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Magic, Magick, Ghosts & the Supernatural

Age: 34
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Posts: 22
September 12th, 2007 at 05:57am
does anyone know the proper way to preform a seance?
Sock Cucker.
Shotgun Sinner
Sock Cucker.
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September 12th, 2007 at 09:30am
does anyone know the proper way to preform a seance?

You shouldnt meddle with the dead. Only bad things can come of it.
Ive heard of lots of things that have occurred when people perform seances.
BUT obviously you're gonna do what you're gonna do.

I found This website that might help
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Posts: 22
September 12th, 2007 at 10:37am
thank you. I know there is some risk involved, but I have a spirit in mind that me and a few of my friends have been meaning to contact. He appears quite often and will only appear to certain people in the group at certain times. We would like to ask him why he has decided to contact us and a little about himself.
Sock Cucker.
Shotgun Sinner
Sock Cucker.
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September 12th, 2007 at 10:41am
thank you. I know there is some risk involved, but I have a spirit in mind that me and a few of my friends have been meaning to contact. He appears quite often and will only appear to certain people in the group at certain times. We would like to ask him why he has decided to contact us and a little about himself.

Do you get any idea that he is harmful though?
Hahahaha, this sounds like the movie now and then...
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September 12th, 2007 at 04:39pm
i believe in ghosts n all but i wish i new magic
Rhys Webb
Awake and Unafraid
Rhys Webb
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September 12th, 2007 at 10:24pm
Sock Cucker.:

You shouldnt meddle with the dead. Only bad things can come of it.
Ive heard of lots of things that have occurred when people perform seances.
BUT obviously you're gonna do what you're gonna do.

I found This website that might help

this is the thing:
my best friend is the same exact way, she doesn't want me to have one at all. but how are you going to know if you never try it yourself? you can't listen to every single bad story that is out there.
Alice Cullen
Fabulous Killjoy
Alice Cullen
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September 13th, 2007 at 01:11am

Well, when messing with something that could be dangerous, why even take the risk?

Maybe I'm just a scaredy-cat, but I'd rather not mess with dead people. XD I let them talk to me first.
Sock Cucker.
Shotgun Sinner
Sock Cucker.
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September 13th, 2007 at 02:23am

this is the thing:
my best friend is the same exact way, she doesn't want me to have one at all. but how are you going to know if you never try it yourself? you can't listen to every single bad story that is out there.

Its how Ive been raised. I respect the dead. Ive grown up around this sort of thing and Ive had alot of experiences with it, therefore Ive realised that it shouldnt be meddled with it.
Its more dangerous then informative.
Motor Baby
Age: 35
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Posts: 804
September 13th, 2007 at 07:18am
^^I agree.
You don't want to mess around with this unless you've done your research. It's not a game, if they're stronger than you, you're in trouble, and you had better have protection circles. It can get nasty, it's not like the movies, they just don't comply. They need direction and rules and boundaries. You need to command only good forces into the room, and you HAVE to deny the ones looking for trouble. It's not a game.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 33
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September 13th, 2007 at 07:18pm
Borrowed Dream:
Yeah it comes back three times worse to you.

That would be undesirable.
But...what kind of spells would it be? I mean, they can't really turn people into toads. What would their spells do?

The spells of wicca are mkoostly healing, protection and good luck spells. You can influence someone to do something but wicca covens advise you not to curse or try and kill people.
John St. John
Shotgun Sinner
John St. John
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September 13th, 2007 at 08:09pm
Luna Blackthorne:
Borrowed Dream:
Yeah it comes back three times worse to you.

That would be undesirable.
But...what kind of spells would it be? I mean, they can't really turn people into toads. What would their spells do?

The spells of wicca are mkoostly healing, protection and good luck spells. You can influence someone to do something but wicca covens advise you not to curse or try and kill people.

hmm.. wicca magic really interests me .. have you got any sites that can tell me about them?
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Posts: 22
September 13th, 2007 at 11:06pm
Sock Cucker.:
thank you. I know there is some risk involved, but I have a spirit in mind that me and a few of my friends have been meaning to contact. He appears quite often and will only appear to certain people in the group at certain times. We would like to ask him why he has decided to contact us and a little about himself.

Do you get any idea that he is harmful though?
Hahahaha, this sounds like the movie now and then...

well we seem to think he has a message for all of us
Jinx eh?
Salute You in Your Grave
Jinx eh?
Age: 103
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Posts: 2290
September 14th, 2007 at 03:48am
^^I agree.
You don't want to mess around with this unless you've done your research. It's not a game, if they're stronger than you, you're in trouble, and you had better have protection circles. It can get nasty, it's not like the movies, they just don't comply. They need direction and rules and boundaries. You need to command only good forces into the room, and you HAVE to deny the ones looking for trouble. It's not a game.

That's...some pretty good advice, right there. My friends and I, we were all weird kids, and we grow up interested in this sort of thing, and trying to contact spirits, things like that. It's not easy, it's not usually safe, and if you can't be persuaded to just walk away from it, it's only with great caution that you should proceed, as my friends and I learned the hard way.

One good point you raised is that yes, IT'S NOT LIKE THE MOVIES. I always hate it when they try that stuff in movies; it never happens like it would in real life (which is kind of understandable, know, they're movies) but I always cringe, wondering who is going to watch said movie, decide "Hey, that's cool!", and go do something stupid. *sigh*

In many cases, ghosts, spirits, or any remnant from a once-living being actually don't want people bothering them, and that's what makes them angry. If they're sticking around for some reason, chances are it's not because of you, so attempting to force them to appear is just going to brass them off. Most spirits have no interest in you, and therefore aren't going to cause you any harm,'s just best not to anger them. Most won't hurt us, and hell, most can't hurt us, but why take the risk that one you brass off might be one that actually could do harm? There's something in my basement, behind the water heater. Everyone knows it. In high school, when some friends and I were making a parody movie for English, it was required that a friend of mine be left behind in the basement, and she became so scared of whatever was in the corner that she started sobbing and we had to stop filming. Scary thing is, I never told her beforehand that anything was down there; she's just sensitive to things like that.

Still, I'm not going to risk it, and whatever/whoever is down there, I'm just going to leave it alone. Hasn't harmed me or bugged me, I won't bug it.

I'm kind of conflicted on spirits who people think are TRYING to contact them, though. I don't know if that's all right, or not. It's just such a touchy, dangerous subject, and a difficult choice to make, if you should attempt establishing contact with a spirit if you feel he/she is trying to contact you's just difficult. o_0
Motor Baby
Age: 35
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Posts: 804
September 14th, 2007 at 04:48am
^^ Everything she said, needs to be read. It's not a game, at all. If you think that they have a message for you, honestly think about it. Who on the other side would need to contact ANY of you? These spirits just don't wander around dialing random numbers, they are there for a reason, and unless you hold some sort of key to their passing, I wouldn't fiddle with them. You don't want to wind up hurt or scared.
Another possibility is that one or more of you have the ability to sense them, and then they in turn can sense that. That's really the only other reason I can come up with for someone to try and reach you, if they're trying to get a message across.
Jinx eh?
Salute You in Your Grave
Jinx eh?
Age: 103
Gender: Female
Posts: 2290
September 14th, 2007 at 05:40am
Another possibility is that one or more of you have the ability to sense them, and then they in turn can sense that. That's really the only other reason I can come up with for someone to try and reach you, if they're trying to get a message across.

A very good point. Some people are more perceptive towards these people/spirits/ghosts (trying to use all words that people are comfortable with, as I don't know what everyone here prefers) than others, but just because you can sense them doesn't mean it has to be acted upon. Just like whatever/whoever is in my basement, I can certainly tell they're there and all, but he/she has done nothing in attempt to actually get something through to me, so I'm definitely not gonna force it.

If you think that this person is hanging around you for a reason, it could be that he/she is simply intrigued that you've given them notice. However, I still wouldn't act upon it unless he/she does something that really, truly tells you from them "Hey, I'm trying to talk to you, here!"
Sock Cucker.
Shotgun Sinner
Sock Cucker.
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September 14th, 2007 at 10:08am
I discourage people against it.
Nothing good can come of it. Whether they harm you. Whether you're let down, or whether the information given to you is troubling.
People dont realise how horrible it can be when contacting a spirit, especially if you knew them or of them, and how emotional.
Funny things can happen when you're depserate. You dont follow the rules and you will pay the consequences.
This isnt something to trifle with, very rarely are you lucky.
Motor Baby
Age: 35
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Posts: 804
September 15th, 2007 at 05:24am
That's like telling a three year old to not poke the fork into the electrical socket. People are always going to try and make contact, no matter what the risk. All that we can do is give them the tools to at least protect themselves.
For the Love of All the is Holy, If You're Going to Hold a Seance, Protect Yourself!
Seriously, things can get nasty. You need to find websites, books, people that can help you. Tell you what to do, let you know where the boundaries are.
Jinxeh makes a lovely point when she says that they may just be wandering around near you. Maybe they think you remind them of a friend, or hell, maybe they think that you talking about reaching them is amusing. They have a sense of humor too, they used to be alive like you and me. If you talk about it so much, they're going to hang around, just to see what you do next.
You aren't obligated to try and reach it, I actually advise for you to just...leave it be. I know that you probably aren't going too, I know, I was in your shoes too. But I would really, really, really advise that you wait for them to make some sort of contact with you first. It's kinda rude to just call them up, you know? They aren't going to be happy that you're roping them into talking unless they really want to talk. And if they wanted to make contact, believe me, they would've.
Play is safe. Please.
Motor Baby
Age: 35
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Posts: 804
September 15th, 2007 at 05:31am
Some Webbies, I may have gone overboard, but if you're going to play with fire, at least skim them.

Circles of Protection~Definitions, Purposes, Some Instruction

Some Seance Instruction

More Seance

Good and Bad Spirits

Spirit Guides
If You're Planning A Contact, You NEED to contact your Guide.
They will protect and guide you.
Captain Jack Wonka.
Shotgun Sinner
Captain Jack Wonka.
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September 15th, 2007 at 02:36pm
I've always believed that ghosts aren't really the lost spirits of the dead or whatsoever. I've always been taught that they're just evil spirits who try to manipulate the human mind by making us believe or convince us that some souls wander the world of the living. I believe that after death, the spirit immediately leaves our world and will either ascend to heaven or descend to hell. Meaning, I also don't believe that there is a purgatory.

The only supernatural things I believe are witches, wizards, miracles, heaven and hell, angels, the devil, and the power of prayer.

Err... all of these beliefs is caused by my religion. Born-Again Christianity.

So yeah, that's my opinion about it.
James Euringer
Bleeding on the Floor
James Euringer
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September 15th, 2007 at 04:34pm
I've always liked the thought of spooky things. My friend Megan is a wiccan and is teaching me some stuff about magick. Its pretty cool, and I'm leaning a lot, plus I love to plan with all the