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Mental Disorders

heartache to sing
Bleeding on the Floor
heartache to sing
Age: 35
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Posts: 1627
April 1st, 2007 at 12:18am
Yeah I agree. The "curing" is up to yourself, I guess. Meds just help to control it, just like any other medicine. Like when you have a cold, you take cold medicine and it makes you feel better for a while, but the curing is up to your body. Same thing with anti-depressants, only the curing is up to your mind.
Age: 103
Gender: Female
Posts: 38
April 1st, 2007 at 03:22am
Mental disorders can not be cured unless its a fairy tell.
Me and my brother are bipolar and we've stuck together
but there is def. no cure. NO CURE, DUMBASSES!
lay back and enjoy
lay back and enjoy
Age: 32
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Posts: 21
April 6th, 2007 at 02:29pm
[color=lime green] I attend a health school, and we just finished learning about mental disorders. From the basic physical aspect of it, I think that with treatment, it can be taken under control. Not all mental disorders are curable, and I think that a person has no control over that type of stuff. [/color]
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 36
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Posts: 100
April 7th, 2007 at 01:46am
Ya... there is treatment, as in ways to help a person control their mental disorder, but there is definately no cure... so i somewhat agree with My_Emo_Romance, and Lost and Lonely...
Motor Baby
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April 8th, 2007 at 11:07am
I know some girls in my year that pretend to have a mental disorder... Just for attention... How pathetic.
I agree, that there is no cure, they can SEEM cured however.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 103
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Posts: 3267
April 10th, 2007 at 03:16pm
When you say mental disorders do you mean things like autism? Because there once was someone at my school with autism and it was really sad to see her like she was.
And there is some1 called Brooke in year 10, and she is an elective mute, doesnt talk, just gets on with her work, never laughs either I feel sorry for her Sad
The Jack Of Spades.
Salute You in Your Grave
The Jack Of Spades.
Age: 31
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Posts: 2263
April 12th, 2007 at 07:47am
This is a touchy topic.

Some mental disorders can be kept under some control with meds. Some can be cured, some can not.

There's always denial, people with no awareness, and those nobody cares about.

A poll on homeless people (though don't trust me on this) said that 79.6% had mild to heavy mental disorders.

Hermits, homeless, and the cared for all are at risk from birth until they die.

This topic is kind of general.
Joining The Black Parade
Age: 32
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Posts: 207
April 12th, 2007 at 01:16pm
Its silly and pathetic to pretend you have disorders .
I do agree that some disorders can be cured
Yet others can not ,but meds can help
I am not going to tell you about my shitty mind but i have 4 disorders and there all under control
i guess the worst disorders are eatting disorders and ermm ocd and depression but thats only my view
Age: 38
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Posts: 56
June 21st, 2007 at 09:47pm
I think if you can't discuss your disorder with others who might have it as well, it's not worth it. I noticed with anxiety disorders it's great to discuss your disorder with other sufferers.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 38
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Posts: 1725
June 21st, 2007 at 11:11pm
^ I agree, it does help to be able to talk things out with somebody who understands - I know how isolating it can feel to not have anybody around you understand things like panic attacks or anxiety disorders.
Basically, the only reason we're not supposed to discuss our personal stories with each other in these discussion threads is that it tends to lead to spam and turns into a big sympathy-seeking thread... and the point of these threads is to talk about our opinions in general on stuff, like 'Can these disorders be cured by themselves or do they require medication?' or 'What causes mental disorders?'
My Sexual Suicide.:
When you say mental disorders do you mean things like autism? Because there once was someone at my school with autism and it was really sad to see her like she was.
And there is some1 called Brooke in year 10, and she is an elective mute, doesnt talk, just gets on with her work, never laughs either I feel sorry for her Sad
Yeah, autism can be classed as a mental disorder, I'd assume... I mean it is something to do with your brain that affects you and the people around you. I read recently that someone came up with a study linking immunisation programs to an increase in autism, but I don't know if I really believe it. I mean, nobody was diagnosed with cancer a hundred years ago either, it just meant they didn't know what it was or how to recognise it. I feel that being immunised has nothing to do with autism - the increase in diagnoses comes from doctors and therapists being able to more easily recognise the symptoms of autism, whereas twenty years ago an autistic child was just 'difficult' or 'retarded'.
Elective mutism is quite sad, from what I know about it (which, granted, isn't much at all) it's caused by a traumatic event in someone's life, for instance sexual abuse or the death of a loved one (eg parent). It's one of those tricky 'disorders' that there can be no treatment or cure for - it's psychosomatic and only the sufferer themselves can decide when or if they are willing to talk again. I knew of one girl who was an elective mute, and there were only two people in the world she could speak to: her mother and her sister. The rest of her family, her peers, heck the rest of the world, got nothing but silence from her, which must have been frustrating for her other family members.
The Rumor
Awake and Unafraid
The Rumor
Age: 32
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June 22nd, 2007 at 01:21am
Autism is a physical illness that effects the brain connections. It's not technically a mental disorder, because a mental disorder is something in the mind...whereas autism is in the physical brain matter.
What happens is that there are lots of connections in your brain. And where someone else's brain would just go from point A to point B, that connection isn't intact in an autistic person, so their brains have to figure paths round the broken connection.
I'm pretty sure it's a developmental disorder. It definitely isn't in the same category as things like anorexia or depression. it's also incurable, you can manage it...but never ever get rid of it.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
June 22nd, 2007 at 01:45am
^ Ahh, thanks for that explanation. I don't admit to know very much about autism, so that definitely helped me understand it a little better.
The few people that I know personally who have autism also have other disorders like epilepsy and the like, so I get a little confused as to what condition causes what behaviour.
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Posts: 56
June 22nd, 2007 at 05:06am
Cigarettes And Suicide:
^ I agree, it does help to be able to talk things out with somebody who understands - I know how isolating it can feel to not have anybody around you understand things like panic attacks or anxiety disorders.
Basically, the only reason we're not supposed to discuss our personal stories with each other in these discussion threads is that it tends to lead to spam and turns into a big sympathy-seeking thread... and the point of these threads is to talk about our opinions in general on stuff, like 'Can these disorders be cured by themselves or do they require medication?' or 'What causes mental disorders?'
My Sexual Suicide.:
When you say mental disorders do you mean things like autism? Because there once was someone at my school with autism and it was really sad to see her like she was.
And there is some1 called Brooke in year 10, and she is an elective mute, doesnt talk, just gets on with her work, never laughs either I feel sorry for her Sad
Yeah, autism can be classed as a mental disorder, I'd assume... I mean it is something to do with your brain that affects you and the people around you. I read recently that someone came up with a study linking immunisation programs to an increase in autism, but I don't know if I really believe it. I mean, nobody was diagnosed with cancer a hundred years ago either, it just meant they didn't know what it was or how to recognise it. I feel that being immunised has nothing to do with autism - the increase in diagnoses comes from doctors and therapists being able to more easily recognise the symptoms of autism, whereas twenty years ago an autistic child was just 'difficult' or 'retarded'.
Elective mutism is quite sad, from what I know about it (which, granted, isn't much at all) it's caused by a traumatic event in someone's life, for instance sexual abuse or the death of a loved one (eg parent). It's one of those tricky 'disorders' that there can be no treatment or cure for - it's psychosomatic and only the sufferer themselves can decide when or if they are willing to talk again. I knew of one girl who was an elective mute, and there were only two people in the world she could speak to: her mother and her sister. The rest of her family, her peers, heck the rest of the world, got nothing but silence from her, which must have been frustrating for her other family members.

I don't think people with anxiety want sympathy for anything, it won't make it better. I just want people to know what I got and see if they have anything similar. With depression, someone cheering them up will make them better, so it is sympathy. I think depression and anxiety are two different things. There's tons of mental disorders. A lot of time, depression isn't a mental disorder. I'd understand the sympathy for depression, but I don't know many people who want sympathy for anxiety, as it won't cure anything, and anxiety is mostly a chemical embalance. It can start off with a mental breakdown caused by many things such as an argument, or it can be generic.

I really think people should be able to talk about their anxiety/social issues here. I think they should about depression but I know there will probably be a lot of people saying they've got depression and all that, and crave the attention, but the thing with anxiety, no one craves attention... there's nothing to crave attention for. In fact, most people with anxiety hide themselves away. Talking about it does in fact help them, online or not. Living through it day to day, I like to educate people about it, and I like to be educated as well.

I don't even think anxiety and depression should be in the same threads to be honest.

I also don't think people who do not have anxiety disorders should be even discussing it unless they've got their education in it. A lot of people say "Oh it's in the mind"... I tell you, some of the things anxiety people suffer, if a lot of people dealt with it for a minute, they'd feel there's no reason to live. It's horrible. I know a lot of people with it and we talk about it, and people say to them the same thing to me "oh it's all in your head, think about something else"... well if that was the case, there wouldn't be a problem. You can be sitting and all of a sudden you'd shake, pace across the room, or you might even fall to the ground in fear, for no reason, your eyes would be trippy, you'd feel hot, maybe sweating, and you'd feel sick but for no reason at all. You might get dizzy as well, and feel like the world doesn't even exhist. You'd feel like you arn't even real, and no one is real, you might even think you are dead or it's a dream, a dream like stage. This is real stuff here.

Most people assume anxiety is caused by something specific, but really, it's not always that way. I don't know what mine's caused by, it just happens. There's physical anxiety (chemical embalence) and emotional anxiety (social). I don't have social anxiety.

The only depression really caused by anxiety, if you worry about it, is when will things be normal? Things used to be normal when you didn't have anxiety, and things can't be normal with it, nor is it with medications as they make you feel different than normal. I had to go through different medications to find the right one, but everyone has a side effect, if gives you a strange feeling. I told my doctor to give me something that won't have any side effects, he said "How about what?" and laughed. There's no way anything can be normal. I'd be sitting watching a movie and thinking of nothing in particular and I'd have this strange sensation, I'd feel weird, start shaking, then got really dizzy and I'd go to the floor and cover my head in a pillow as I was having a panic attack. Last summer was the worst and you know, my girlfriend got me to go get help. I was off meds and I finally got help, and I'm so glad she's stuck by me.

My neighbor had anxiety and he was an LNA, and then he became an EMT, and he didn't even know much about anxiety as they just don't teach you that crap. He developed it when he was young (around 18 ) but it wasn't bad until last year when he was 43... it was so bad he'd have to drink two 30 packs or whatever of beer a day in order to stay calm. It was wack. He thought he was dying.

People with long term anxiety, it's like one long panick attack, that never ends, until you get help. Psycology wouldn't help me, no, as it's a chemical embalance. I do not worry much about anything. It just happens. It's worse than regular anxiety, such as being nervous about a test in school, or nervous driving a car for the first time.

By the way, my cousin has autism. He's pretty smart though. It's a social disorder more than anything.
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Posts: 56
June 22nd, 2007 at 05:47am
I know some girls in my year that pretend to have a mental disorder... Just for attention... How pathetic.
I agree, that there is no cure, they can SEEM cured however.

I know a lot of people like that in my town. I just don't get it. It's an attention seeking disorder.

I hate people who claim to have ADD, or ADHD, or OCD, or bi-polar. Nearly everyone I know says it, which the odd thing, it's usually girls who say it. They might, and a lot of the girls who do have it, a lot of things were caused by things in their childhood, like rape, etc. I know a few girls who's minds got all screwed up due to being rape. It's really sad. I'd say 60% of the girls I know claim to have those disorders. I doubt most of them were diagnosed though. Probably about 20% of the boys I know claim to have them, but most of them of them don't even know what anxiety is. I've asked them, they didn't know.

I hate it when people say "I'm acting so hyper because I have ADD"... haha... ADD isn't associated with being hyper-active. ADHD does though.

I remember a girl who was seeking attention so bad, she'd claim a ghost would make her tie herself up. She'd always say she was pregnant, and have a miscarraige, said it countless times. It was pathetic. She said tons of people would come in her window and rape her. She was lying though. There's a lot of people who have issues like that, boys and girls. I don't know why they do it, but it's rediculous.

A friend of mine, a guy, claims he's all messed up in his head. He takes medication to treat psychotic disorders. He never seems out of place when he's not taking his medications. He fools his doctor. He's an attention seeker too, and a chronic liar. It's too bad.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
June 22nd, 2007 at 06:03am
I don't think people with anxiety want sympathy for anything, it won't make it better. I just want people to know what I got and see if they have anything similar. With depression, someone cheering them up will make them better, so it is sympathy. I think depression and anxiety are two different things. There's tons of mental disorders. A lot of time, depression isn't a mental disorder. I'd understand the sympathy for depression, but I don't know many people who want sympathy for anxiety, as it won't cure anything, and anxiety is mostly a chemical embalance. It can start off with a mental breakdown caused by many things such as an argument, or it can be generic.

I really think people should be able to talk about their anxiety/social issues here. I think they should about depression but I know there will probably be a lot of people saying they've got depression and all that, and crave the attention, but the thing with anxiety, no one craves attention... there's nothing to crave attention for. In fact, most people with anxiety hide themselves away. Talking about it does in fact help them, online or not. Living through it day to day, I like to educate people about it, and I like to be educated as well.
Perhaps I worded it wrongly... not so much sympathy-seeking, but there are a lot of kids around (and not just on this board, I'm talking in general) who, well, are attention-seekers. A lot of people run around claiming to have this disorder or that disorder (depression, anxiety, bipolar and OCD are the most common) because they either don't understand how serious these disorders are, they want an excuse for certain behaviour, or because (and how sad is this) it's somehow 'cool' to be on medication these days.
That's why we're not encouraged to talk about our personal experiences - because there are too many people around who will post something like, 'Omg lyk depression is super-bad, I have bipolar and I nearly killed myself this one time, but MCR totally cured me and their music gets me through anything', which not only adds nothing to the discussion (therefore creating spam which makes a mess of the board), but to be honest, they haven't been diagnosed by a doctor and don't have a clue what that disorder entails at all - they just think it'll be cool and maybe make them some friends who are just as 'screwed up' as they are - kind of an attempt to be accepted.
I agree with this rule, but I'm not the one making them, so if you disagree with that rule feel free to take it up with the mods and get their opinions on it. If you want to talk about your personal issues, the Personal Questions forum is there for that purpose - you can ask the question there and talk to others in a similar position, if that's your aim. But the Discussion Board is for discussing things on a more theoretical level, and for sharing facts, not personal information.

I also don't think people who do not have anxiety disorders should be even discussing it unless they've got their education in it. A lot of people say "Oh it's in the mind"...
Well, everyone has the right to an opinion, although yeah, I agree, sometimes it irritates me to see people spouting misinformed opinions on something they have no experience with. However, that's where the beauty of the Discussion Board lies - these threads contain valuable information and perspective from posters who do have personal experience and a great knowledge of the topic, and therefore they can share that knowledge with people who aren't as in the loop and it allows those people to become a little more open-minded and/or understanding of certain things.
For instance, if someone who doesn't know much about mental illness apart from what they've seen on fictitional TV shows, they can post their opinion here and then have a lot of other posters give them information that will set them on the 'right' path, or at least let them know that there's a side of the story they haven't heard and may not have thought of without that help. We're here to help educate others, and open peoples' minds to things they might not have known had they not posted here.
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Posts: 56
June 22nd, 2007 at 06:14am
Cigarettes And Suicide:

Perhaps I worded it wrongly... not so much sympathy-seeking, but there are a lot of kids around (and not just on this board, I'm talking in general) who, well, are attention-seekers. A lot of people run around claiming to have this disorder or that disorder (depression, anxiety, bipolar and OCD are the most common) because they either don't understand how serious these disorders are, they want an excuse for certain behaviour, or because (and how sad is this) it's somehow 'cool' to be on medication these days. .

Yeah I know what you mean by that, but I think people should grow up and accept the fact they don't have those illnesses. Believe it or not, I used to bother to not even listen to MCR because a couple years back, a lot of people who liked MCR, would claim they are suicidal, have depression, anxiety, etc. It actually made me stay away from MCR. They claimed to be emo. I don't know, I don't think of MCR as an emo band. A lot of my friends are gay and they stay away from guys who are 'emo' and claim to be gay as, from their experience, when my friends go and talk to those 'emo' guys who claim to be gay, it turns out they arn't gay at all. In fact, most of the gay guys I know seem to be the happiest in the world and don't care about anything. My gay friends who are well known in our local gay community actually look down upon those posers.

That's a problem today, people acting as if they have disorders to fit in, and for pity.

If only there was a way to give those attention seekers severe anxiety, for just one day... maybe they can go to the doctors and get "injected with anxiety"??. Very Happy Actually it's not too funny. I'd never wish anxiety upon anyone really.... well, I'm an evil person, I would wish it upon people who are scum.
Shotgun Sinner
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June 23rd, 2007 at 07:52am

I hate people who claim to have ADD, or ADHD, or OCD, or bi-polar.

What if they actually have it?
You'd look pretty stupid.

It probably started where someone's acutally been diagnosed, and then other people have caught onto how much people care. Simple as that.

Can I just clafiry that cutting is not a form of mental disorder? It's related to depression, but it is NOT and PROBABLY WILL NEVER BE declared a mental disorder.

I think that mental disorders can be cured. Look at depression. That's a mental disorder, and countless people have been saved from it. Bulimia is and people live through that. Even drug taking is a form or mental disorder, because you become so dependant on the drug, you think that you can't live without it.

People who pretend to have mental disorders are sad. Very sad. But it's always gonna be there, and you're always gonna have people who pretend. And by displaying on a public message board that you have some form or mental disorder or cut, you are one of those people. People who really do have mental problems won't throw it out there, they like things to be private.

I feel more compassion for the people who have to watch their family members/loved ones go through something like dementia or anorexia. A very close friend of mine who I love very much, her grandfather has dementia and she was really cut up about it. I haven't heard anything recently, but she's amazing to have that much strength about it.
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Posts: 56
June 23rd, 2007 at 08:53pm

I hate people who claim to have ADD, or ADHD, or OCD, or bi-polar.

What if they actually have it?
You'd look pretty stupid.

It probably started where someone's acutally been diagnosed, and then other people have caught onto how much people care. Simple as that.

Can I just clafiry that cutting is not a form of mental disorder? It's related to depression, but it is NOT and PROBABLY WILL NEVER BE declared a mental disorder.

I think that mental disorders can be cured. Look at depression. That's a mental disorder, and countless people have been saved from it. Bulimia is and people live through that. Even drug taking is a form or mental disorder, because you become so dependant on the drug, you think that you can't live without it.

People who pretend to have mental disorders are sad. Very sad. But it's always gonna be there, and you're always gonna have people who pretend. And by displaying on a public message board that you have some form or mental disorder or cut, you are one of those people. People who really do have mental problems won't throw it out there, they like things to be private.

I feel more compassion for the people who have to watch their family members/loved ones go through something like dementia or anorexia. A very close friend of mine who I love very much, her grandfather has dementia and she was really cut up about it. I haven't heard anything recently, but she's amazing to have that much strength about it.

No, I hate people who claim to have it, when they do not. There's too many who claim to, yet really don't.
Black Autumn
Black Autumn
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 29
June 24th, 2007 at 06:45am
Yeah I agree with the above ^

although alot of people who claim to have one disorder such as being Bi Polar for example, are often suffereing from another such as ADD. That's the problem, if someone tells me they have a disorder, I allways choose to belive regardless of who they are just incase, because to not belive someone is Mentally ill when they actually are makes them feel alone in the world and can push them to extreme lows.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
June 24th, 2007 at 08:50pm

I hate people who claim to have ADD, or ADHD, or OCD, or bi-polar.

What if they actually have it?
You'd look pretty stupid.

No, I hate people who claim to have it, when they do not. There's too many who claim to, yet really don't.

If a person has been officially diagnosed by a doctor or psychoterapist as suffering from a mental disorder, then they can shout it from the rooftops as much as they like, if that's what they want to do. However, it does look a lot like generic attention-seeking to air your dirty laundry to the world, and I'm sick to death of hearing that practically every second person I meet has bipolar/depression/ADD/ADHD/OCD. Barely any of them do - they might get dumped by their boyfriend, feel down for a few days in a row, and start running around saying, 'Oh I totally have depression, I'm thinking about killing myself.' Or, a kid might have been raised by their parents to be scrupulous about hygiene and wash their hands before eating food and after using the toilet. That, however, does not make them OCD by a long shot - it just makes them sensible. And most people have absolutely no idea what ADD or ADHD entails - they just think it means acting hyper and being loud. This is not the case, and I especially hate to see people who claim to have 'severe' ADD sit quietly through class, complete all their work and not be disruptive or distracted, then as soon as they're on the playground they go crazy with their friends. I used to do that with my friends too - it didn't mean I was mentally ill, it meant I was having fun and letting lose with my buddies.
Self-diagnosis means absolutely jack-all, is what we're saying. And there are far, far, far too many kids out there these days who identify a single symptom of a mental disorder, then start claiming to all and sundry that they have it - it makes me sick because not only do they just have no idea what in hell they're talking about, but it somehow cheapens the suffering that others go through when they really do have a mental disorder. I mean, if people get the idea that nearly everyone around them has 'depression', then they wouldn't care about the people who genuinely do have it, because hey, if everyone has it, it can't be that bad, can it?

All I'm saying is, be absolutely positive of your diagnosis (ie seek professional advice and treatment) before going around announcing that you're suffering from a mental disorder. Don't just assume that because you feel sad three days in a row that you have depression, or that if you like things to be neat you're OCD, or that if you're loud and act crazy with your friends that you're ADD.