
- Name:
- saint jimmy / gonzalo bertazzo
- Age:
- 33
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Argentina, Pigüe (shit)
- PM:
- Send a private message
- Friends:
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- MSN:
- AIM:
- saintjimmy4546
something... like music (MCR, lost prophets, RHCP, Nirvana...), books(harry potters', lord of the rings, the da-vinci code...), video-games(Final Fantasy
, Frets on fire, Silent Hill...), computers(AMD, Nvidia, Acer...), anime - Manga(Full metal Alchemist, Death note, Evangelion, Saint Seiya, Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha, Shaman king...), and stuff (Heroes, Dr. House...)
Brother: Lucas (-7 years than me)
Sister: Carla (-10 years than me)
Mother: Silvia
Father: Mario
what else?
Favourite phrases: "In this world there're things that the people's mind can't understand, so they take them as heresys and chases them" (Kaworu)
"God in his heaven, All right whit the world" (Nerv HQ)
Food: Chicken
Music Hate: Cumbia :[
Real friends: 2
Suicides tries:2
People that hates me: 325 and counting on
Great movies: Tenacius D: Pick of Destiny, Residen Evil, The simpsons,Death note, Death note: the last name , and more that i don't remember...
Great ANIME movies: Evangelion: 1.0 you are [not] alone, the end of Evangelion, Evangelion: Death & Rebirth, Full Metal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala, and more that don't remember...
Great recitals in DVD: MCR: Life on the murder scene, Nirvana/Talk to me 1989 - 1993, Green Day: bullet in a Bilble and don't remember...
Top 5 songs for now: crushcrushcrush - Paramore
headfirst for Halos - My chemical Romance
Warning - Green Day
Stairway to heaven - Led zeppelin
Polly (new wave version) - Nirvana
x] Emos Rule....
x] Live With It =]
x] Not All Emos Cut
x] Not All Emos R Depressed
x] Emos R Nice People
x] Emos Dont Sit Around All Day Feeling Sorry For Themselves
x] Emos DONT Have Made Up Problems
x] Emos Have Feelings
x] Not All Emos R Bi!!
x] Emos R The Sexiest People ALIVE!!
x] Emos Do Smile
x] Emos Do Laugh

Brother: Lucas (-7 years than me)
Sister: Carla (-10 years than me)
Mother: Silvia
Father: Mario
what else?
Favourite phrases: "In this world there're things that the people's mind can't understand, so they take them as heresys and chases them" (Kaworu)
"God in his heaven, All right whit the world" (Nerv HQ)
Food: Chicken
Music Hate: Cumbia :[
Real friends: 2
Suicides tries:2
People that hates me: 325 and counting on
Great movies: Tenacius D: Pick of Destiny, Residen Evil, The simpsons,Death note, Death note: the last name , and more that i don't remember...
Great ANIME movies: Evangelion: 1.0 you are [not] alone, the end of Evangelion, Evangelion: Death & Rebirth, Full Metal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala, and more that don't remember...
Great recitals in DVD: MCR: Life on the murder scene, Nirvana/Talk to me 1989 - 1993, Green Day: bullet in a Bilble and don't remember...
Top 5 songs for now: crushcrushcrush - Paramore
headfirst for Halos - My chemical Romance
Warning - Green Day
Stairway to heaven - Led zeppelin
Polly (new wave version) - Nirvana
x] Emos Rule....
x] Live With It =]
x] Not All Emos Cut
x] Not All Emos R Depressed
x] Emos R Nice People
x] Emos Dont Sit Around All Day Feeling Sorry For Themselves
x] Emos DONT Have Made Up Problems
x] Emos Have Feelings
x] Not All Emos R Bi!!
x] Emos R The Sexiest People ALIVE!!
x] Emos Do Smile
x] Emos Do Laugh
it's been a while...
how are you?
Death By Shrink, September 18th, 2008 at 09:25:57am
i know...
Death By Shrink, August 18th, 2008 at 11:46:36pm
i know,
summer vacation sux,
atleast its raining a lot
Death By Shrink, August 8th, 2008 at 09:59:47pm
n2m, you?
Death By Shrink, August 7th, 2008 at 10:09:57pm
that's my point
Death By Shrink, August 6th, 2008 at 07:15:38pm
i hate the summer!
i like winter, but i adore the autumn
Death By Shrink, July 25th, 2008 at 08:27:48pm
mychemicalcoffee, July 25th, 2008 at 06:13:47am
not to much
bOrEd to Hell, but that happens every summer
Death By Shrink, July 23rd, 2008 at 06:04:16pm
figured i'd drop in, see how you're doing
so, how are you?
i'm good
Death By Shrink, July 22nd, 2008 at 10:27:33pm
even if ur not in canada
Death By Shrink, June 30th, 2008 at 07:19:46pm
that i can understand
Death By Shrink, June 30th, 2008 at 06:29:09pm
your last post made like no sense
recap? plz?
Death By Shrink, June 28th, 2008 at 11:34:48pm
i'm actually pretty happy right now
school's finished
i have a friend to hang out with this summer
and i will be skateboarding too
Death By Shrink, June 21st, 2008 at 07:08:48pm
i am ALWAYS right
*swells with pride*
hahahahaha, not.
Death By Shrink, June 14th, 2008 at 06:30:10pm
that's GREAT!
if we all stand-up for ourselves, maybe there'll be less suicide
Death By Shrink, June 11th, 2008 at 07:30:42pm