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MCR and Magazines

oceanic 815.
Full of Ephedrine
oceanic 815.
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October 24th, 2006 at 07:10am
BHAHAHAHA they beat robbie williams to the fetured album of the week and heres the review


How easy it is to get caught up in the excitement when a band suddenly explodes in your face? One No.1 hit single and suddenly it's like the world is being coloured in differently. And being the kind of band MCR are, there's a lot of dark, a lot of shiny, and a surprising amount of blinding white, with gold edging.

This is not so much a hot, new waxing from a band of like-minded rock brothers as a new manifesto of why preposti-rock doesn't have to be self-conscious or silly like the Darkness. And final proof that if the term 'emo' ever meant anything beyond 'NOT OLD AND BORING LIKE YOU, OK??' Gerard Way's lot should really be considered that scene's shining light (even if they're not really emo anyway because they said so and that's SO how it works).

Anyway, well done boys! Nothing can ever be the same again...until the next big bang happens, obv...

Released: 23rd October
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
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Posts: 1307
October 24th, 2006 at 08:49am
CHEMICAL WARFARE- taken from "total guitar (nov issue)"

(i couldn't find this anywhere online so I just had to write it out because Its one of the best articles ever! Its written by the editor too!)

I’m already expecting letters of complaint. "What the fuck were you thinking putting these emo nancy boys on the front cover of TG?!” “Tell Blondie he can sling his flashlight where the sun don’t shine!” “If we wanted a bunch of pretty boys on the cover of a magazine, we’d start wearing our hair in pigtails and subscribe to TOTP!” And those will be the polite missives. My Chemical Romance will be dismissed by a small minority of TG readers as emo lightweights, but they’d be wrong. Dead wrong. I challenge you right now to go online and check out what you can of their awesome new album THE BLACK PARADE. This record qualifies MCR as one of the greatest rock bands of our generation. Seriously! Not convinced? Well, what makes a band like Led Zeppelin or Queen great? An instantly identifiable sound? Check! More than a handful of memorable tunes? Check! The ability to write an albums worth of material that not only holds the attention but surprises and amazes too? BIG check! THE BLACK PARADE is that album and will prove all but the most cynical of MCR detractors wrong. And if that’s you, your missing out on something truly special. Shame… Stephen Lawson, Editor
miss california.
Bleeding on the Floor
miss california.
Age: 31
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October 24th, 2006 at 01:11pm
You're so right, it is the best article i've read.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 35
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Posts: 1251
October 24th, 2006 at 09:00pm
From the Washington Post

'The Black Parade': Not Going Gently Into That Good Night

By Allison Stewart
Special to The Washington Post
Tuesday, October 24, 2006; Page C05

The pop-operatic concept album "The Black Parade," the third and most remarkable release from My Chemical Romance, is phantasmagorical high-wire act. It ensures that never again will the band be described simply as emo or confused with Panic! At the Disco.

"The Black Parade" is a look at the last days of a dying young man, as he gets his affairs in order, scolds the non-dying and alternately embraces and rues his fate. It's also a concept album that's a mash note to other concept albums: "Parade" borrows its producer and aesthetic from Green Day's "American Idiot," its sense of gloomy grandeur from Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and its irrational exuberance from "Sgt. Pepper."

My Chemical Romance's third and best release, "The Black Parade," is a concept album about a man who's dying. (By Chapman Baehler)

My Chemical Romance, a New Jersey quintet that has released two other perfectly appealing and reasonably successful goth/emo/punk-pop studio discs since its 2001 inception, supervises the endeavor with crisp confidence. The band's concept -- Death be not, like, proud -- may not be revolutionary, but the band bends to its task with the earnestness of philosophy majors and the energy of Dr. Kevorkian, the last human in memory to approach the topic with such enthusiasm.

"The Black Parade" is a dadaesque assault on the senses, a blitzkrieg of la-la-la choruses, razored hooks and crack musical marksmanship that's flush with strings and pianos. The opening track, "The End," serves up Pogues-like backing vocals, the steady blip of a life-support machine and plenty of bombast; "Teenagers" is a creepy, boisterous singalong, "West Side Story" meets "A Clockwork Orange"; "Mama" begins with a Last Days of the Weimar Republic-style flourish that suggests "Cabaret," grinds into a more conventional metal-pop dirge, spins into semi-hard-core and ends in a cameo from Liza Minnelli, who should either fire her agent or give him a bonus.

The lead single, "Welcome to the Black Parade," is a Queen homage that neatly ties together, but doesn't belabor, the album's themes of death, alienation and, you know, death. Thanks to a tricky key couplet ("Will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?" ) it's only one or two Messiah references away from evoking the Who's "Tommy" a bit too closely.

The best tracks have a more muted power: "I Don't Love You" is a poppy, relatively uncomplicated track Dashboard Confessional might have done; "Cancer," with singer Gerard Way's vocals layered over spartan piano, is affecting and bizarre, a death rattle disguised as a power ballad.

"Parade" wields its influences like a club. It's shot through with references to '70s glam rock, '80s variations on '70s glam rock, and outsize antecedents such as Faith No More and Mother Love Bone. The great, frenetic "House of Wolves" seems to have wandered in from an unreleased Guns N' Roses album, though that's not necessarily a compliment. If Guns N' Roses' long-delayed "Chinese Democracy" ever does get released, it's a safe bet it won't contain anything half this good.
oceanic 815.
Full of Ephedrine
oceanic 815.
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October 25th, 2006 at 12:17am
This article, oh you must read it and comment, I get so angry at the lack of sense of some people!

"Teenagers scare the living shit out of me!"

As Gerard Way screams this line in one of the worst (but simultaneously catchiest) songs on the new My Chemical Romance album, I can't help but agree, because those teenagers are going to make this one of the biggest hits of the year, in all its vapid entertainment and lifted sing-along music. However, I've got to say, this is My Chemical Romance's finest effort yet, because it is an exact representation of what this band is: a theatrical, over-the-top joke.

The Black Parade is like a really bad movie, where it's so bad it's actually good. Listening to this, you can see what all the make-up and hair obsessions are all about. It's like going to a play and closing your eyes. I'm convinced in a past life, Gerard Way was an overweight Italian woman singing in an opera house. Every song has theatrical moments, from the end of "Dead!" to the ballad of the first single, "Welcome to the Black Parade."

I'd compare this album to the new Dashboard Confessional record, in the sense it will be a huge hit while failing to offer any sort of intellectual value. Supposedly it's about cancer, but the music is is far too superfluous to be taken seriously, which is the biggest downfall. This record also sounds like the band listened to American Idiot and took Rob Cavallo aside and said, "Hey, we want to do that. But without any honesty or sentiment involved. And outfits -- we need outfits." And what we have is The Black Parade. Cavallo did at least a good job at tapping into the band's earlier sounds and making them even more attractive to the pop audience ("The Sharpest Lives"Wink. So long as the band isn't actually taking themselves as seriously as the promotions suggest, this is quite a fine pop record.

However, it is just that. A pop album. Any band trying to get their music to be taken seriously would not do it with such a verbose overtone of Broadway in the background. This is meant to be entertainment -- sugar-coated candy. Nothing more. And if it is trying to be something more, well, that's a bad thing. I couldn't help but chuckle the entire way through the 51-minute effort, double-taking many times after thinking, "Hey, I've heard this before," for every time the band took a riff from a play or movie (like the entirety of the aforementioned, "Teenagers"Wink. I almost felt bad for laughing half the time, remembering this is about cancer or something, but I highly doubt the band actually believes in all that promotion. And if the cancer thing was their idea, they did a hell of a job at turning an incredibly serious disease into a complete joke; they use the subject matter for the token slow, piano-based song that is just, well, pretty bad all around. Actually, it's pretty offensive to think of this album as being serious in nature.

Is this a good album? Not really. I doubt I'll ever listen to this one again. Gerard Way has a voice as annoying as Billy Corgan, but can't write anything beyond trite and contrived repetition. For fans of the Hot Topic-friendly imagery and color schemes, well, this will surely be a big success. However, while American Idiot remained a poignant statement about a serious problem in the world for -- so far -- several years after being released, The Black Parade ends up being nothing but an empty void of theatrics riding on the coat-tails of a legitimate success. It will sell millions of copies that will end up being millions of memories of people looking back, years from now, saying with a smile and a chuckle, "Wow, look at the horrible shit I used to listen to."
oceanic 815.
Full of Ephedrine
oceanic 815.
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Posts: 43317
October 25th, 2006 at 12:26am
Andy! at the disco.:
i don't know where to put this
they made it to big cd today in the big Vancouver news paper.

Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 36
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Posts: 3290
October 25th, 2006 at 04:13am
HAHAHAHA. I totally didn't see this!

I took a left over New York Times from work Sunday for a funny article about Starbucks. To my delight, I just found an entire page article on MCR.

"...[Gerard] drank heavily in search of the courage to perform. Reiling in grief from his grandmother's death in 2003, he added Xanax and cocaine to the mix."

Cocaine?! FTW GERARD! The NYT better be wrong.

I can try to take pictures of it later.
Fear and Regret
Crash Queen
Fear and Regret
Age: 35
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Posts: 33926
October 25th, 2006 at 08:35am
That was also mentioned in the SPIN magazine the band was in also.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
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Posts: 1307
October 25th, 2006 at 09:18am
opps, okay I didn't realise this thread was for all articles relating to mcr, even if they were not from magazines. Maybe the title should be changed slightly? Ill remember to post here in future.
Really Not Okay
Age: 32
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Posts: 698
October 25th, 2006 at 01:03pm
mcr's featured in the new december ap, as well as october 28th's nme, kerrang! (ofcourse) , rock guitar world, guitar world, rock sound

Bess is Yoda
In The Murder Scene
Bess is Yoda
Age: 35
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Posts: 20910
October 25th, 2006 at 03:55pm
Cocaine?! FTW GERARD! The NYT better be wrong.

I can try to take pictures of it later.

You didn't know he used to be on cocaine? o.O

AWESOME articles by the way, guys!
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 36
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Posts: 3290
October 25th, 2006 at 04:08pm
^ Hahaha. No, sorry I don't stalk him.
fabulous killjoy.
fabulous killjoy.
Age: 32
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Posts: 46256
October 25th, 2006 at 04:18pm
This weeks NME:

And a quote from Paris Hilton about MCR when an NME journalist hung out with her, L.Lo & Courtney Love:

Don't get all pissy with me for posting something Paris Hilton said about MCR please. (yes I've been bitched at about it by someone Sad)
Bess is Yoda
In The Murder Scene
Bess is Yoda
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 20910
October 25th, 2006 at 04:32pm
Thanks so much for the NME scans, I haven't been able to get the magazine yet so it's much appreciated!
fabulous killjoy.
fabulous killjoy.
Age: 32
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Posts: 46256
October 25th, 2006 at 06:53pm
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
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Posts: 2765
October 25th, 2006 at 07:14pm
"I think they're sexy!!"

Bess is Yoda
In The Murder Scene
Bess is Yoda
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 20910
October 26th, 2006 at 06:05am
Thank you SO much for those scans from AP.
That article/interview was AMAZING <33
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Posts: 1307
October 26th, 2006 at 06:47am
^ Hahaha. No, sorry I don't stalk him.

hehe, Personally I thought it was a very well known fact, there were loads of articles about it, so I'd hardly say we were stalkers for knowing!
Ceiling Gerard
Awake and Unafraid
Ceiling Gerard
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October 26th, 2006 at 10:01am
^ Hahaha. No, sorry I don't stalk him.

hehe, Personally I thought it was a very well known fact, there were loads of articles about it, so I'd hardly say we were stalkers for knowing!

It was almost mentioned in Life on the Murder Scene when Brian was talking about how Gerard called him up one day high on pills and cocain and threatening to kill himself.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 36
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Posts: 3290
October 26th, 2006 at 03:03pm
Well, I've never seen Life On the Murder Scene and that footage on their website about the Black Parade was the first interview I'd ever seen of theirs.