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Cemetery Drive

Member since May 18th, 2008



I'm Sammie. Let's see.... I'm funny, though serious. I'm childish, yet mature. Smart describes me, yet so does stupid. I'm a procrastinator, yet strive to be a perfectionist. Confusing? Oh yeah.

Here are some uninteresting, noneducational, and just plain stupid few facts about yours truly. Oh, wow:

1.) I play an Esteban guitar, but am saving up for an Epiphone Les Paul.
2.) Writing is an escape for me.
3.) Ville Valo is my idol and role model. I think he is extremely handsome, but unlike some fangirls I do not have sexual fantasies about him, and respect him. I am not like that in any way, shape, or form.
4.) Pat Matheney is kick ass.
5.) My best friends in the world star is Hand in Mine Into Your Icy Blues (though one does not come into until chapter 9 or 10).
6.) I hate taking pictures of myself, and do not know how to smile for posture. Only when I am truly smiling.
7.) This thing called guilt.. I do not have it.
8.) I laugh at the stupid imbeciles in Saw.
9.) I have but 9 facts because 9 is Gerard Way's birth date.

HIM will live on forever:


  • Killer of Sweetness

    Lol. I'm basically doing school works and on mibba and listening to music.

    Can I add you?

    In my page there's some links form my mibba en GSB. So u can add me. ^.^

    Killer of Sweetness, May 20th, 2008 at 11:51:22am

  • Killer of Sweetness

    Hehe thx. Yours nice too. =)
    Em I am really bored. surfing the internet and nothing else. Lol ^^

    Killer of Sweetness, May 19th, 2008 at 07:36:20pm

  • Killer of Sweetness

    Hey What's up?

    Killer of Sweetness, May 19th, 2008 at 01:05:56pm

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