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Mystic Young
Coud Nineā™„

Member since January 11th, 2012



Hi! My name's Mystic. But you can call me Boo, or Ivy. Smile I L.O.V.E My Chemical Romance, and there's nothing that anyone can do to stop that<3
I get laughed at just about every day for liking MCR so much, but you know what, no one can understand the feeling I have for these people, except for people in the one will EVER understand.
I first found out about MCR when my friend Karrie played Teenagers. At the time, I had NO IDEA who they were. But then, my dad's friend Frank gave me I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (in which my favorite song on it is Early Sunsets Over Monroeville) I popped it in the CD player and I L.O.V.E.D it! :3
So from then on, I was collecting all of the CD's (in which I now have all of them Wink ) and everything I draw (in some way) has to do with MCR!
Favorite songs from each album (starting with album #1!)
1.) Early Sunsets Over MonroevilleSmile
2.) I'm Not Okay (I Promise!)
3.) Sleep
4.) S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W or Vampire Money or Save Yourself, I'll Hold them Back or Summertime or Na Na Na or Sing or..well..ALL OF THEM! :3

So yeah Smile That's all ya really need to know about me.
My killjoy name! o:
Can't forget about that!
Yeah, well that's Ivy Detonation (Ivy is my middle name) and I got Detonation..because I like explosions o:


  • deadpegasus666

    hey like your style and enthusiasm for mcr. i feel pretty much the exact same WAY. although i dont have a favorite song from any album bc i LITERALLY know them all, i do prefer to listen to an occasional nanana here or the ghost of you there. ive known them since 01. i have every album, TONS of merchandise, and i even have my own action figures. i know it is an obsession, but i totally understand

    deadpegasus666, March 21st, 2012 at 11:10:57pm

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