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little birds.

little birds.
Hamilton, New Zealand

Member since November 12th, 2007




  • Detonator.


    Lol, at least design's an easy subject, so it's not too hard to catch up. =]

    Ooh interesting. I'm doing a communications company called Chatter, sells cell phones and what not.
    I'm not sure either for photography. I guess I'll have to wait for next week when the teacher's discussing the brief; however I think I may do a series that conveys the feeling of grief and sorrow. See if I can go to a cemetery, or if I’m lucky, a funeral.

    Oh… wait I shouldn’t use the word lucky... >.<

    Yeah, the two younger siblings I was so graciously given, are complete brats i.e. they love to inform my parents of the sites I go on by reading over my shoulder... =P

    Detonator., June 15th, 2009 at 02:33:12am

  • Detonator.

    Thanks, =]

    I took pictures of my Uncle, he's a woodturner, so I basically "documented" his design process and stuff. =P

    Haha, my entire design class are weeks behind, much to the disappoint of my teacher. Then again, we're only designing business cards so it's not too hard to catch up on.

    What are you going to do for your design and photography boards?
    lol soz, the only way of communicating with people is through INO now, my Dad has so kindly blocked off all other sites, incl hotmail. >.<

    Detonator., June 14th, 2009 at 10:50:39am

  • Detonator.

    Ingenious! I never thought of that. =]

    Haha, I don't think I'll enter the competitions... too hard to keep up with deadlines... =P

    Argh. Documentary Photog assignment due on friday... haven't done my research yet.. >.<

    Detonator., June 14th, 2009 at 03:53:02am

  • Detonator.

    O.O Wow all the awards! Congrats!!

    plus how did you do the profile links for bebo and stuff, it's so professional looking!

    Detonator., May 31st, 2009 at 08:44:29am

  • Infectious Insanity

    oh hello!
    im finding SS peoples on INO. so hello!
    tis sarah, btw. =]

    Infectious Insanity, October 2nd, 2008 at 05:24:00am

  • Nothing_At_All

    'ello Rebecca!

    not that I knew it was you before you told me...

    Nothing_At_All, September 29th, 2008 at 11:43:15pm

  • Emerald Muerte

    aww thank you!!

    Yeah, Zed were totally epic. That's really cool, you're lucky you got to see them when they were still around. Haha my first concert was something along the lines of NZ Idol or Bic Runga or something xD
    Although I've seen Atlas before, nothing compares to Zed. They were the awesomest. :]

    Anyway, how are you?

    Emerald Muerte, August 2nd, 2008 at 08:33:12pm

  • Michael James Way.

    No, sadly :[
    I'll be in wellington at the time.
    I really wish I could go though.
    I was really excited.

    Michael James Way., May 21st, 2008 at 04:49:07am

  • Emerald Muerte

    x] Thanks!
    I didn't write it though. It was someone's stroke of genius on youtube I think =D
    I'm pretty good myself. Looking foward to the meet up?

    Emerald Muerte, May 16th, 2008 at 06:47:34am

  • Emerald Muerte

    Hi :]
    Thanks for accepting! I'm Emerald.
    How are you?

    Emerald Muerte, May 15th, 2008 at 05:55:53am

  • BlueOnesHelpMeFall

    oh really?
    What's you URL?


    BlueOnesHelpMeFall, May 15th, 2008 at 04:32:48am

  • xXPrincessFrankieXx

    I agree with your profile LEATHERMOUTH ARE f*ckIN AWESOME!!
    hi btw :P

    xXPrincessFrankieXx, May 1st, 2008 at 10:21:10am

  • eileen vulgaris

    hey rebecca...
    thanks for your comment and your compliment!
    someone else who likes leathermouth Smiley
    how are you?


    eileen vulgaris, April 12th, 2008 at 10:09:51am

  • alex suarez.

    Yeah me and my friend are gonna be jumping up and down lol

    alex suarez., April 8th, 2008 at 02:02:06am

  • alex suarez.

    COOL! Lol do you live in Auckland because I live in Hamilton... driving up for two hours should be fun

    alex suarez., April 6th, 2008 at 11:56:59pm

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