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ILuvMCRandYotas Motor Baby
 Age: 42 Gender: Female Posts: 864 | September 26th, 2007 at 07:31pm
I can sense energies around me & I've also seen some odd things. I don't think they're ghosts per se, but mayhaps astral beings on this plane. |
Your.Guardian.Angel. Jazz Hands
 Age: 34 Gender: Male Posts: 306 | October 18th, 2007 at 10:12pm I heavily believe in ghosts, and it's not just the influences of the people around me and my own personal experiences that say this, but rather my intense desire to believe in things that are so interesting, things that would be really great to know of. |
sweet disposition. Banned
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 48272 | October 19th, 2007 at 05:51pm I don't believe in any of it.
Famous Living Dead Fabulous Killjoy
 Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 173 | October 19th, 2007 at 05:53pm i think the topic is very interesting.. i don't actually believe in ghost and stuff.. but i think it's fascinating... i really like movies and music about that kind of stuff, kind of like MCR's Vampires Will Never Hurt You, etc. |
sweet disposition. Banned
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 48272 | October 19th, 2007 at 05:56pm I find it fascinating.
And sure, the theories and stuff are pretty good to watch/that.
But I don't buy it.
LeATHERMOUTH. Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 3680 | October 19th, 2007 at 07:31pm magic is a weird thing, you don't know if it exists or not. when i say magic i mean like ghosts and spirits and stuff. i think we find out the truth about magic and deeath when we die. |
sweet disposition. Banned
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 48272 | October 19th, 2007 at 07:49pm XxandiftheygetmexX:magic is a weird thing, you don't know if it exists or not. when i say magic i mean like ghosts and spirits and stuff. i think we find out the truth about magic and deeath when we die.
I don't think anyone knows.
And that we ever will.
xGerardifiedx Killjoy
 Age: 30 Gender: Male Posts: 41 | October 21st, 2007 at 01:26am i believe in the paranormal, and i think it is very interesting to read about. i have a question! can anybody perform wicca? because i tried a wicca spell and it didnt do what it was supposed to! by the way the spell came from a website called or something like that. |
sweet disposition. Banned
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 48272 | October 21st, 2007 at 12:04pm Doesn't wicca have another name, if we're thinking of the same thing?
Like talking to the dead?
LeATHERMOUTH. Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 3680 | October 21st, 2007 at 02:57pm Talking to the dead would be real cool but i don't think it exists . i think that most people want to talk to their loved ones that have passed away so much and they believe in it so much that it becomes real to them.
But i dont believe in communicating with the dead.
But hey, that's just my opinion. |
xGerardifiedx Killjoy
 Age: 30 Gender: Male Posts: 41 | October 21st, 2007 at 07:30pm say, if you suddenly get chilled in a place where you know it is warm, does that relate to spirits ? if not what is it? |
sweet disposition. Banned
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 48272 | October 21st, 2007 at 07:46pm ^^ I read a scientific explanation for that once.
I can't remember what it said.
But it wasn't spirits.
Jinx eh? Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 103 Gender: Female Posts: 2290 | October 22nd, 2007 at 02:18am xGerardifiedx:say, if you suddenly get chilled in a place where you know it is warm, does that relate to spirits ? if not what is it?
Or, that might mean your heater is on the fritz...
This isn't aimed at you, but it did make me think of something. That sometimes...people just reach too far, because they want to experience something paranormal so much, so they're willing to believe anything odd that happens has something to do with the paranormal. Like, that flash of light over in the corner there wasn't from some car headlights coming through a window - it was a ghost! Or, I hear people talking in my apartment all the time - it's spirits trying to communicate, not the people in the apartments around me! Or, it's FREEZING in here, it's a ghost! Huh? Why yes, my air conditioning has been malfunctioning lately, why do you ask?
It just makes me sad, the people who make the paranormal a hot commodity, instead of what it really is.  |
sweet disposition. Banned
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 48272 | October 23rd, 2007 at 02:35pm ^^ I have to agree to a certain extent.
A non believer wouldn't think anything of a chill.
But if you want to believe, you do take every little thing to be a ghost/spirit/etc.
Famous Living Dead Fabulous Killjoy
 Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 173 | October 23rd, 2007 at 06:04pm when i walk outside in the dark i begin to think about ghost and stuff.. and it kind'a creeps me out ! often when i'm alone in the dark, i feel like somebody's staring at me.. that's really scary, i think O.o |
sweet disposition. Banned
 Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 48272 | October 23rd, 2007 at 09:10pm When people are alone, your mind can play tricks on you.
But I don't believe that's anything to do with supernatural.
Jinx eh? Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 103 Gender: Female Posts: 2290 | October 24th, 2007 at 12:38am F i a:When people are alone, your mind can play tricks on you.
But I don't believe that's anything to do with supernatural.
I agree. |
Ghostgirl191 Jazz Hands
 Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 288 | October 24th, 2007 at 10:07pm Jinxeh:F i a:When people are alone, your mind can play tricks on you.
But I don't believe that's anything to do with supernatural.
I agree.
see but with me, i dont have to be alone, it happens to me all the time. ever since i was a child i've been able to communicate with ghosts and my entire family practices wicca. so i can say first hand that this stuff is real. and i can feel energy forces all around me, i can tell exactly where people are in my house, well anywhere i go really, and no one can sneek up on me because i sense them coming. and if someone is near me, and if my eyes are closed, i can tell exactly when and what they're moving. (even if its something simple, like a finger, or a toe, or their neck)
obviously there are going to be things in this world that we can never explain, and the way scientists see it, if we can explain ghosts, magic,magick, or the supernatural, then none of its real. |
xGerardifiedx Killjoy
 Age: 30 Gender: Male Posts: 41 | October 27th, 2007 at 04:28am so can anybody who is not wiccan perform wicca magick? i tried asking this earlier but nobody answered it! anyway i tried a wiccan warming spell and it didnt work. i got the spell on a website called, is this a reliable site? |
Jinx eh? Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 103 Gender: Female Posts: 2290 | October 27th, 2007 at 07:58am I wouldn't trust much that has to say. I wouldn't trust most Internet sites about that sort of thing, really.
The thing about's complicated. I personally don't put much stock in it, though I certainly made my attempts at it when I was younger (though not to much avail), but I do know a thing or two about it. And what I have managed to learn, is that if you want to perform Wicca magic just to see if you can, it's not likely to work anyway. No sort of 'magic' can work unless you truly have faith in the beliefs that said magic is built upon - if you want to learn about Wiccan magic, you should have a go at learning about the religion, as well. It's a lot of work, but if you truly want to learn about it, then you should. |