Interracial Relationships
Author | Message |
bloodredruby69 Banned ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 8293 | We are not giving people fancy names, that is what they are. It is just politically and technically correct, in a non-offensive way. Getting angry at those "fancy" terms is like a white person being angry if they get called caucasion. EDIT; Also, there is nothing wrong with the word hybrid. It is a mix of two species, types, or, in this case, races. It is technical, nothing more. |
jedicam10 Fabulous Killjoy ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 127 | Look: Different people get offended by didfferent things. It's no one persons right to tell others what is offensive. Maybe i over did it but my main piont is some people may dislike that term. PERIOD |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | jedicam10:I can see how half-breed could be considered offensive, but not only is it a totally different thing from 'hybrid', my point was that 'racial hybrid' was just as offensive as the term'bi-racial' or 'mixed-race'. As Ruby said (and goddamn, this girl always manages to hit the nail on the head), it's a technical term, not a 'fancy name' for something. The reason all these 'fancy terms' are being thrown around these days is because nobody can call anything what it is without being accused of racism/sexism/whatever issue is at hand. Seriously, the world is getting far too politically correct because of people with opinions like yours, where nothing can be said out loud by anybody else because somebody might find it offensive. Like the term 'black sheep' being replaced by 'rainbow sheep' in the old nursery rhyme 'Baa baa black sheep' because non-caucasians might be insulted. What a crock! All I was saying was that it seems you can't call anything by its name anymore for fear of some over-sensitive moron complaining about how freaking bigoted everybody is. Get over it - and this isn't a taunt, although you may read it as one, but you are half black and half white - so you're bi-racial, mixed-race, a racial hybrid. Would you rather people called you 'mutt' or 'impure' or something outright offensive? Pick your battles. Besides, this is a discussion for the racism thread, not the mixed-race relationship thread. |
jedicam10 Fabulous Killjoy ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 127 | I'm not blaming anyone on purpose. I'm just saying, when you believe that what you said was harmless but the other sees it as offensive, don't automatically blame them. If you say it and they are cool, than cool. But if they are offended. Apologize and get over it. The problem THEN is if they don't accept your apology and call you a bigot. THEN it is their oversensitivity. |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | I think you misunderstand me. I feel no obligation to apologise for simply calling a spade a spade (excuse the pun - I'm totally aware that 'spade' is a highly offensive term for a... uhh... how do I put this without offending you... a person of part-caucasian, non-asian, non-middle eastern descent, how was that?). I'm just saying that people are being super-ridiculous in terms of what they consider offensive and non-offensive - in my opinion, something like 'black' or 'coon' could definitely be considered offensive, but something that is completely true and a technical description, like 'bi-racial' is perfectly acceptable, and if somebody finds it unacceptable, then they're kind of an ass. Why should I feel obligated to apologise to over-sensitive people suffering racial paranoia, over something that's simply a description? I could easily go off my nut at anybody calling me a 'housewife' because I could see it as derogatory, implying that I'm capable of nothing more than cooking food and vaccuming - but I don't! It's a simple-ass truth and nothing can change it. Chips on shoulders are far too prevalent in what is meant to be a liberated society. I could have understood you being up in arms over a simple term back in, say, the 1940's, but hey - you're just a regular human being by today's standards, and getting offended at people making a note of your ancestry is simply asking to get called a moron. Political correctness does have its place, but it's gone way too far in my opinion. People need to just suck it up and be brave - nobody's out to get you, the fact is, you're half and half, what the hell am I supposed to do about it? |
jedicam10 Fabulous Killjoy ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 127 | I understand that we live in a society where you could even be SUED for "offending" someone, which i see as WRONG. The bottomline, is The TELLER didn't mean to offend, the RECIEVER didn't take it personally, and BOTH forgive. If the reciver goes off, it's HIS/HER FAULT! |
Annie-Luvz-a-Marine. Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 3944 | i belive u should love who ever u want no matter what race they r |
bloodredruby69 Banned ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 8293 | Garrett's_Bella_Wife:There is no chatspeak allowed here in the Discussion Board. Please try to type in passable english next time you post here, ok? ---------------------------------- Jedicam - A person can get offended at whatever they want, whenever they want, for whatever reason they want. It's part of being human. However, when you are using the most politically and technically correct terms available, they are viewed universally as un-offending. That is why they are politically correct, is because they are un-offending. If they get offended by politically correct terms, then they are already being overly sensative. That is their issue to deal with, not something I will lost sleep over. Dee's totally correct with this one. |
dom howard. Banned ![]() Age: 47 Gender: Female Posts: 46925 | I find it annoying as hell when non-mixed race people sayy "hybrid" is an okayy word. You're not bi-racial, so you don't know it feels, and it offends us (well' most biracial people i know). it's not politically correct, it's racism, and therefore offensive. |
dom howard. Banned ![]() Age: 47 Gender: Female Posts: 46925 | Cigarettes And Suicide: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
druscilla. Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 1671 | Cigarettes And Suicide: That's exactly what I think. I've just never been sexually attracted to anyone of a different race, although I find some of them to be beautiful. I don't think there's a single thing wrong with interracial relationships though. Be happy. |
dom howard. Banned ![]() Age: 47 Gender: Female Posts: 46925 | druscilla; in rags: What do you mean by mutt? Do you mean mutt, like a mongrel dog, or a mutt, as in a mullato person? ![]() |
bloodredruby69 Banned ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 8293 | Mutt is referring to someone with a lot of different ancestories, like, both parents had a couple of different races in them. Second, Dee was most likely referring to the Aborigines where she is, Australia. She wasn't generalizing, per say, she was pointing out the defining features of that particlar race. It's the same as saying that Asians have a yellow-tan skin and slanted eyes, ie, description. That's not racism, that's evolution. Also, hybrid is politically correct. It's technical, that's it. If it offends "most" of the racial hybrids you know, then they probably don't know the meaning of the word, or someone has used it against them negatively. |
dom howard. Banned ![]() Age: 47 Gender: Female Posts: 46925 | Cigarettes And Suicide: you've just contradicted yourself. an opinion is different from a fact. and of course it's not offensive to you, you're not mixed race ![]() this is from wikipedia (and don't say "oh thats wikipedia, anyone can edit it, it's very unreliable, blah, blah, blah" this is probably been put on wikipedia by a mixed race person) Generally considered inoffensive Biracial of mixed ancestry of dual heritage Mixed race Mixed Mixed Blood Multiracial Multiethnic Polygeneric — Neologism from Greek, poly-, (many) and genera (races) Generally considered offensive Bastard Half-blood Half-breed Half-caste Half-Chat (Northern Ireland Colloquialism for people of white and black origins) Halfling High Yellow Hybrid Cross Mudblood Crossbreed Coyote Mongrel Mule Mutant Mutt Pendy (Used informally in Sheffield) Swirl, swirly, swirly baby - reference to swirl pattern on two-flavor "twist" soft-serve ice cream Zebra — for black and white Oreo - Black and White Halfrican - Half Black |
bloodredruby69 Banned ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 8293 | OhMyGee; It's Me!: I don't need to say it, you already did. Plus, since opinion and fact are different, what you posted is just someone's opinion. I'm not mixed and I find mongrel and bastard, along with others, offensive. You can't use your heritage as a crutch in a discussion like this, and you can't exclude the opinions and posts of others as wrong or uninformed just because they are not mixed. Now, this is seriously into the spam side of posting. This thread is specifically for Different Race Relationships not to listen to what people find offensive linguistically. Discussion on that can be taken to the racism thread. If it keeps up here though, I will most probably report this to have this locked, especially since it is just going in circles. |
dom howard. Banned ![]() Age: 47 Gender: Female Posts: 46925 | bloodredruby69: Hybrid might be politically correct (If you say so ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Oxycontin Genocide. Banned ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Male Posts: 2955 | This discussion is getting off topic. The thread is called different race relationships, not racism. If this continues, I will have to report this. ![]() |
dom howard. Banned ![]() Age: 47 Gender: Female Posts: 46925 | Mm-hm okayy then. |
Fezzik Salute You in Your Grave ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 2748 | OhMyGee; It's Me!: Ahem. hy·brid: 'hI-br&d: noun 1 : an offspring of two animals or plants of different races, breeds, varieties, species, or genera. 2 : a person whose background is a blend of two diverse cultures or traditions. It's not like calling a person snow white. No one is literally snow white, but people are literally "offspring of two animals of different races". You can take offense to whatever you want, but 'racial hybrid' is technically correct. And, as Ruby said, all of this is way off-topic. Off-topic threads get locked. No one wants that. Can we please end this? |
druscilla. Bleeding on the Floor ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 1671 | OhMyGee; It's Me!: That wasn't my original quote. -shakes head- |
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