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Interracial Relationships

Joining The Black Parade
Age: 32
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Posts: 205
May 30th, 2007 at 09:57am
Different Race relationships can be just as fuctional and enjoyable a same-race relationships. The Commanding Officer and the Executive Officer of my NJROTC Company, and black guy and a white girl, are dating and they function very well, and enjoy the relationship they have. They aren't given any shit about a white dating a black.

I find that the stereotypical same-race relationship propaganda is utter crap. If a black girl wants to date a Mexican guy, go right ahead. If a Chinese girl wants to date a Jamacian guy, go right the fuck ahead. race should never be a boundary.

(hehe, page claim)
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 32
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Posts: 553
May 30th, 2007 at 10:00am
So, what are your thoughts on different race relationships? I think that if you love someone, then it does not matter if they are a different race, religion, or any other difference.
Do you think it is wrong to be with a person of a different race? I don't think it is wrong, but many people do. My family does.
Do you think people get made fun of for dating a person of a different race quite often? Yes, they do get made fun of, I've seen it happen many many times. My best friend's mom is married to someone of a different race, and my friend's sister just had a baby with someone of a different race, and they get ridiculed very often. Even people at our church talk about them, and I get really upset with one lady because I'm around her a lot and she's always complaining about something.
Would you ever date a person of a different race? I probably woudn't, because of the way thes rest of my family feels about it.
lady gaga.
Salute You in Your Grave
lady gaga.
Age: 32
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June 16th, 2007 at 08:13pm
I think that in a relationship race really doesnt matter. What matters is that you have feelings for that person and if you do then race should not matter at all.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 33
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Posts: 151
June 16th, 2007 at 09:11pm
ok. im an african american girl and it really bothers me and upsets me that my family and some of my friends pick on me and make fun of the fact that im more interested in hispanic and white boys. i mean all of my boyfriends except one has been african american but im stil into boys of other races. my uncle seems to have a very big problem with it. he does not like white people and he makes it known to the rest of the world. im terrified to bring any of my white friends around him and he really doesn't accept the fact that i listen to mcr or any other form of rock or alternative music. im all for interracial relationships. i see myself marrying someone from a different race and most of my friends do too. i imagine that me and this person will be ridiculed very much and very often and that will just be something that we will have to deal with. we'll just have to realize that some people in this world are ignorant and it's not all completely their fault.
Helena and Hearts
Jazz Hands
Helena and Hearts
Age: 31
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June 16th, 2007 at 09:34pm
there is nothing wrong with it
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 34
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Posts: 3601
June 16th, 2007 at 10:17pm
nothing wrong with different race relationships. my step dad is african american and my mom is caucasian. and i actually have liked a ton of ppl from other races. idk y ppl make such a big deal about it. when i walk around with my step dad, ppl look at us funny. it's really annoying. really, it doesn't matter.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 36
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Posts: 1027
June 19th, 2007 at 08:43am
ok. im an african american girl and it really bothers me and upsets me that my family and some of my friends pick on me and make fun of the fact that im more interested in hispanic and white boys. i mean all of my boyfriends except one has been african american but im stil into boys of other races. my uncle seems to have a very big problem with it. he does not like white people and he makes it known to the rest of the world. im terrified to bring any of my white friends around him and he really doesn't accept the fact that i listen to mcr or any other form of rock or alternative music. im all for interracial relationships. i see myself marrying someone from a different race and most of my friends do too. i imagine that me and this person will be ridiculed very much and very often and that will just be something that we will have to deal with. we'll just have to realize that some people in this world are ignorant and it's not all completel message boardy their fault.

I went through the same thing but eventually my family just got over it. A lot of people are scared of things are different from them. My family doesn't dislike white people. They just preferred if I dated a black guy. Give it a few years. Just stick to your beliefs. Don't back down. Hopefully once they see that this isn't just a "phase" you're going through, it will be ok. Now my family only care about the stuff they should care about like "Is he in college", not "What race is he"? I'm attracted to all races though. I've seen very good-looking men in every ethnic groups. Naughty
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: -
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Posts: 114
June 19th, 2007 at 04:26pm
Sowing Season:
ok. im an african american girl and it really bothers me and upsets me that my family and some of my friends pick on me and make fun of the fact that im more interested in hispanic and white boys. i mean all of my boyfriends except one has been african american but im stil into boys of other races. my uncle seems to have a very big problem with it. he does not like white people and he makes it known to the rest of the world. im terrified to bring any of my white friends around him and he really doesn't accept the fact that i listen to mcr or any other form of rock or alternative music. im all for interracial relationships. i see myself marrying someone from a different race and most of my friends do too. i imagine that me and this person will be ridiculed very much and very often and that will just be something that we will have to deal with. we'll just have to realize that some people in this world are ignorant and it's not all completel message boardy their fault.

I went through the same thing but eventually my family just got over it. A lot of people are scared of things are different from them. My family doesn't dislike white people. They just preferred if I dated a black guy. Give it a few years. Just stick to your beliefs. Don't back down. Hopefully once they see that this isn't just a "phase" you're going through, it will be ok. Now my family only care about the stuff they should care about like "Is he in college", not "What race is he"? I'm attracted to all races though. I've seen very good-looking men in every ethnic groups. Naughty
My family is exactly the same way. It's not that they hate other races but they just prefer that I stick to the same race (I'm Cape Verdian, which is a group of ten islands off the coast of Africa). I'm kind of anxious about when I get married because of the fact that I probably won't marry another Cape Verdian. This will be a huge change for my parents and siblings since all of them (I have 12, shocking I know) have married and/or dated other Cape Verdians. It's going to be especially hard on my parents since they don't speak english all that well and it will be hard for them to communicate.
I have absolutelty no problem with different race relationships...I'm actually 150% for it. I find it really cowardly though of the television networks/shows or movies that are afraid to support different race relationships and also have the black girl with the black guy or the white girl with the white guy. I believe that they need to start mixing it up!!
Go fuck yourself
Devil's Got Your Number
Go fuck yourself
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 37823
June 19th, 2007 at 04:33pm
I think that in a relationship race really doesnt matter. What matters is that you have feelings for that person and if you do then race should not matter at all.

thats what i was thinking, it stupid to deny love. love doesn't know barriers
Helena and Hearts
Jazz Hands
Helena and Hearts
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 314
June 19th, 2007 at 06:24pm
^ you know it babe
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 38
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Posts: 1725
June 19th, 2007 at 06:51pm
Sowing Season:
Now my family only care about the stuff they should care about like "Is he in college", not "What race is he"?

And that, my friends, is the only important thing. As I've said before, I have never dated outside my own race, and probably never will now that I'm married and therefore off the market, but I don't give a rats' what other people do in their relationships - whatever makes them happy.
I do, however, hate seeing people (usually family members) being prejudiced against someone's boyfriend/girlfriend just because of their race.
Rather than saying, 'I don't approve because s/he's black/white/Asian/Hispanic', they should be saying, 'I'd rather you be with someone who graduated high school and has a decent-paying job' or 'I just want the best for you, so I'd rather see you with someone who has a goal in life'.
The assumption seems to be that every black/hispanic guy is a drug dealer or gangbanger or on welfare/abusive/etc etc etc. While I personally have only met maybe three (Australian aborigines, by the way, not African-Americans) black guys who have jobs, don't do drugs or drink excessively etc, I like to think that while there may be a lot of black guys in the position of being unsuitable partners, there are probably just as many white guys who are exactly the same.
Really Not Okay
Age: 45
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Posts: 739
June 19th, 2007 at 10:24pm
As far as I'm concerned I one hundred percent support interracial relationships. Love doesn't have any boundaries. Love is universal. As long as that person treats you with respect and loves you for who you are what does the race even matter?
Jazz Hands
Age: -
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Posts: 365
June 20th, 2007 at 07:44pm
^i agree. race shouldn't matter if your in love.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1262
June 21st, 2007 at 06:51am
has anyone ever incountered more specific problems with different race relationships from their family's?
for example, my family are quite racist and prejudiced, no matter what people say, they are.
so if i was to bring home a person of african origins, there would be raised eyebrows but he would probably be accepted, the same with someone east asian (eg chinese, japanese)
however, if i was to bring someone with arabic features, who was muslim, then i doubt he would even be allowed past the front door.
how is it that certain races are frowned upon even more than others?
i mean admittedly i can see it from their point of view. the only muslims they have ever seen are the ones on TV that are trying desperatly to destroy my family's beloved christianity. however, i think it is unfair that such prejudices should affect me in whatever i chose to do with my life. it is easy for people to say, "oh your in love. go for it" because there is alot of pressure from families and peoples peers.
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 47
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Posts: 46925
June 21st, 2007 at 10:38am
I agree. Even if people don't say anything to you, people still get weird looks when going out with people of other races. Like a white woman and a black man couple would get weird looks down the street. It's unfair.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
June 21st, 2007 at 06:24pm
it is easy for people to say, "oh your in love. go for it" because there is alot of pressure from families and peoples peers.

I totally agree. It's easy enough for those who either haven't been in that situation, or have a really open-minded bunch of family and friends, to take a libertarian attitude towards issues like this and just say, 'What you do is your own business,' but it's not that simple.
I can't say I've been in the position of having a partner of a different race, so I don't know how my parents would react, but I guess I can use a different situation for a similar purpose.
It's very easy to say, 'If you love someone, that's what's important, not your family's opinion of them,' but I know that there have been moments (early on in our relationship) where my husband and I argued about my attachment to my family. Let's put it this way - when I met him, he was my drug dealer, plain and simple. When we got together, he was still doing it to make money (although he was looking for a job), and the subject of what would happen if the police caught us came up. He suggested that if our house got raided, I could take the fall because I have a totally clean criminal record, and would end up with a court appearance and have to go to a day-long anti-drug seminar at the local community health centre. However, if he took the blame, he could be looking at anything from fines to jail time (he was already on probation for a stupid thing he and his friends did when they were in high school). I basically said no way, I wasn't going to take the fall for his actions because my family would practically disown me, and he got mad because he felt like, as my boyfriend (and by that time father of my unborn child), I should be willing to do anything it took to keep us together, regardless of my family's opinion.
I admit, I did want to be able to say I'd go to any lengths for us, but the fact is I do care about my family, and I wouldn't want to put them through something like that because of my husband's bad decisions - if I was the criminal, then yeah, of course I'd take the blame because I was the one who did it, you know?
Thankfully, he got a job soon after and we're now completely law-abiding citizens. I don't have to worry about what I would do in that circumstance, because it will never arise again.

Anyway, my point being, I definitely feel that it's all well and good to say, 'You do whatever makes you happy,' sometimes you get torn between being happy and alienating or upsetting your family, or giving up the happiness of a relationship to remain happy within your family and please them.
Go fuck yourself
Devil's Got Your Number
Go fuck yourself
Age: 31
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Posts: 37823
June 21st, 2007 at 06:44pm
it also might be from experience, once i dated a mexican guy who was trying to be gangster, yea i know. i dated him really because i just want a date to the dance, truth be told i really didn't like himand then one day at school he beat up a girl for no reason so i dumped him, now i have no problem dating a hispanic guy, cause i'm white, but i know what not to look for, and i probalby won't date some gang-banger. but some people might just be too afriad for the ones they love so they oppuse
Steal Corpses!!
Really Not Okay
Steal Corpses!!
Age: 30
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Posts: 635
June 22nd, 2007 at 01:01am
Yes I would date someone of a different race and I already have
He was the same as everyone else

I think it is wrong and anyone that believes that it is right is retarded
tyler durden.
Fabulous Killjoy
tyler durden.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 158
July 9th, 2007 at 07:16pm
Steal Corpses!!:
Yes I would date someone of a different race and I already have
He was the same as everyone else

I think it is wrong and anyone that believes that it is right is retarded

Hear, hear.
I've been with someone of a different race for two years and my brother doesn't believe in it, he threatened to cut me off completely, so I haven't told anyone.

Everyone is human.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 139
July 9th, 2007 at 08:08pm
i'm not really sure how my family feels on the topic. i don't think they would care much. but i would definitely date someone of another race if i wanted to. just like anyone else. race doesn't matter. it's just how someone looks. it's what's on the inside and the love that you feel for each other that counts.