Interracial Relationships
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Darkened Angel Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 2364 | 2) It'd be weird if I did, my parents are both different races 3) I don't think it happens often today but ask my parents and they'll tell you it was all too common when they started dating 4)If I was in love with them I truly wouldn't give a care, as long as they felt the same way 5) Okay that was hilarious! |
PERCY Motor Baby ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 767 | If there are no boundaries to love, why should cultural differences matter? I don't think it does. It's great to see people in different race relationships because it just shows that they are intelligent and considering enough to understand each other's differences enough to love each other. |
Roxx my Soxx Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1390 | 1.) So, what are your thoughts on different race relationships? 2.) Do you think it is wrong to be with a person of a different race? 3.) Do you think people get made fun of for dating a person of a different race quite often? 4.) Would you ever date a person of a different race? 1.) I believe that race is only skin deep. On the inside everyone has the same anatomy. Everyone bleeds, everyone hurts, everyone loves. What is race but a difference in skin pigment and texture of hair? Nothing. So why should it matter who dates who? Who likes who? Who LOVES who? 2.) No. I would never think that. It takes a shallow person to rule out a possible soul-mate because of skin color. 3.) I think it depends where someone lives. I live in the South and sometimes people get killed because they're dating someone of a different race. A while back, this woman was killed becasue her husband was black. (She was white.) And her mulatto son's boyfriend was too. The killer was a racist, homophobe. Sometimes inter-racial couples get picked at but I've only seen it happen a few times... 4.) Of course. My boyfriend is Cuban and I'm black. I LOVE white boys, black boys, spanish boys, asian boys... I really don't care. Skin is not to what I'm initially attracted to... |
silverrain Thinking Happy Thoughts ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 453 | i know that "race" relationships are still a subject for some people, but the only thing that always comes to my mind is WTF! ![]() I mean, if your ancestors haven’t lived for generations under the same rock or in a bunker locked up from the rest of humanity, it’s more than likely that you’re genes are more or less mixed (makes the immune system of possible kids healthier by the way). I think what could possibly afflict a relationship are not different skin colours or external features of partners, but rather conflictive lifestyles, opposing mentalities and interests or insurmountable cultural gaps. |
Alex DeLarge. Motor Baby ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 779 | My cousins are half black, half white, and actually they're pretty ridiculed for it. I don't know if it's just the area we live in, but those poor kids get such abuse at school because of it. I personally don't understand. A mixed-race relationship is no different than any other, it's still love, regardless. To see it as anything other than normal is, in my mind, racism. |
purveyors of dreams. Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 2253 | I live in Singapore, and we're a muti-racial country, so I've pretty much grown up to be completely against racism. I'm Chinese, and my first boyfriend was malay. So I think that relationships with people of different races are completely and perfectly normal. I'm not too sure of whether people get teased for it often though, so far I haven't heard that happening around me yet. |
abcdefrankiero Killjoy ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 55 | I totally have no problem with different race relationships. My aunt married a man of a different race. From what I could see their relationship was good. I think alot of people treat couples of different races different. I'm not sure why though. And yes, I would date a person of a different race, if I liked them of course. |
Jeffree Star Motor Baby ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 950 | My mama's Mexican and my daddy is Black. I'm totally not with racism, the riots between Mexicans and Blacks hurts because I'm both. I have a BF and he's white i totally love him. |
MusicalMueth Killjoy ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 36 | I don't see anything wrong with it. My cousins have married out of their race before, and most of them seem like good guys. Race doesn't matter, it's compatibility. |
Nikkilodeon Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 1010 | i deffiantly support multi racial relationships i think if someone makes you happy you should be with them race doesnt matter like bunnies said i think it awesome because thats just one more reason america is so great (not to sound all patriotic) |
ros. Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 37 Gender: - Posts: 2442 | Yeah well you can kinda say that i'm the 'product' of an inter-race marriage and i'll have to say that growing up as a kid i was a liitle mixed up, a little pushed around, and a little glared on, and both by kids and adults. I used to be super resentful though. I mean kids are kids and kids say what they mean, which can be a whole load of prejudiced and blind hate. I used to be walked all over cuz of that and i really wanted to fit in. So i didnt tell anybody about how messed up i was but i slowly channeled that frustration into a kind of witty sarcasm that i thought was hilarious and that most kids my age then thought was too. But i did end up hurting a few people along the way and i realised that i was no better than those who verbally kicked me in the gut. So I'm pretty much mellowed out now and have learnt to laugh at ignorance. I get a quiet sense of calm knowing that I'm a little more understanding and open than most people. Let's just say it gives me a hell lot more reasons to be happy and not angry all the time. |
dRowNingInmYsorRowS Thinking Happy Thoughts ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 579 | uh, sorry (I don't know why I'm apologizing) but I wanna say this: I'm Asian...and I live in American. And since there aren't a lot of Asian guys 'round this here place (but to be honest, I wouldn't date any of them 'cause'll be like dating my dad; in my mind, all Asian guys are the same....)...well, I'm probably gonna end up hitched up with some guy of another race. So...yeah. |
aLittleKILLjoy Killjoy ![]() Age: 40 Gender: Female Posts: 69 | dRowNingInmYsorRowS: I know!!! I'm Philippino and every other Philippino person I've met has been related to me in some way. I kinda steered away from other Philippinos because I was afraid I'd find out I was going out with a distant cousin and also most of them weren't into what I was. But it happened to my sister! And when she found out they were related, he still wanted to go out with her! He was like, "But we aren't related through blood; just marriage." She was very creeped out. |
dee dee ramone. Always Born a Crime ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 5369 | So, what are your thoughts on different race relationships? There is nothing wrong with them at all. If you love them, there's nothing wrong with it. Do you think it is wrong to be with a person of a different race? I don't think it's wrong. I don't see why it would matter, like gender or age wouldn't matter if they truly loved each other. Do you think people get made fun of for dating a person of a different race quite often? Around where I live, I don't get anything about it, but in the "ghetto" parts of where I live, if you're black or mixed race, you get shit if you go out with a non black or mixed race person. And a lot of mixed race people think it's shameful that they're mixed race and claim that they're "pure black" and they're just light-skinned. Would you ever date a person of a different race? [Of course.=] I'm dating a white guy now and I'm Chinese. And it's totally awesome. Like the two people above me though, I'm weird about dating guys of my ethnicity, because I don't meet very many outside of family. And It would be rather creepy if I found out he was like, my cousin or something. |
*curious_mel* Killjoy ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 42 | 1.) I think they are wonderful. I personally know many interracial couples. In my opinion they are the couples that have the most beautiful babies. 2.) No, I think it is perfectly acceptable. Race should never be an issue between two people who are inlove. After all you are falling inlove with the person not it's race if you know what I mean (I'm probably not making any sense). 3.) No. I just think that there are people that are not quite use to the idea. Especially people that come from very conservative families. But that's their problem I guess. 4.) Yeah, totally. But I don't think my dad would approve. He told me that if I ever marry a black guy that I would become officially dead to him ![]() |
Me-ninja Joining The Black Parade ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 199 | whats wrong with them? if people love eachother then they love eachother it doesnt matter what races they are. |
chapped and faded. Motor Baby ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 790 | I completely, totally support multi-racial relationships. COMPLETELY. It doesn't matter what's your race. It's all about you. The inside, not the outside. But I'm aware of those who are raised to think it wrong to date/marry/go out/have relationships/etc with people not of the same race as them. So, it's probably not their fault.. But that's my opinion. If one doesn't feel so comfortable about doing so, then it's fine by me. As long as they're happy. |
knights of cydonia. Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 3083 | Exactly what atiqah02 said. I'm all for different race relationships. Yeah, and our parents might have been those raised to believe that. I mean, this is a different time from theirs. They still live by their old rules. I don't blame them. Love is love. No one can stop that. Doesn't matter how you look, what race you are, nothing like that. Love is not superficial. Love is the only thing that brings this world together. Different race relationships are one of them. |
neil patrick harris. Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 4459 | ^i agree |
neil patrick harris. Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 4459 | i think it's okay as long as the ppl love eachother nothing is wrong with it i dont see why ppl are against different race relationships |
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