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Mental Disorders

Awake and Unafraid
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Posts: 12057
January 24th, 2007 at 04:11pm
When people say you are mental because you do something stupid, isn't right its kinda making fun of people that really do have those problems. Really they are people just like us, they have lives to!
Cap'n Scumbag.
Shotgun Sinner
Cap'n Scumbag.
Age: 32
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Posts: 7743
January 25th, 2007 at 08:33pm

curing mental disorders?
bit like finding a needle in a haystack.
and even if you do.
you drop it and you'll just have to keep looking.

thats a bit like the hypnosis part of curing a MD
cos it will only lst for a few months to maybe a year.
but then you'd have to do it all again later.

Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 37
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Posts: 1671
January 25th, 2007 at 09:26pm
When people say you are mental because you do something stupid, isn't right its kinda making fun of people that really do have those problems. Really they are people just like us, they have lives to!

I've never felt offended by it.
I mean, everyone has a mentality, erego everyone has the opportunity to be mental.
It's just all a matter of how mental.
Jazz Hands
Age: 30
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Posts: 378
January 27th, 2007 at 02:34pm
I have OCD, and mild to moderate Schizophrenia. When I tell people I have Schizophrenia thier normally really suprised, I'm only 12 and Schizophrenia in someone as young as me is VERY rare. I was diagnosed when I was 10, and I've been on meds ever since then and I've only had one or two bad episodes, and I'm able to go to school normally and everything....The worse part of it is people who don't know me that well treat me differently, I've known people to treat me like a little kid and I've even known people to be scared of me. When I'm with people I do know (adults mostly) and thier are people there that havn't met me before, the first thing that the person is told is that I have Schizophrenia. It's really annoying, especially with adults when I tell them that I'm fine, and they act like they know more about whats going on then me.

Medical disorders can't be cured, but they can be treated easily a lot of the time, and I think more needs to be done to get more medications for certain MDs.
Ignore Alien Orders
Salute You in Your Grave
Ignore Alien Orders
Age: 35
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Posts: 2026
January 27th, 2007 at 04:43pm
I have OCD, and mild to moderate Schizophrenia. When I tell people I have Schizophrenia thier normally really suprised, I'm only 12 and Schizophrenia in someone as young as me is VERY rare. I was diagnosed when I was 10, and I've been on meds ever since then and I've only had one or two bad episodes, and I'm able to go to school normally and everything....The worse part of it is people who don't know me that well treat me differently, I've known people to treat me like a little kid and I've even known people to be scared of me. When I'm with people I do know (adults mostly) and thier are people there that havn't met me before, the first thing that the person is told is that I have Schizophrenia. It's really annoying, especially with adults when I tell them that I'm fine, and they act like they know more about whats going on then me.

Medical disorders can't be cured, but they can be treated easily a lot of the time, and I think more needs to be done to get more medications for certain MDs.

i'm sorry to hear that...i have a friend who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at a very young age, and i was pretty shocked when she told me... but once it set in, which didn't take that long, i didn't treat her any differently.

that's the thing, you can have something like schizophrenia and live a normal, productive life for the most part.
aliss practice.
Shotgun Sinner
aliss practice.
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January 27th, 2007 at 08:13pm
i don't see why people mock people with disorders, it really annoys me, they can't help it.

I am glad someone has noticed that. I have Bipolar disorder [extremely severe] and I was diagnosed 4 months ago. I told my form tutor to tell my form that I had it so that they would understand. Unfortunatly, they all took it as an excuse to push me around and bully me. They all say that I chose to be 'fucked up' and I am doing it for attention. I don't don't see why I should be mocked for something that isn't my fault. I may have a disorder, but that doesn't mean I don't have talent. I am a very artistic person, and singing is one of my biggest strengths. Look at Mikey, he has Bipolar and look where he's at. He gives me so much inspiration to do what I wanna, so therefore I still have strength to move on and beat them. People with disorder such as Bipolar just need help, that's all, and they should never be teased for their imperfections, can I say. Chances are we are the ones who will be able to go on and do things in life! Dance
Ignore Alien Orders
Salute You in Your Grave
Ignore Alien Orders
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 2026
January 27th, 2007 at 09:07pm
don't let people push you around like that--or at least don't let it get you down. you may have your demons, but so do they, and they'll have to deal with that sooner or later.

that goes for anyone who has a disorder or illness--it's not something that you choose for yourself.
Kiss and Control
Jazz Hands
Kiss and Control
Age: 43
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Posts: 271
January 29th, 2007 at 10:57am
Mental disorders are an illness just like anything else. Except it's in the person's psyche/soul/mind whatever you want to call it. I'm bipolar, I should know all about it.
Age: 33
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Posts: 6
January 29th, 2007 at 09:53pm
my dad works with people with mental disorders. i grew up knowing that it is wrong to make fun of them about the disorder they have, exclude, abuse and people with disorders. my stand partner in orchestra has a disorder and i always see and hear people making fun of her. I have a disorder that's not so bad but does get in my way, i have ADHD, and people think im crazy and such.

everyone has some kind of mental disorder in my opinion: like people who make fun of other people have a disorder, people who want to kill innocent people have a disorder. i wish those who don't have a medically dignosed disorder like ADHD, Tourettes, or Schizophrenia can find a way to see that what they are doing is wrong.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 36
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Posts: 100
January 31st, 2007 at 08:38am
I have clinical depression and anxiety. They think i might have bipolar though. The meds im on are weird, though. It takes forever to find the meds that work for you because everyone reacts differently. And it also takes 5 weeks to find out if the meds your on work or not. Then when you switch meds you go psycho. Its rediculous. Not enough is done... at least not effectively. And judging people based on mental disorders is stupid and ignorant. I have a lot of friends with mental disorders and they are some of the greatest/nicest people i know.
Salute You in Your Grave
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February 2nd, 2007 at 04:56pm
I'm battling with depression. I believe that most mental disorders are something that you cannot really prevent. I mean that I didn't want to get depressed and I tried to deny it even from myself for a very long time.

You can try to nurse them with medication and the right kind of therapy, as I am, but sometimes the disorder might be hereditary. In those cases I believe no cure can be found, only certain treatments that can make the symptoms decrease to the kind of level where you can live a "normal" life.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 36
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Posts: 100
February 3rd, 2007 at 01:36am
Well... i have hereditary its from my dad and grand dad. Its clinical depression. I also suffer various anxiety disorders too though.
I dont think there is a cure to any mental disorder though. Depression for example...its all about chemical imbalance.I take meds to stabalize the chemicals. Same with bipolar. Without the meds the chemicals wouldnt right themselves and as soon as you go off the meds the chemicals are thrown off worse than before you went on them so... i dont know... I really dont know what to say...
Age: 33
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Posts: 20
February 3rd, 2007 at 04:17pm
I'm kinda in the middle between if they can be cured or not. I guess it depends on how bad you have that mentel disorder and how bad it affects you. I don't think therapy is the way to cure mental disorders. Having some strange person you've never met, come into your life, having you tell them your deepest dark secrets, and telling you they can fix you because went to college and read books about it, doesn't seem right. Sometimes you need friends to help you, family to support you, but sometimes they can't. From there it's all you. If have to find it in yourself to want to be better, that's the hardest part, is admitting you need help and you want to get better. Then you have to find a way to get there, some find it through writing, painting, talking, etc......... But I don't think they are completely cured, things like that never just go away, they are just delt with as they come. It's all in how you deal with it.
aliss practice.
Shotgun Sinner
aliss practice.
Age: 103
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February 3rd, 2007 at 05:13pm
Your right, I think MD‘s can never be cured. Yeah, you can get help, that does help. But the past can haunt you, you can relapse, anything can happen, there is no definite way to stop disorders. Things may work but in the end they won’t. That’s the way it goes. Anyone who has a disorder of any kind, speak up for your type, value the things you are good at, tell people that you are not a waste, you are perfectly normal. Nothing and no-one should get in your way. Live with the fact that it will never go away, but make the most of everything else you have.

Damn, I am being way to optimistic!
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 11838
February 3rd, 2007 at 05:18pm
When people say you are mental because you do something stupid, isn't right its kinda making fun of people that really do have those problems. Really they are people just like us, they have lives to!

It's a saying and a phrase. It's the same with ' That's gay'. 'That's retarded.' etc.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 20
February 3rd, 2007 at 05:24pm
When people say you are mental because you do something stupid, isn't right its kinda making fun of people that really do have those problems. Really they are people just like us, they have lives to!

It's a saying and a phrase. It's the same with ' That's gay'. 'That's retarded.' etc.
But some people take things differently, even though you may not mean it in a mean way, that doesn't stop people from taking it differently. And I really wish those phrases would stop, It's gay and It's retarded is used to describe things you don't like or agree with, and using racial slurs to do that, it's not right, they are hurtful things that do have an effect on people
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 11838
February 3rd, 2007 at 06:15pm

But some people take things differently, even though you may not mean it in a mean way, that doesn't stop people from taking it differently. And I really wish those phrases would stop, It's gay and It's retarded is used to describe things you don't like or agree with, and using racial slurs to do that, it's not right, they are hurtful things that do have an effect on people

Then we might as well go through the whole entire Webster Dictionary and English vocabulary if every human was wanting to be distinct and not crude.

Take out 'bitch' because it may offend a dog or those who own 'female dogs'. So let's now use the dictionary term 'female dog'. We don't need to offend those dog owners.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 20
February 3rd, 2007 at 07:22pm
But calling a female dog a bitch would be correct, seeing as that is what it means, using it to describe a person would be terrible, it's just one of those words that weren't offending then all of a sudden the meaning got changed to describe terrible things, just like the word queer, which back in the day meant strange, but now it means something homosexual.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Posts: 100
February 3rd, 2007 at 08:55pm
Its the same as calling someone a schitzo. Its not right but people have to toughen up. Sure its not polite and all but you're only gunna depress yourself if your gunna take such loosely used terms to heart.
What i think is wrong and unacceptable is how people will describe multiple personality dissorder as schitzophrenia. That is just ignorance and rude. It happens a lot where im from and i near flipped when i was watching a Marilyn Manson and Danny Elfman interview about Mansons cover version to "This is Halloween" and Manson described himself as a schitzophrenic role because he did all the voices himself. I didn't like that one bit. Its ignorance at its best.
miss may; ballroom
Bleeding on the Floor
miss may; ballroom
Age: 32
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Posts: 1847
March 7th, 2007 at 09:29pm
I really, really don't want to flame anyone, but I have to make this point.

Thoughts do not cause disorders. Disorders cause thoughts.

I'm not saying this always happens, but having sad thoughts will not give you manic depressive disorder.
My sister has ADD [attachment, not attention], PDD, and is slightly autistic. She has a lot of trouble attaching to people and having normal, loving, serious relationships. She has temper tantrums at birthday parties, and often has fights with my parents over whether they love my other sister and me more than her. She can't control it. She didn't become this way because she felt unwanted a few times. She was born this way, she developed this way, and if she could, she would change.
Many of the MDs out there are often looked over and ignored. Like my sister's. It's not somethign that is obviously a MD, but it is one. People treat her like she's just an idiot, or annoying, or angry. She's not.
This leads me to my last point. I think we should treat everyone respectfully. Don't downplay another's problems, because you never know what they really are. Maybe what seems to you like a fear of commitment is really a mental disorder someone was too afraid to admit having.

People are people. Would you want someone treating you differently for something you couldn't control?