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matfew churlz sanduz
Shotgun Sinner
matfew churlz sanduz
Age: 33
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Posts: 9716
June 10th, 2006 at 02:57am

Yes, I know.

A lot of people don't agree with it, and I didn't say I totally agreed with it.

I know women don't deserve to be raped.

But seriously, just look at MySpace and the problems they're having with pedophiles and stuff like that. But why? BECAUSE GIRLS ARE POSTING PICTURES OF THEMSELVES THAT ARE EITHER TOO REAVELING OR MAKING THEM SEEMED OLDER THEN THEY REALLY ARE. So yes, if people are going to be dumb enough to do such things like that, then they are asking for it. It's not about if they feel comfortable with themselves like that or not. If you like wearing stuff like that, fine. But why take pictures and post them on the most public website in the world? It's simple, they want attention. And what happens when they're tricked and getting the attention from the wrong person? They're out of luck.

Now, I'm not saying it's completely the girls fault. But sometimes it is partially. Now for the women that are just walking down the street, minding their own business and they suddenly get dragged into an alley or whatever. Those are the ones that don't deserve it at all.

Those two satements are a load of shit!
No one, no matter how they dress or act, deserves to be raped.
That is the stupidest comment I've ever heard. If you don't agree with it, then why state it?!
I'm not sure how simpler I could possibly make it. If the youth of today actually believes shit like that, then we are all doomed.
I cannot believe people such as yourself, who seem to be well educated, think total bullcrap up like that!
I would understand if you were eighty and you thought that, but how old are you? 13? 17? And you honestly think that?
If you and others do, society for women is doomed for all eternity.
I seriously feel sorry for all those people who think as ignorantly as you do.
reinvent love.
Bulletproof Heart
reinvent love.
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June 10th, 2006 at 04:26am
black heart-diamond eyes:

No body asks to be raped. Be you Female, male whatever.
No one, on the face of the earth ASKS to be raped.
Women have just as much right to wear whatever they please, just as men do, and not feel like they are being perved on or targeted for assult.
Yes, this girl may not have helped her situation, but she did not go up to that man and say "Please, rape me now."
She has just as much right as anyone else on the planet to dress the way she wants.
Thats like saying all the "Emo" kids who get beat up were asking for it. I mean, they were dressing a certain way thats not seen as mainstream, so they were asking for it, right?
And it is the rapists fault. Who elses would it be?
She didn't put a gun to his head and say "Have sex with me or die." Therefore, it was his fault. He had every intention of having sex with her, willingly or not. The fact of the matter is, She was an easy target. She did not, under any circumstances, ask to be raped.
And after all this you still think she deserved it, you should go drink bleach. No one ever deserves it. No matter how ignorantly stupid they are

She never said that anybody asked for it, she said that women doing what they do on the internet might as well ask for it.
matfew churlz sanduz
Shotgun Sinner
matfew churlz sanduz
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 9716
June 10th, 2006 at 05:53am
But that is not the same thing, not at all.
Just because someone dresses or acts a certain way, does not mean they "Might as well" have asked to be raped.
I'm sorry, but that notion deeply offends me.
You would think that in this day and age, everyone has the right to wear and dress the way they want, without being afraid of being attacked or raped.
Dressing a certain way does not give anyone the right to rape or assult another human being.
It is not the same, nor is it a might as well type thing either.
Women have just as much right as men do to dress the way they want.
Tell me: If you believe that women who dress and act a certain way deserve to get raped, do you believe homosexuals deserve to be beaten up?
It's the exact same thing, isn't it?
They act a different way, therefore they deserve to be prosocuted and abused for their sexuality.
Shotgun Sinner
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June 10th, 2006 at 06:08am
What Ella said is right.

It's just like the Jewish asked to be murdered by the Nazis.

Most of you are going to go, "No, they didn't!"

Well, it's exactly the same with rape.
Sheri; on the Coast!
Always Born a Crime
Sheri; on the Coast!
Age: 37
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Posts: 5260
June 10th, 2006 at 08:33am
black heart-diamond eyes:
Dressing a certain way does not give anyone the right to rape or assult another human being.
It is not the same, nor is it a might as well type thing either.
Women have just as much right as men do to dress the way they want.
Tell me: If you believe that women who dress and act a certain way deserve to get raped, do you believe homosexuals deserve to be beaten up?
It's the exact same thing, isn't it?
They act a different way, therefore they deserve to be prosocuted and abused for their sexuality.

Well said.

Rape isn't something new, it's been here probably as long as woman have been here.

So what about back then? Tell me, how did woman "ask for it" in the 1600s? 1800s? 1300s? 1930s? Show an elbow?

Times change, clothing changes, but cruel and unprovoked acts don't change. Rape is the same thing it's been for thousands of years: a sickening act on woman (and men, but I'm looking at the woman's stand point) that somehow makes a man feel powerful and "gets him off". It has nothing to do with how someone dresses. As I tried to show you yesterday. Apparently overalls are the "hot item." I think that some of you are getting more personal and instead of saying "I hate when people dress like sluts, they should be raped" (which is what some of you are basically saying, please don't take offense to that.) you're using it as a reason for rape.
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
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Posts: 8725
June 10th, 2006 at 05:22pm

Eh. I give up.

Even though rape is very wrong, I do believe that some girls are to blame.

The Nightbeast.
Salute You in Your Grave
The Nightbeast.
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June 10th, 2006 at 05:25pm

Eh. I give up.

Even though rape is very wrong, I do believe that some girls are to blame.

Well some girls that are prostitutes are to blame for their rape. Their out there, selling their bodies, and its possible for some guy to rape you. Im just saying, they are partially to blame if their raped.
reinvent love.
Bulletproof Heart
reinvent love.
Age: 32
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Posts: 25186
June 10th, 2006 at 06:33pm
black heart-diamond eyes:
But that is not the same thing, not at all.
Just because someone dresses or acts a certain way, does not mean they "Might as well" have asked to be raped.
I'm sorry, but that notion deeply offends me.
You would think that in this day and age, everyone has the right to wear and dress the way they want, without being afraid of being attacked or raped.
Dressing a certain way does not give anyone the right to rape or assult another human being.
It is not the same, nor is it a might as well type thing either.
Women have just as much right as men do to dress the way they want.
Tell me: If you believe that women who dress and act a certain way deserve to get raped, do you believe homosexuals deserve to be beaten up?
It's the exact same thing, isn't it?
They act a different way, therefore they deserve to be prosocuted and abused for their sexuality.

1. I do agree with you on this, but I never said they should ask for rape, I said that might as well. They know what they are doing is wrong, they should pay for the consequences, although no one deserves to be raped. You do, after all, learn from your mistakes.
2. In this day and age, no, everyone does not have the right to wear and dress the way they want. What about school dress codes? Work dress codes? I think slut and whores and hoes and whatever should know what they're asking for. I'm not saying they deserve it.
3. Dressing in a certain way does not give the right to assult another human being, but it does attract attention.
4. That question really offends me. I am bi, and I have homosexual friends. It is not the same. Victims of rape are not the same as homosexuals. Victims of rape don't go through the same things as homosexuals do everyday.
5. On the last post I quoted of you, I forgot to add, If Yara got banned for saying something that I won't reapeat, you should be banned for telling someone to go drink bleach, especially someone who was only speaking their opinion.
matfew churlz sanduz
Shotgun Sinner
matfew churlz sanduz
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 9716
June 11th, 2006 at 07:51am
Smelly Pirate Hooker:

1. I do agree with you on this, but I never said they should ask for rape, I said that might as well. They know what they are doing is wrong, they should pay for the consequences, although no one deserves to be raped. You do, after all, learn from your mistakes.
2. In this day and age, no, everyone does not have the right to wear and dress the way they want. What about school dress codes? Work dress codes? I think slut and whores and hoes and whatever should know what they're asking for. I'm not saying they deserve it.
3. Dressing in a certain way does not give the right to assult another human being, but it does attract attention.
4. That question really offends me. I am bi, and I have homosexual friends. It is not the same. Victims of rape are not the same as homosexuals. Victims of rape don't go through the same things as homosexuals do everyday.
5. On the last post I quoted of you, I forgot to add, If Yara got banned for saying something that I won't reapeat, you should be banned for telling someone to go drink bleach, especially someone who was only speaking their opinion.

For starters, I never said you said that these women who supposedly dress provocatively ask for rape. Notice, I never once said that.
I do not agree with your second point. Yes, there are school and work codes, but I was not referring to life in general, I was referring to what people wear out, not schools or work dress codes. So I don't really understand the relavance to that, at all.
Yes, dressing "Like a slut" will gain you attention, but did you ever consider that that might be the point? People who dress in revealing clothing obviously want the attention of others, other wise they wouldn't dress that way, would they?
Of course it is the same. If Prostitutes or "Sluts, whores and hoes" as you so charmingly put it, are going to be prosicuted for their "lack of morals" and their "sexual paterns", why is it any different for homosexuals?
And as for me telling someone to drink bleach, was that comment directed to you? Did it have anything to do with you at all?
If I'm going to get banned, then I'm sure Yara [who is the mod of this forum] would have told Dujo to ban me by now.
And if Yara said something so terrible to mention and got banned for it, why in gods name would I get banned for saying something like that? There was no profanity used, and I didn't break any rules.
Just because I rub you up the wrong way, does not mean I deserve to get banned. And certainly not for saying something that does not even concern you, and not getting any complaints or warnings from moderators.
You have no reasoning behind wanting me banned, other then you not liking me.
And if thats all you can some up with:
Go suck on a bible.
Sheri; on the Coast!
Always Born a Crime
Sheri; on the Coast!
Age: 37
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Posts: 5260
June 11th, 2006 at 12:25pm
5. On the last post I quoted of you, I forgot to add, If Yara got banned for saying something that I won't reapeat, you should be banned for telling someone to go drink bleach, especially someone who was only speaking their opinion.

Reason 5. has nothing to do with the subject.

Leave your personal vendettas against others out of this thread, k?
Yara; wtf...
Shotgun Sinner
Yara; wtf...
Age: 42
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June 11th, 2006 at 02:06pm
Yara; wtf...
Shotgun Sinner
Yara; wtf...
Age: 42
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Posts: 9205
June 11th, 2006 at 02:07pm
If you guys can't accept others opinions, I will have to lock this thread.
assiralc talc
Really Not Okay
assiralc talc
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June 11th, 2006 at 03:28pm
Tori! Is so last summer.:
I know women don't deserve to be raped.

But seriously, just look at MySpace and the problems they're having with pedophiles and stuff like that. But why? BECAUSE GIRLS ARE POSTING PICTURES OF THEMSELVES THAT ARE EITHER TOO REAVELING OR MAKING THEM SEEMED OLDER THEN THEY REALLY ARE. So yes, if people are going to be dumb enough to do such things like that, then they are asking for it. It's not about if they feel comfortable with themselves like that or not. If you like wearing stuff like that, fine. But why take pictures and post them on the most public website in the world? It's simple, they want attention. And what happens when they're tricked and getting the attention from the wrong person? They're out of luck.

Now, I'm not saying it's completely the girls fault. But sometimes it is partially.

Let me familiarise you with a general definition of 'rape':
-- The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
-- Unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception.

^Notice deception. Using your example of the 'sluts' on myspace. They post revealing pictures of themselves, yes, they want attention. They want people to leave comments and say "My god, you're gorgeous". They're NOT asking to be raped. They're not asking a peadophile to track them down and attack them. Maybe that kind of profile does attract that kind of undesirable attention. But I really don't believe any of them are asking for that kind of thing to happen to them. As some people have already said, you can't 'ask' to be raped. Because that would mean you consent.

I can't believe people still stick to the Victorian attitude that sexually agressive/active females are asking to/deserve to be raped. Do men 'ask' to be raped? No, so can we stop with the double standard please. Would you say men who dress provocatively are begging to be raped? If people stick to this value, what kind of message does that send to would-be rapists? It's telling them it's ok to rape, because it's not their fault. It IS their fault, because they're the one doing the action. Why are the victims being blamed?

Rape is an act of violence. It's forcibly having sex with someone who doesn't want to. That's how black heart-diamond eyes comparison comes into it; it's an act of aggression, just like beating up homosexuals is.
Bleeding on the Floor
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June 11th, 2006 at 03:51pm
Someone asked about opinions of abusive relationships...
When I was 15 or 16 a friend came to me and told me that her friend beats her.. a lot.... I asked her why she didn´t leave him... and she told me that she loved him. At that time I didn´t understand it... staying with someone who hurt you?!
5 years later I was in the same position... all bad that you can imagine... beating me up, rape, manipulation, he tried to kill me more than once... and I stayed... not because I loved him... far away from it... I was scared... scared that he would do something to my family, my friends... I totally turned into another person... watching my every move, every word, every look... always trying not to make him mad... most of the time I failed (it wasn´t my fault, he was a psycho... NOW I know that)... it took me almost three years, including broken bones, lacerations, a concussion without a doctor ( I still have problems with my left ear) and nightmares...
Then he let me go...
I still have nightmares about him...panikattacks... it´s now almost 5 years ago... some people say that I need a therapist... I don´t think I can do that...
I changed in that time... Before I was an very outgoing person... made friends very fast... had a lot of fun...
miss girl.
miss girl.
Age: 31
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June 21st, 2006 at 03:37pm
i dont know why it happens, but i would like advice on what someone should do if they're sister was raped. my best friend in the whole world's sister was raped by her boyfriend. this guys has been to court several times before. my friend suggested the police, and his sister yelled at him and she said she was scared he will come after her. she blamed the whole thing on herself, and starting to hurt herself. i need to know what i could tell my friend what he could do to help. i suggested the police but his sister said she will never forgive him if he tells the police. please help. i dont want my friend or his sister to have to go through this and suffer anymore, and i dont want this guy to get away with it.
miss girl.
miss girl.
Age: 31
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Posts: 3022
June 21st, 2006 at 03:44pm
i dont think it always has something to do with the ways you dress. i wear baggy clothes, band tees, chains, boyshorts, and that sort, and my ex tried to rape me. im not the most attractive person ever, in fact im often mistaken for a guy, and i dont have much a 'figure' either. i dont know why he tried to. i guess its just cause some people are disgusting sex-hungry desperate people that take the first person they find and try to rape them. its gross and it can happen to anyone. not just sluts and busty sexy girls, but even emo girls who look like dudes.
Thnks fr th vnm
Demolition Lover
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June 21st, 2006 at 03:45pm
new jersey:
i dont know why it happens, but i would like advice on what someone should do if they're sister was raped. my best friend in the whole world's sister was raped by her boyfriend. this guys has been to court several times before. my friend suggested the police, and his sister yelled at him and she said she was scared he will come after her. she blamed the whole thing on herself, and starting to hurt herself. i need to know what i could tell my friend what he could do to help. i suggested the police but his sister said she will never forgive him if he tells the police. please help. i dont want my friend or his sister to have to go through this and suffer anymore, and i dont want this guy to get away with it.

Of course she'd be afraid to go to the police. Wouldn't you? You just have to put yourelf in her place, only for a moment, and think how she's feeling.
The only advice I can give is get her to go to the police. It' the only way he'll get stopped. Think of the any other possible victims. How many other girls could he have terrified, and are too scared to tell the police. He's sick. He needs to be stopped.
miss girl.
miss girl.
Age: 31
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Posts: 3022
June 21st, 2006 at 03:54pm
r o c k s t a r:
new jersey:
i dont know why it happens, but i would like advice on what someone should do if they're sister was raped. my best friend in the whole world's sister was raped by her boyfriend. this guys has been to court several times before. my friend suggested the police, and his sister yelled at him and she said she was scared he will come after her. she blamed the whole thing on herself, and starting to hurt herself. i need to know what i could tell my friend what he could do to help. i suggested the police but his sister said she will never forgive him if he tells the police. please help. i dont want my friend or his sister to have to go through this and suffer anymore, and i dont want this guy to get away with it.

Of course she'd be afraid to go to the police. Wouldn't you? You just have to put yourelf in her place, only for a moment, and think how she's feeling.
The only advice I can give is get her to go to the police. It' the only way he'll get stopped. Think of the any other possible victims. How many other girls could he have terrified, and are too scared to tell the police. He's sick. He needs to be stopped.

i tried to convince my friend to tell the police, he tried to cinvince her to go to the police, but she knows if he has gotten away with it before what makes this time any different? im good friends with our city's sheriff, and he would tell me and my friend Shane about how he arrested this guy for raping a girl a bloke away from our neightborhood. it was the boys first time in court for anything, and they arrested him. 5 years in jail for it.

i understand how she feels, after my boyfriend tried to rape me (as if that wasnt enough) i didnt leave the house cause i was scared he would win and rape me. but the police are there to help. he cant get away with it. i dont want other innnocent girls being raped by this guy. if he can do it again and again without being caught, what makes you think he will stop now?
Hubert Cumberdale
Always Born a Crime
Hubert Cumberdale
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June 21st, 2006 at 04:00pm
new jersey:
i dont know why it happens, but i would like advice on what someone should do if they're sister was raped. my best friend in the whole world's sister was raped by her boyfriend. this guys has been to court several times before. my friend suggested the police, and his sister yelled at him and she said she was scared he will come after her. she blamed the whole thing on herself, and starting to hurt herself. i need to know what i could tell my friend what he could do to help. i suggested the police but his sister said she will never forgive him if he tells the police. please help. i dont want my friend or his sister to have to go through this and suffer anymore, and i dont want this guy to get away with it.

Tell your friend that you're there for her and she can confide in you.
Because when I was molested; I had no one to talk to, no one to tell my feelings to.
She has to know that it's not, in any way, shape or form, her fault. Her boyfriend is a sick man and needs to be put in prision.
I didn't tell anyone I was molested for 4 and a half years, and it was continuing when I told. My molester never went to prision, and he was my cousin.
She needs to tell the police that this guy raped her, because it's one of the most terrible things that could happen to a person. The physical and emotional pain is simply unbearable.
If she won't go to the police, get her parents into it or go to the autorities yourself. This guy needs to be punished.

One tip; Don't tell her that you "understand". Just say that you're there if she needs to talk or needs help.
Thnks fr th vnm
Demolition Lover
Thnks fr th vnm
Age: 35
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Posts: 15766
June 21st, 2006 at 04:03pm
new jersey:

i tried to convince my friend to tell the police, he tried to cinvince her to go to the police, but she knows if he has gotten away with it before what makes this time any different? im good friends with our city's sheriff, and he would tell me and my friend Shane about how he arrested this guy for raping a girl a bloke away from our neightborhood. it was the boys first time in court for anything, and they arrested him. 5 years in jail for it.

i understand how she feels, after my boyfriend tried to rape me (as if that wasnt enough) i didnt leave the house cause i was scared he would win and rape me. but the police are there to help. he cant get away with it. i dont want other innnocent girls being raped by this guy. if he can do it again and again without being caught, what makes you think he will stop now?

He may never stop, but if someone goes to the police, maybe more people can come forward. No one deserves to live in fear of their own lives because of some sick pig. No one asks to be raped.