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Teen Pregnancy

em's lil baby girl
em's lil baby girl
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 39
January 18th, 2011 at 03:21pm
I haven't read through this thread, but I personally think teenagers should not be having children. There's far too many teenagers nowadays thinking they're smart enough to have a child, and responsible enough to raise it, when the truth is, they aren't.

Just a message for all you wannabe teen mothers out there-YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO RAISE A CHILD. DON'T DO IT.

I know there's going to be loads of teens, and those who think they are 'teens at heart' criticizing me for my opinion, but I don't care. I hate teen mothers with a passion, because none of them have a brain between them, and their kids won't have brains either, their kids will be just as stupid as they are. And we don't want stupid people breeding, do we?
fabulous killjoy.
fabulous killjoy.
Age: 32
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January 18th, 2011 at 05:32pm
I haven't read through this thread, but I personally think teenagers should not be having children. There's far too many teenagers nowadays thinking they're smart enough to have a child, and responsible enough to raise it, when the truth is, they aren't.

Just a message for all you wannabe teen mothers out there-YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO RAISE A CHILD. DON'T DO IT.

I know there's going to be loads of teens, and those who think they are 'teens at heart' criticizing me for my opinion, but I don't care. I hate teen mothers with a passion, because none of them have a brain between them, and their kids won't have brains either, their kids will be just as stupid as they are. And we don't want stupid people breeding, do we?
So angry... that's rather insulting to people, don't ya think? Please consider that the discussion forum isn't for insulting and flaming before you post...

Not every teen mother is stupid, what an unfair generalization. Many young girls take responsibility for their children and do what they need to do once they have their child. Not everything is Teen Mom, and even them some of them do actually do a good job with their kids.
Age: 30
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January 18th, 2011 at 07:49pm
What you've said is quite a sweeping generalisation. Like Lycia said, not every situation is the same. I have a good friend who is just about to become a mother and I can guarantee you that she is more intelligent and will love her child more than some older mothers. Conversely, some older mothers can be considered everything that you just wrote; stupidity is not specific to teens. Just saying.
em's lil baby girl
em's lil baby girl
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 39
January 19th, 2011 at 01:10pm
fabulous killjoy.:
So angry... that's rather insulting to people, don't ya think? Please consider that the discussion forum isn't for insulting and flaming before you post...

Not every teen mother is stupid, what an unfair generalization. Many young girls take responsibility for their children and do what they need to do once they have their child. Not everything is Teen Mom, and even them some of them do actually do a good job with their kids.

Oh OK, sorry about that. Embarassed I didn't mean to be insulting.

I know not all teen mothers are stupid, and I know some of them do take responsibility, it's just that in most in most cases, they don't. They just half raise the kid, while going off with a large selection of other men(most who are at least twice their age by the way), and spend their time with their new boyfriends instead of the babies. In fact, they just keep going, and have more and more little snot nosed brats instead of being responsible and using contraception. It's not that hard to use a condom, seriously.

What you've said is quite a sweeping generalisation. Like Lycia said, not every situation is the same. I have a good friend who is just about to become a mother and I can guarantee you that she is more intelligent and will love her child more than some older mothers. Conversely, some older mothers can be considered everything that you just wrote; stupidity is not specific to teens. Just saying

Again, I'm sorry about the generalization and that, and I accept not all teen mothers are the same. Maybe your friend will be one of those few who does do a good job at raising her children. But sadly, she will be in that tiny 0.0000000000000000000000000000001% of teen mothers who do. I know there's bad older mothers, but in my experience, they aren't as common as bad teen mothers. Teenagers just aren't meant to have babies, and like I said, condoms are so easy to use, you just get it, and stick on, not that difficult, really.

Sorry, I'm ranting again. XD I just feel very strongly about this subject.
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January 19th, 2011 at 05:58pm
You must live in a really nasty place to have witnessed this because most of the teen mothers I come in contact with actually do an alright job. My neice has a 3 year old - she managed to get her gcses, a levels and is now at university. I work in education and we have at least one pregnancy a year and those teens have, to be fair, loved and supported that child in the best way they can.

You seem to promoting a stereotype rather than looking for the reality.
em's lil baby girl
em's lil baby girl
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 39
January 22nd, 2011 at 08:29pm
Ok, I have a diffrent view on this than my uncle does.

I think teens need to be careful if they have sex, and I think its good if teens have sex, becuz it prepares us for the world around us, sex is a reality in the world, so its good to know what to expect. I feel strongly about this, but I havnt had sex yet.

But people need to be using codnoms. Theres so many risks if you dont, lik teen pregnency, and AIDS and stuff like that, and its not nice. My sisters old friend is going to have a baby in September, and I think thats horible. Shes too young, and its going to be hard.

I think people need to learn more about sex and babies and then we might not hav teen pregnancys.

OK thats my voiew on the matter. =)
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January 23rd, 2011 at 04:25am
I find, that people of low-economic status, and generally a lack of personal skill and ambition seem to be more likely to have children at a young age, instead of pursuing a career or betterment of their own life, they only find fulfillment through being a parent.

It is sad, because the more intelligent people seem to either have children later, or not at all. Values instilled in the children of a majority of these parents seem to be the same that were instilled into their parents, and so forth.

This unfortunately means that the people having the most children, younger, are generally of lower intellect and social standing, this may seem harsh, but it is the truth. Evolution fail.
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 21
January 23rd, 2011 at 09:06am
Well i think if your prepared to look after the baby it is perfectly fine if you go back to the voctorian period and before children were marrried at like 12.So if you have the money,place to live and everything you need to look after a baby there is nothing wrong with it.

Personally i don't like the whole thing of teenagers having children it takes away the whole thing of having a normal teenage life.But if yor prepared to look after the baby isn't it just the same as having a baby at like 30 ?
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January 23rd, 2011 at 10:27am
I find, that people of low-economic status, and generally a lack of personal skill and ambition seem to be more likely to have children at a young age, instead of pursuing a career or betterment of their own life, they only find fulfillment through being a parent.

It is sad, because the more intelligent people seem to either have children later, or not at all. Values instilled in the children of a majority of these parents seem to be the same that were instilled into their parents, and so forth.

This unfortunately means that the people having the most children, younger, are generally of lower intellect and social standing, this may seem harsh, but it is the truth. Evolution fail.

Again a sweeping generalisation. I'm in my 30's, a head of faculty in a high school and my partner is older than me, a designer. We had our daughter in 2009. My friend is successful Maths teacher his wife works in law and they had their first child at 19.

Not everyone fits your stereotype.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2
January 26th, 2011 at 03:27pm
Teen pregnancy is one of those topics for me where I'm on the fence. We learn about sex in school these days from a very young age, so there's no excuse for not using protection, contraception or even abstinence. Still, as teenagers, we also learn to make our own decisions and it's up to us what we do. I guess I feel that if you're mature enough to have sex, then you're mature enough to know what consequences could arise and any resulting children are your responsibility. There are always other options; there's no need to subject a child to a bad or unstable home or one without the proper budget to take care of a child.

With that said, I don't think all teenage mothers will fail. A seventeen-year-old friend of mine just gave birth a few weeks ago and I think she's going to be a great mother. There are always people beyond their years and while it's hard for anyone to take care of a baby, I don't think it's impossible for teens to be good parents. I guess we have to remember that children having children was a very common thing in older times. It wasn't unusual for someone to be fourteen, wed and already having babies. As long as a parent, no matter what age they are, puts the child's needs before their own, then I think it's okay.
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January 26th, 2011 at 04:05pm
i think teens that get pregnancy are stupid because they don't know what the heck they are doing. they just shouldn't have sex at all.
In The Murder Scene
Age: 31
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Posts: 23302
January 26th, 2011 at 07:19pm
i think teens that get pregnancy are stupid because they don't know what the heck they are doing. they just shouldn't have sex at all.
Wow, that was a very bold statement.
What about teens over the age of consent?
Or teens who believe they can cope with the responsibility of having a baby?
At nineteen, you are still a teenager, however I know people the same age who are planning to have a family. It may not be what you want to do with your life but it is almost a goal to some people and not always for the negative reasons. Not everyone 'doesn't know what the heck they're doing' and not every child to a teenager mother is a 'mistake'. In your eyes, when you turn 20 do you suddenly know what you're doing and how to raise a child? Because a lot of people don't and a lot of mothers, who are great mothers in fact, still doubt their parenting skills.
Is this LOVE?
Joining The Black Parade
Is this LOVE?
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January 30th, 2011 at 11:59am
Well I was 17 when I had my son Ryan, and 23 when I had my daughter, Emma. Would I change anything? No.
Was I in a different state of mind at 23 than 17? Of course. When I was 17, I scared shitless. And when I got pregnant again, I couldn't have been happier. Same with my husband. (who is the father of both my children, I might add)
Personally, I think if it happens, then it was meant to be. My children are my life.
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January 31st, 2011 at 12:32am
Only a teenager would be naive enough to have a child so early. Go out and live your life.
The Rumor
Awake and Unafraid
The Rumor
Age: 32
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January 31st, 2011 at 08:30am
^ Sometimes, living your life means having a baby. I mean, a lot of teen mothers can still live lives, it's just with their baby. I don't see why being a mother is always equal to being stifled. Yeah, you give up a lot but you get a lot in return.
poetic tragedy.
Awake and Unafraid
poetic tragedy.
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February 11th, 2011 at 05:27pm
i agree with The Rumor.
it kinda bothers me when people think that life is practically "over" just because you had a baby. that you should "live your life", instead. well, i kind of know what you mean, but we all have different ways about how we want our lives to be like. and therefor, i think it is wrong to say that people who doesn't want to live their life exactly like you want yours to be, isn't living their lives.

but i can sort of think that you are too young to have a baby if you don't have a job. many teenagers who think they are mature enough to have a child ends up having their parents supporting both you and the baby. if you are mature enough to have a baby, you should also be able to support it yourself, be a parent, without your parents.
Age: 27
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Posts: 1
May 12th, 2011 at 02:02pm
I personally think it's stupid. If you're a young person, surely you can't love someone enough to have their kids?
fire at will.
Damned After All
fire at will.
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May 13th, 2011 at 02:17am
You are really naive. Age is just a number. At a young age, we are able to love. We can love our family members, friends, pets. We know what love is. But we don't know what it's like to really love someone yet, but the basic love is already there. Ingrained in us from early on.
Yes, having a baby really young isn't a wise choice but then again, it is their choice. They can choose to have the baby and keep it/put it up for adoption or give it away. Not everyone is capable of bearing the responsibility of having a child but some are willing to do everything in their power to give the child everything they can.
Whether they love the person or not, that baby will mean something to them. A lot of mothers/father out there are raising a child on their own because they're partner left them or whatever. But does that make them love their child even less because of that? No.

Next time, try to think it through before you decide to put something like. It's very disrespectful to others.
Motor Baby
Age: 32
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Posts: 966
May 14th, 2011 at 07:23am
I'm not going to go through every single page in this thread, but I will say that I think it's absolutely possible to be in love at a young age. For myself, I was extremely weary on ever using the word "love" at all and I was very guarded. I didn't date just anyone and I didn't open up to people I didn't know.
I'm 19 in a few weeks and I've been with my boyfriend since I was 17. When I met him, he was my best friend and I'd never been able to meet the male version of myself before him. We complete each other, and we both hate the word love. I knew once I'd be able to fully accept that I'd want to say "I Love You" to someone, it was going to be special, and I don't regret ever doing it because our relationship just flourished after I felt safe and important knowing he loved me.
When it comes to pregnancy and making the choice to have a child, I think if you're stable in all aspects of your life (income, mentally, relationships) then I think it's absolutely wonderful to have a baby, regardless of age. Even if a single mom, gay/lesbian couple, or single dad decides he/she/they wants to raise a child and is able to, then that's great too. You have to give your child what they need in life for them to grow up with a healthy mind, body, and soul.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 28
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Posts: 101
May 24th, 2011 at 08:30am
I havent read all what the threads say, but I know thers Love, as being 14, but still kids my age having kids is just wrong, it shouldn't happen. I know someone my age that has had a kid, and I didn't think she would be up to it, being a mother and being responsible. And as she had her mother to help her and her boyfriend. She still couldn't afford to get anything without them. I think that when you have more responsibility you should have kids. Maybe when your an adult.