altberg., August 4th, 2008 at 12:26:55pm

  • jonas erik altberg.

    Haii, i miss youuuu.
    You never talkk!

    jonas erik altberg., June 21st, 2008 at 12:10:49pm

  • jonas erik altberg.

    Oh, cool.
    I'm finding it really hard learning finnish. :|

    jonas erik altberg., May 27th, 2008 at 09:26:30am

  • jonas erik altberg.

    Yeah, thanks, you? xx

    jonas erik altberg., May 24th, 2008 at 01:28:04pm

  • black_roses_77

    hi im good how r u??

    black_roses_77, May 24th, 2008 at 01:10:14am

  • chelsea smile

    aijaa ;<
    no älä huoli ollaan sitten vitutuksen pyörteissä yhdessä ! :'D
    toivottavasti saat rotsin pian. :]
    Mulla on vielä maanantaina yhet kokeet, ruotsin kokeet, mutta sitten on
    kokeet tehty ((: thank god !

    chelsea smile, May 23rd, 2008 at 07:33:28am

  • chelsea smile

    hihii, ihan hyvää kuuluu.
    Tänään riprai tapaaminen ja vikat treenit ennen vyökoetta.
    pienoinen stressi pukkaa, kun pitäsi samaan aikaan pysytä lukemaan kahteen kokeeseen, joten päätin tulla valittamaan kiireestäni INO:oon, enkä päättännyt esim. vaikka lukea niihin kokeisiin, mutta anyway.
    Kuinkas Päivi ?
    Mitäs sinun elämääsi ? :]

    ja kiitokset kehuista. [;

    chelsea smile, May 22nd, 2008 at 09:01:54am

  • jonas erik altberg.

    Internet, and, I'm learning it hardcore, because I want to talk to you!

    jonas erik altberg., May 20th, 2008 at 11:22:38am

  • jonas erik altberg.

    should I just put: rakastan sinua
    ? xxx

    jonas erik altberg., May 16th, 2008 at 11:37:21am

  • jonas erik altberg.

    ei mikään, ...[sinä] [did i use the right grammar?]

    jonas erik altberg., May 16th, 2008 at 11:14:05am

  • jonas erik altberg.

    Täytyy harjoitella enemmän suomenkieltä.
    :'( Pidän suomenkielestä

    jonas erik altberg., May 13th, 2008 at 12:24:56pm

  • jonas erik altberg.

    Yeahhh. (:

    jonas erik altberg., May 13th, 2008 at 11:10:51am

  • Malicia

    Kiitti (: Sullakin tosi hauska!

    Malicia, May 13th, 2008 at 09:11:39am

  • kaitlyn.

    thank you : D
    i LOVE the banner on the top of your profile xD

    kaitlyn., May 12th, 2008 at 05:56:11pm

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