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Awake and Unafraid
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 12993
November 17th, 2006 at 08:39am
80% of all rapes (statistic from Sweden) happens in the home/somewhere you're safe
by someone close, like a father/uncle/boyfriend etc.

But they asked rapists in jail, what it was about the victim that
made the rapist want to rape her. It wasn't the clothes, it wasn't
if she was drunk or not. It was how she acted. She looked like she
was an easy victim. How she walked, the way she said no. He felt
like he could have power over her.

It's neverevernever the woman's fault if she gets raped.
la la la
la la la
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 11
November 17th, 2006 at 10:11am
why are ppl just talking about it?
why dont all the ppl talking about it actually do something?
Age: -
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Posts: 15
November 17th, 2006 at 12:44pm
I can't believe how retarded guys can be. I mean, "Asking to get raped"?? How fucking retarded is that?!?! Women are free to dress as they like, but the result should not be rape. The result should be her feeling perfectly fine about the way she looks. NOT RAPE.
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 8293
November 17th, 2006 at 12:57pm
^You two, this is a serious discussion. There is no spam or profanity here. Please read the rules of the Discussion Board before posting.


In all the places in all the world, no other creature is quite so free or quite so stupid as Man. Humans are the only animals that are capeable of rape. In the animal kingdom, it is always the females that make the choice; if an unwanted male is interested in her, she moves away or turns and strikes at him. It is survival of the fittist, and the females are always the ones that insure that, by being very selective about the other genetic contributions to the babies she will carry.

Only man is capeable of rape. Our minds have evolved in such a way as to let idea override instinct, and though that has freed us to things like technology, linear thinking, and foresight, it has damned us by providing an opening for our thoughts and urges to twist.

Rape is as much mental as it is physical, at least for the rapist. They have to enjoy and be aroused by what they are doing, or they wouldn't do it. For some, it is the control over another. For others, it is just the sex. For still others it is the struggle.

But no other animal than man is mentally capeable of Rape.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 12993
November 17th, 2006 at 03:03pm
A woman should be able to walk naked through a football team
without getting raped. Unfortunately, our world is an unfair place
where women are forced to limit their living space, so they won't
be raped. It's all bullcrap to me!
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 52
November 18th, 2006 at 04:46am
Rape often happens to the victim because they come across as vunerable or an easy target and it is often done by a family member,family friend,boyfriend/friend etc.
They choice the girl because she is vunerable which means she is less likely to tell someone else.
Thats displays gutlessness on the rapist's part!
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Posts: 1307
November 18th, 2006 at 06:57am

In all the places in all the world, no other creature is quite so free or quite so stupid as Man. Humans are the only animals that are capeable of rape.

I do understand what you are saying, but its not entirely true. For example It has been well documented that dolphins are known to "rape" and "gang rape" unwanting female dolphins. This has been found out during countless scientific studies, yet the reason for this occurance, although debated, has never been decided upon conclusivly, there are many different theories.

Dolpins we must also remember are extreemly intelligent creatures, they communicate using sonar and know exactally what they are doing!

So I presume that rape is certainly not species specific, and I havent looked it up any further, but I would guess that it more than just humans and dolphins that partake in this disgusting act.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Posts: 1307
November 18th, 2006 at 07:00am
Santa's little narin:
A woman should be able to walk naked through a football team
without getting raped. Unfortunately, our world is an unfair place
where women are forced to limit their living space, so they won't
be raped. It's all bullcrap to me!

I couldnt agree more. And women who say "oh she deserved it because of her clothes" disgust me just about as much as the rapists.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 12993
November 18th, 2006 at 10:08am
Nowadays people in court (if it actually comes that far, because
let's face it, way too little cases of rape go as far as to court), have
the guts to actually ask the girl "did you say no?" And then
"did he understand that you said no?" It's absolutely disgusting.
It's not like I want to be raped in some bush by some complete
stranger. Seriously. You shouldn't even have to say no.
xXDr. KrazyXx
Fabulous Killjoy
xXDr. KrazyXx
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 120
November 24th, 2006 at 03:12pm
The thing with rape is, sometimes, what is considered rape should NOT be considered rape. As in, if a woman is drunk, and she wants it at the time, how is it rape? Was she not willing at the moment? And with estagitory rape (or when a minor has sex with someone over age). Well, if that's what the kid wants, let them do what they want. Isn't it their choice? In other cases, mental disorders can cause rape. Also, sexual deprivation. I don't think it makes it okay, because it will never be okay. But, when they illegalized prostitution, that caused higher levels of sexual deprivation. Also, porn can cause sexual deprivation to be harder to deal with.
xXDr. KrazyXx
Fabulous Killjoy
xXDr. KrazyXx
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 120
November 24th, 2006 at 03:13pm
why are ppl just talking about it?
why dont all the ppl talking about it actually do something?
It's not like we can do something. What are we suppose to do, look into the future and know that they are going to do it, then stop it?
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 10
November 25th, 2006 at 04:00pm
I personally, find that mostly its men that will rape a woman. It is pretty rare that a woman would rape a man, for the fact of pregnancy. Woman are capable of anything they put their minds to, but we aren't stupid. And, they possibly don't mainly hear about woman raping men, because the men never really mind it. If it was.. a sexy dependant woman who had sex with them, or forced sex upon them. They would enjoy it.
I've nearly been a victim of rape, and I guess, it's just a scary experience.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 39
December 15th, 2006 at 08:00pm
no matter
how you dress
or how much you had to drink
no body
no matter who they are
deservs to be forced into anything
like sex
or anything els
it's descusting
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1010
December 15th, 2006 at 09:59pm
rape is just wrong i feel that yes a woman is teasing or tempting a man if shes dressing provocative or wasted but that is no reason at all to rape her the feeling of rape is a strong sickening feeling but just as men who molest people with will power you can overcome these feelings
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 79
December 16th, 2006 at 04:57pm
As in, if a woman is drunk, and she wants it at the time, how is it rape? Was she not willing at the moment?

well if the woman was drunk,then it may mean that she isnt thinking straight and therefore didn't actually know what she was letting herself into.

and on the whole "asking for rape"thing,im just going to repeat what has been said a million times! no-one asks for rape, and if they did ask for it,it would mean they are willing and therefore it isnt considered rape.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 79
December 16th, 2006 at 05:00pm
but i think rape is matter what the circumstance but no body can be bothered to do anything about it "oh wow its illegal" doesnt stop it happening,and no i dont have any suggestions,other than every body should be with out 3 or more people and if they have to be somewhere alone they should know some sort of self defence or they should stay aware of their surroundings.
rape is just wrong....i cant think of anything to say about it other than it makes me want to puke.
Jeffree Star
Motor Baby
Jeffree Star
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 950
December 18th, 2006 at 12:03pm
I have alot to say on this topic. I was raped when I was 7, at a school. When we went to confront the school, they lied. And it hurts to see those people who did that to me that they're free. But I should advise it's no one fault that people are raped. Only the rapist, you weren't asking for it . Disgust They have a sick mind and I forgive those people who did that to me. They caused me to do alot of stuff suicide and depression. IF anyone wants to know where that school was it was a Royal Oaks Elementary School in Daurte,California.
Remember it's not your fault you didn't ask for it 's just something that happened. You aren't being punished for something you did mk. If you're raped call a hotline and get help. Don't shower you can wash away valuable evidence, don't waif four years like I did tell someone immedietly. Cool
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 42
December 19th, 2006 at 12:10am
im not an expert (being a virgin) but i think that sex is a very personal thing, that you should only share with someone you really trust and love. I think it's very... hurtful for that securety to be lost to someone who you dont want it to be.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Posts: 135
December 20th, 2006 at 10:00pm
Santa's little narin:

It's neverevernever the woman's fault if she gets raped.
I disagree
Jeffree Star
Motor Baby
Jeffree Star
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 950
December 22nd, 2006 at 04:01pm
Santa's little narin:

It's neverevernever the woman's fault if she gets raped.
I disagree

Can you explain why you disagree. Be more specific please.