Interracial Relationships
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dont stop. Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 4290 | I mean, you can't just 'stick to your own' your whole life. Really, I think that if an inter-racial couple has chidren, the children have the opportunity to be more open-minded. And being of different races makes it more interesting. You know, different foods, religions, family traditions, languages. Anyway, who wouldn't like to mix things up? It would be boring just to be with someone that's just like you. |
conor oberst. Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Male Posts: 1797 | I don't see what some peoples problem is. If you love someone then thats it. It doesn't matter what they look like, what race they are or anything else for that matter! |
Mistress~of~Revenge Killjoy ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 31 | In my opinion race has no bearing on the success of a relationship and therefore there is absolutely no reason why different race relationships should be considered "wrong". I have had relationships with people from a different race and it makes no difference as long as you care for each other. |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | Noemie Lenoir.: Just because I have an opinion that isn't necessarily politically correct, or the same view you yourself believe in, doesn't make it invalid or untrue. I'm still entitled to it, and judge people on an individual basis. I've said before, I personally don't have a problem with interracial relationships - but there are a lot of people where I live who do. The post being referred to was not a statement of my personal opinion, it was an observation of what I see happening around me every day (therefore, me stating other people's opinions). Basically, a lot of people think things that aren't socially acceptable, they just don't have the balls to say it out loud the way I do - I couldn't care less what other people think of me, at least I'm not lying to myself or anybody else - everybody knows where they stand where I'm concerned because, unlike every other politically-correct, liberal-minded drone out there who's scared of getting called out for their beliefs, I'm honest. |
skystiles. Banned ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 13229 | "Politically Correct" is usually just a term bigots throw out there to shield themselves from criticism. It means nothing. If you're so honest and ballsy, just admit that you're a racist. You already did on your myspace. Black scum and white scum...what about just plain old "scum"? "Coon dole"? Coon? Do you think that word is joke? Just something to lightly throw around? I don't care how non-pc and free-thinking you are. A bigot is a bigot, no matter what buzzwords they try to hide behind. |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | streaks in the sky.:what I was pointing out was that I don't hate people just because they're black. I hate them if they have a crappy attitude towards life, and in my personal experience, the majority of ethnic people do. What I was pointing out by my use of 'black scum' and 'white scum' was that to me, it doesn't matter what skin colour you have or what your ancestry is, if you're a useless bum, you're a useless bum. I've met white people who refuse to work to feed their families, who take drugs, who are generally not people I'd want to associate with, and I lump them in exactly the same category as I lump the alcoholic, petrol-sniffing, unemployed and uneducated black people I know. Ethnicity doesn't make a difference. And as for 'coon dole' (because, to be honest, I don't know what the actual term for it is - I know what I get for being unemployed is Newstart Allowance, and it's a pittance compared to what Aborigines get), well, don't try and lie to me and say it's totally fair that black people get automatic welfare money for life, without having to do things like participate in 'Work for the Dole' programs or prove to the government that they're seeking full-time emplyment the way white people do - I just don't think that's fair. In fact, I think that's racist against white people. I'm as Australian as any black person - I was born here, raised here, and have never left this country. I have never embraced my Danish heritage, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm Australian. What makes an Aborigine any more Australian than me? The fact that their ancestors came over here and wiped out the race that was living here before they were? Yeah, you head me - at least the English settlers let the Aborigines live, instead of killing them all off the way Aborigines did to the previous race that resided here. To that effect, why does the government cry 'equal rights for all' when the fact is that the Aborigines have far more rights than I do, simply because they're black and I'm white? Like I said, they get welfare without having to prove why they need it, they get practically free housing, they get all kinds of privileges and benefits, including being let off when they've committed a crime with a simple slap on the wrist, whereas a white person would get sent to jail or get a hefty fine, because the judge is scared of being labelled racist, and scared that the criminal's family will come after them (which they do). If wanting EQUAL rights for everyone makes me racist, then yes, I'm a raving bigot, and proud of it. |
skystiles. Banned ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 13229 | The English actually wiped out nearly all of the native population, and when eugenics was the "in" thing in the mid to late 1800s, there was talk of eliminating them all. If you truly lumped all losers with each other, there would be no reason for the "black" scum, "white "scum". Scum is scum to me. I don't like he way many black people act. I don't like the way many white people act. I just don't like many people. I don't need to make a distinction. I won't get into who's truly Australian and who's not argument. But the Aboriginals were the first human inhabitants of Australia. They didn't kill off anybody. And your attempt to make it seem as if the aboriginals have more rights than the whites is laughable. Aboriginals are 11 times more likely to be thrown in jail. They weren't granted the right to vote until 1962. A law saying that the land had been unsettled, so the English had a right to take it wasn't overturned until 1992. Why do whites always come up with idea that minorities have more rights than them? If whites are losing, who's winning? It certainly isn't the aboriginals. You know why the word coon is so insulting? |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | ^ Why is an Aboriginal 11 times mroe likely to be thrown into jail than a white? Umm, maybe because a huge number of them are raised in dysfunctional families and grow up to be thugs. The stereotype wouldn't exist without a reason. And yeah, I know 'coon' is a highly offensive term. It's not like I go around saying it to random people - I call one of my best friends 'coon' all the time and he doesn't give a rats', because he knows I'm saying it in jest. It's like Americans not being allowed to call African-Americans the 'n' word - people still use the term, they just don't admit to it. I do. To me, it's not about winning or losing - although obviously, even with all the extra benefits and special treatment Aborigines get, they're not taking advantage of the opportunities and are just wasting their lives. It's not about winning orlosing, it's about being equal, and what I see around me every day is by no means equal, everything is biased in favour of the natives. Which I don't think is fair, that's all I'm saying. |
skystiles. Banned ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 13229 | The dysfunctional financial situation that many of them live in leads to dysfunctional families, which leads to dysfunctional individuals. Not that it really matters, because it's wrong either way, but is your friend an aborigine? I'd be surprised if he didn't take offense to that, but that's just me. So because people say offensive things in private, that makes it acceptable? No. That just makes them spineless hypocrites. It is about being equal, and that's why the whites need to stop complaining about how the minorities get "special rights" and examine closely why these programs were enacted in the first place. But we're getting into territory that has nothing to do with inter-racial relationships. So, let me ask you this one question. Answer truthfully please, since you're so "non-pc". If your daughter wanted to marry a black man, would you, deep in your heart of hearts, would you be 100% okay with that? Forget society, forget what your friends or anyone else would think. How would YOU feel? |
Millstone Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 1027 | Cigarettes And Suicide: Then it's all about the environment they are set in. Being Aboriginal has nothing to do with why some of them are messed up. Put anyone of any race in that type of situation and there is going to be a high chance the results won't be so nice. Whatever problem you guys have over there I'm pretty sure both groups have a huge hand in why everything is fucked up. According to Wikipedia, Aboriginal Australians make up 2.5% of Australia's population. Is that true? If that is true I feel sorry for them. Jeez... 2.5 %!? ![]() Is your friend a Aboriginal? If he is does he have any self respect? Some words just are dis-respectful no matter who says it or the way it's being used. God forbid I let ANYONE call me a ni**er. I'm trying to think of a way where 'coon' could be used in any type of funny or friendly way. But I've got nothing. And good for you for that you have the balls to say what ignorant people are thinking out loud because we really need to hear that. That's just wonderful. |
skystiles. Banned ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 13229 | Sowing Season, I'm with you. I wish someone, especially one of my friends would call me the N word, even in "jest". I'd bust him or her in the mouth so hard...psssh. |
dom howard. Banned ![]() Age: 47 Gender: Female Posts: 46925 | Wow, End on End, you really are awesome. You've been saying what i've been meaning to say on here,but I couldn't describe it without someone having a go at me. And C&S, shame on you. You're a bigot. Just because you have "balls" to put your point across, doesn't make any less bigot-y. |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | End on End.:If my daughter brought home a black man who had finished high school, had a job, didn't take drugs or use alcohol excessively, and treated her with the respect she deserved, then no, I would have no problem with her marrying someone like that. However, if he was unemployed, living off welfare, used drugs or drank too much, gambled his money and ran with 'unsavoury' company, then yes, I don't care if he were black, white, purple or green, I'd lock her in her bedroom until she grew a brain. Her father, however... well, let's just say if you think I'm such a bigot, be glad you'll never hear his opinion on the issue. And yes, the friend that I referred to is half-black, half-white, and he has the utmost respect for himself - but he's admitted himself that he would never touch a black girl as far as relationships go, because he thinks most people of his race are pathetic, whining slobs with no ambition. He's said it himself, and recently fathered a child with *gasp* a white girl. He doesn't have a problem with his friends calling him 'coon' or 'nigga', but if a stranger did it, he'd bust their ass, same as I don't care if he calls me 'cracker' in jest - but I get violent towards any other ethnic person who dares to speak to me that way. I don't go around calling every Aboriginal a 'coon' or other derogatory names - and you see African-Americans calling each other 'nigga' all the time like it's something to be proud of, so I don't see why anybody would care if it's a friend doing the same, knowing it's not serious at all. And Sowing Season, I'd have to assume that the 2.5% of the population quoted would be solely counting the 'full-blooded' (of which there truthfully are none, the last full-blooded Aborigine died in the late 1800's, so everyone around here today has some white blood in them somewhere along the line) Aborigines - half-castes (for lack of a better word, I can't think of anything else to call it off the top of my head, forgive me for any offense), quarter-castes and the rest actually make up a relatively large part of the nation's population. Either that, or the statistics are incorrect because a lot of these people have never filled out a Census form so the government basically isn't aware of their existence. Fact is, people who have 1/16th Aboriginal blood (so, in my opinion, white by definition, I mean who cares if your great-grandfather on your dad's side was half-Aboriginal, it doesn't make you black) can still claim welfare and other benefits, so it's not like there's only a tiny, tiny percentage of people claiming unnecessary welfare and other benefits. |
voice4mygeneration65 Jazz Hands ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 330 | --Sure. I almost am. My boyfriend wasnts to be black. -idk. my bff jill? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Lounge Fly Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 1061 | I'm mixed race (Indo-Fijian) but I don't look it. This topic is close to my heart becauseone of my exes dumped me after a dinner with her parents didn't go well because of my race. |
dom howard. Banned ![]() Age: 47 Gender: Female Posts: 46925 | I'm mixed race (1/2 black, 1/2 white), but I don't look it XD. I once got mistaken for being Chinese ![]() Don't get me wrong, Chinese people are pretty, but it was just the way it was said "Are you Chinese, because I've got a Chinese friend, but she hasn't got hair like you" XD & This is close to my heart too, shadow_666, because I can't believe some people would not agree with different race relationships. Love is love. End of. |
xdemolition lover x Joining The Black Parade ![]() Age: 101 Gender: Female Posts: 202 | Different racerealtionships are fine. There's nothing wrong with them; we are all human, after all. So it is not 'wrong' to be with a person of a differet reace. If you love each other, that's what really counts. And of course, the owrld is full of inconsiderate jerks, so yes, there probably are people who make fun of different race realtionships. And yes, I would date someone of a different race..if they were what I was looking for. =] |
caveucallachest Killjoy ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 54 | I'm honestly surprised this is even an issue. I don't think its wrong at all. The only thing that matters when people are dating is if they like each other. It shouldn't matter. |
Carrie White Thinking Happy Thoughts ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 416 | Cigarettes And Suicide: everyone wants to do that to their daughter. but despite what you think there are some black people who are pefectly fine. my boyfriend is puerto rician and domician and hes fine. he listens to rap and rock and hes one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet in your life. you're being really racist even if you dont mean to be, you are. you're making it sound like every black person is a drug addict, and one welfare, but some people cant judge someone from where they come from intill you actually get to know them. |
Lights Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 2205 | really, it shouldn't matter if you date someone who's a different race. all that should matter is the amount of love in the relationship. that's all that should ever matter. having children isn't unsafe, they're just going to be of mixed race. there is really no problem in having a mixed relationship. and sowing season, I really agree with everything you said! my best friend is half black, and I would never in a million years think of calling her the names that so many people used in hatred and ignorance for years. It's disrespectful and not something anyone would use in a "friendly" way if they had any self-respect. |
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