Magic, Magick, Ghosts & the Supernatural
Author | Message |
Deleted Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 2475 | Supernaturals are real. It's the same as making lighting struck ground (we did this before).. Coincidences are not the basis of supernatural, you have to belive that you have it. Depending on how strong you are. It is fatal though if you try to gain a stronger power. WE ALL HAVE SUPER POWERS. |
shitthatwascyanide Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 3529 | MuDBloodS Don'T DiE: the feeling of being watched is often cause by an electromagnetic field, coming from an electronic object. it gives you a feeling of paranoia, too. just to let you know. |
Alice Cullen Fabulous Killjoy ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 116 | Eh, I have a weird belief system. (Keep in mind this is coming from a Wiccan's point of view XD) On the one hand, I do believe in spirits. My theory on death is that you can choose to be reincarnated, or you can go back to earth as a ghost if you wish. Most people choose to be reincarnated but some don't, hence why there are ghosts but also why we don't see a bunch of transparent people walking down the street. XD As for paranormal bits like vampires, werewolves and the like... this is where my interesting belief system comes in. You see, I believe that when anyone creates something in their mind, it becomes real. A lot of people use the words 'fictional' and 'made-up' but really I think there's no such thing as anything being 'fictional', because if it was fabricated by the mind, it exists on some level, somewhere, no matter what dimension that is. I do believe in vampires and werewolves and demons because they've been around since forever. I have more theories on the vamps and lycanthropes, but this is neither the time nor place for them, I don't think... XD But that's my theory. To create something using the mind, something you can visualize, like a place or a person.. that's making it real, somehow, somewhere. And I'm prepared for anyone to think I'm nuts. XD |
Stolen Baby On Board Banned ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 1900 | I definately believe in ghosts. I've had a few paranormal experiences. I'm a ghost geek. I find the idea of magick very interesting. I'm not Wiccan, but I love to read up on it, I think its cool. The idea of telepathy is pretty cool too. I believe we all have the ability to use it. Some just know how to use it better than others. |
Kaede Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1359 | I love to read non-fiction books about ghosts!!! But anyway, I don't really follow the "Seeing is believing" thing. Thats because we, humans, have 5 senses. Some animals have better senses then us so they can see things that we can't. So yeah, I believe that there are forces that we can't see. |
xDarkenxUrxClothesx Fabulous Killjoy ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 161 | dido. i think its stupid to say you dont believe in ghosts or any thing because you can never kno, and i kno that they are overly dramatized and staged but look at all the shows with the stuff happening theirs just some things you cant explain... |
Foxy_Roxy Thinking Happy Thoughts ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 407 | I think that somewhere in human's distant past, we used to use physic powers to communicate or protect ourselves, but as language developed there became no, or less need for it. That's how you can tell if someone is behind you, looking at you e.t.c. It was a survival trait. And those who are really good at it probably have some throwback gene. |
littlejeka Generation Nothing ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 126288 | I deffinately believe in ghosts, i've crossed into supernatural things way too many times. I've never seen a "ghost" but I believe that I did. And i'm 100% sure that it was NOT my imagination. Because that voice did not sound like any other that I know. My whole family has grown up with this beiief of supernatural things. I used to live in my mother's house which was abondoned and many things started to happen there, I remember my aunt telling me that she would hear footsteps in the night. The mind is very tricky, but there are so many things out in this world that we don't know about. |
Ida... Killjoy ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 9 | I love the supernatrual.. I've been obessed about ghost and magic seen I was a little kid. I totally belive in it, and i know alot ![]() Im a wiccan to, so if you want to aks me about somthing its just to ask ![]() Here is a great forum: Its on Norwegian, but if you understand the langue it works ![]() |
Black Meriah Really Not Okay ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 675 | I'm not exactly sure what I believe in, but I do think there is something more than just the science explanations to certian things. Such as ghost and spirits, maybe there is something more than just being burried and rot away. The way I see it, we all have a spirit, and I don't think that spirit dies when our heart stop beating. I don't believe in heaven and hell, but some sort of after life. At least that's what I'd like to believe. And I don't know what it is, but something supernatural is definitly watching over us. There's more than just air between heaven and earth. Magic however is too.. I dont know how to explain it, out there? I don't think people who perform magic as a living have supernatural powers, they're simply good at fooling people, and making them believe and see things. It's entertainment, not real. |
Mr.Armstrong Awake and Unafraid ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 12135 | i dont believe in ghosts and all that stuff. it can be proven with the simiplest of science. |
S713 Joining The Black Parade ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Male Posts: 225 | xMyBlackDaliahx: Okay. Go ahead and disprove it. |
broken. Jazz Hands ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 253 | S713:OHHHHHHHH haha sorry had to say it |
Mr.Armstrong Awake and Unafraid ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 12135 | magic is just illusions that make it seem as if its real. do some research on ghosts and magic. its all fake after reading newspapers,books, and when you learn to discover how something is fake or real you know which for which is real. as for the whole "ohhhhhh" that was unessicery stop spamming |
Rhys Webb Awake and Unafraid ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 12341 | i believe in the supernatural, i believe in ghosts, talking to the dead, ESP, etc. i hav seen shadow people out of the corner of my eye already, and yes i have seen a ghost before, in my own house after my great grandmother passed away. my cousin saw my great grandfather's ghost as well. i had experiences which is what leads me to believe it. sometimes i feel like i am being watched, or i have a certain presence around me. it's very weird... but it is something i do believe in. |
Vivid Jazz Hands ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 354 | It's theoretically impossible to prove that something DOESN'T exist... so people who say they don't believe in ghosts or whatever really have no proof. I don't believe in magic/the supernatural, though. =) |
ladygelliza Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 1067 | its against my religion to believe in magic [though a lot of things are, and im starting to have second thoughts], but i do believe in magic and the supernatural |
Rhys Webb Awake and Unafraid ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 12341 | Vivid: isn't that last statement almost contradicting what you were saying? |
DIE! DIE! DIE! Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1067 | Eh It's difficult to explain my feelings on this Because I have seen things Example: when myu sister was a baby, she used to talk to nothing. When used who she was talking to, she said "Grandma and Grandpa". They are dead. We have no pictures of them. She described what they looked like in perfect detail. My mom has predicted the deaths of 3 of her friends the night of their death in her dreams A Tarot reader asked me right when I sat down if I had a mentally handicapped brother (which is true) While I can't say that I am 100% in this, my firsthand experience tells me that not all of this is bullshit. On the other end, I am not totally convinced. I hate meddling in things that can't be proven. We will never really know the truth, so why ponder it? |
Vivid Jazz Hands ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 354 | Megalomania.: No. I was saying I realize that my side has no proof... but it doesn't bother me. |
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