Let me see your jazz hands...
Well here it is, after a very long build up, the new INO is finally up and running! We're sure you'll agree it looks pretty awesome! A massive thanks goes to Dujo who is the mastermind behind the update and to Tarasaurus Rex! who designed the banner.
There are still some little tweaks to take place over the next few weeks so please be patient. If you have any suggestions or questions or notice any bugs etc please contact me (Tallulah; Killjoy) and I'll do what I can to sort it out.
Oh and while you're at it - check out the link on the front page to our official facebook page. Like us and get the news out about the new INO.
Some of us on the site have been here for a long time and remember INO when it was busier than it is today - however, we are certain that with your help we can make this site the best My Chemical Romance site on the interwebz....
Get the word out - let people know and invite all your friends to join INO.
Thanks for your continued support!
(and the rest of the staff)
@mychemicalblack - we have a twitter - its @imnotokaynet :)
@anna sassin - we'll try and get the chat back asap - in the meantime why dont you join the band wayt - thats always moving and very welcoming! Tell them I sent you lol :)
Thanks for the comments guys :)
Tallulah, May 16th, 2011 at 04:51:23pm
where is the chat though? Thats what I liked mostly. Talking to fellow members and making friends. Nobody is usually on the forums. Theres not much to talk about on forums anyways.
Anetunisha, May 10th, 2011 at 09:15:14am
HOLY WHOA!! I came on here to visit after a while and I can't believe my design is on here! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This is amazing!! :'D
tarasaurus rex!, May 9th, 2011 at 10:40:36pm
alena45, May 9th, 2011 at 04:23:51am
I'm loving the new look! I literally gasped when I saw it. there are a few bugs, but I'm so glad it's up and running. I don't even mind the orange. I see the profiles have changed. I'll have to reformat/change the colors in my profile, too!
um, do we have colors back on the boards?! more colors = loveliness.
Helmee Bluth, May 9th, 2011 at 03:21:41am
I'm still scoping out the new lay-out and getting used to it.
But from what I see, 'tis looking great.
You mentioned a Facebook, which is a good idea, but how about a twitter?
Might help spread the word as well. :)
Nice work on the site. *thumbs up*
MyChemicalBlack, May 7th, 2011 at 06:19:42pm
i really like it :)
tay jardine;, May 5th, 2011 at 09:04:29pm
GAHHH!!! i love it!!!
MCRisLUV, May 3rd, 2011 at 10:35:25am
The site looks awesome! The wait was completely worth it!
Hurt and Play12, May 2nd, 2011 at 08:42:33pm
its amazing. The Last one really reminded me of Black parade now its Fabulous Killjoys :D I like how colorful it is :)
Anetunisha, May 2nd, 2011 at 09:02:05am
i really like it :D
Richey Edwards., May 2nd, 2011 at 08:17:02am
the banner for me at the top is cut off.
it cuts off the "Fabulous" and "Romance"
but other than that, I love it!
fire at will., May 2nd, 2011 at 02:56:54am
I can't remember now, I remember seeing the thread around about a year or so ago, but I can't find it anymore and I can't see any posts made by me in the thread.
The problem I have is the fonts and text layout used on the banner, it's not very appealing. I do really like everything else about the new design the colours are gorgeous and compliment each other so well.
I am a type nerd, it's not my fault i'm so anal about this stuff.
The Master., May 1st, 2011 at 08:59:36pm
Did you enter the banner competition?
Tallulah, May 1st, 2011 at 08:43:15pm
I like the layout and colours, but the banner is a bit well.... uh sh*t.
The Master., May 1st, 2011 at 08:37:36pm