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Member since January 20th, 2008



  • SickLittleGames

    ps, im not dead no lol! xXx

    SickLittleGames, May 24th, 2008 at 01:06:19pm

  • SickLittleGames

    hey sunshine! sorry i was never on! i went on mibba but ill be on this more now. xXx

    SickLittleGames, May 24th, 2008 at 01:05:41pm

  • FrankIeroMCR


    *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

    rock on dudes

    FrankIeroMCR, April 26th, 2008 at 08:46:57pm

  • clau...cookies


    clau...cookies, April 19th, 2008 at 10:10:30pm

  • FrankIeroMCR

    hello ppl! say hi

    FrankIeroMCR, March 7th, 2008 at 06:51:47pm

  • FrankIeroMCR


    tonight is like all other nights
    i lay in bed wondering what i did wrong
    what did i do wrong to deserve such a life??

    tonight is like all other nights
    i stare at the newly made slits that now cover my wrists
    and i wonder what went wrong

    tonight is like all other nights
    i sit on my floor unable to mute the frightful sounds
    the sound of my sister weaping about her horrible life
    for i wish to comfort her
    but what can i say??
    nothing will change what has already happend

    tonight is like all other nights
    i lay awake praying for morning to come so i can break free of this hell house
    i'd rather be anywere but here
    anywere but here, my home
    where it takes all i have to just stay brave
    to stay brave for my beaten moter
    for my abused sister
    for myself
    to stay brave enough to rebel against my father
    i need strength.
    another night comes and it's just like every other
    i wait for morning to come
    tonight is like all other nights.

    FrankIeroMCR, February 18th, 2008 at 05:35:07pm

  • FrankIeroMCR

    "Our Lady Of Sorrows"
    We could be perfect one last night
    And die like star-crossed lovers when we fight
    And we can settle this affair
    If you would shed your yellow take my hand
    And then we'll solve the mystery of laceration gravity
    This riddle of revenge please understand it has to be this way

    Stand up f*cking tall
    Don't let them see your back
    And take my f*cking hand
    And never be afraid again

    We've only got one chance to put this at an end
    and cross the patron saint of switchblade fights
    You said we're not celebrities, we spark and fade, they die by threes
    I'll make you understand and you can trade me for an apparition

    Stand up f*cking tall
    Don't let them see your back
    And take my f*cking hand
    And never

    Trust, you said
    Who put the words in your head
    Oh how wrong we were to think
    That immortality meant never dying

    Take my f*cking hand
    Take my f*cking...

    Stand up f*cking tall
    Don't let them see your back
    And take my f*cking hand
    And never be afraid again

    Just because my hands around your throat!

    FrankIeroMCR, February 18th, 2008 at 05:16:23pm

  • Lycia Rawrrr

    so right!

    Lycia Rawrrr, February 12th, 2008 at 12:26:43am

  • FrankIeroMCR

    mcr roks

    FrankIeroMCR, January 27th, 2008 at 04:03:48pm

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