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Interracial Relationships

Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2286
July 10th, 2007 at 02:51am
My friend's Mom wanted to marry a black man but her father wouldn't let her so she married a white guy who was an asshole and beat the crap out of her. Sometimes I think that she would've been tons better off if her father had been more tolerant (and then my friend would be half-black Smile)
Age: -
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Posts: 25
July 10th, 2007 at 02:58am
Well most people are just physically attracted to people of their natural skin color and of the opposite sex, but if you wanna date someone thats another color of you go for it. Just know that sometimes out in public you will be made fun of if its to your face or behind your back, Well in Georgia anyway ill give example if your a white girl and you date a black guy....other white guys will want nothing to do with you sadly, thats just how it is. I read about your dad not agreeing with your decision if hes religious THIS IS HOW YOU GET HIM BACK >Smile just say but dad, " in the bible moses a jew, dated a black women from Nigeria " watch his expression on his face LOL its in GENESIS If you wanna look at it in natures view then i say " you dont see a red bird and blue bird together. You dont see any see their " mixed childeren " last time i stepped out side i dont remeber seeing any odd purple birds flying around. lol thats a littel mean but thats kind of how i was brought up to see it. GOOD NIGHT IMNOTOKAY.COM MY thought are with you : )
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
July 10th, 2007 at 03:18am
...if your a white girl and you date a black guy....other white guys will want nothing to do with you...

It's kind of like that where I live, and this country claims to be super-open-minded. The thing is, nobody can figure out what white girls (and it's usually the really pretty ones), who have everything going for them, see in Aboriginal guys who, sad to say it, are usually unemployed alcoholics-in-training, usually with drug habits, no car, no prospects, and nothing to support them except the government and welfare.
Don't argue with me unless you live in Gladstone, Queensland - this is what it is like. I am not being inflammatory or stereotyping anybody - this is the basic, outright truth and you can't tell me any different unless you've lived here for fifteen years the way I have.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. These gorgeous, bright young girls seem to purposely go for black guys, probably because of their image - they think a guy who carries a knife, is well-known as a criminal or thug and has a lot of friends and family members to back him up, is 'cool' to be with because she'll be 'protected', or at least notorious. It's about reputation - it seems to be in this town that if you're just a normal person dating a normal guy, pfft whatever - everyone wants to be known and remembered, so they go for the guys that are well-known or feared by people in order to make a name for themselves.
It's usually when they're in high school and too freaking stupid to know any better - when you're 15, 16, your reputation and social status is far more important than being in a relationship with somebody who loves and cares about you and treats you well. And then, when they either break up or the guy gets sent to jail (after about fifteen court appearances for various offences, the justice system here is far too lenient on black people, they deserve to be punished just the same as whites, not given endless 'second' - or tenth or eleventh - chances), the poor girl realises that she's made a mistake and now wants to find someone with a job, a car, who will treat her well and not be a thug - only to find that nobody who fits that description wants anything to do with her because she's been in a relationship witha black guy, making her 'dirty'.
I have a lot of friends who, although they may have friends who are Aboriginals, when they see a white girl walking around holding hands with a black guy dressed in a silky and basketball shorts, will shake their heads in disgust and outright say, 'What the hell is she thinking? When he kicks her to the curb for another girl, nobody's gonna want to be with her - especially not if she's got kids with that loser,' and it's the truth - girls seem to think that having kids with their black boyfriend will make everything perfect, whether it's an attempt to make him stick around or an effort to get instant welfare until the kid turns 18 because if you're black, you get paid a LOT of money in welfare... and it just backfires if the relationship doesn't work out, because nobody I know wants anything to do with a girl who's had sex with a black guy, let alone has half-black children in tow.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2286
July 10th, 2007 at 04:45am
^^If a white girl wants to start a relationship with a thug of any race that's her problem but I know if it were a black girl making the same mistake you would've call her a "trash ho" not gorgeous and bright. Basically what you're saying is "don't date black guys because they're all thugs on welfare who will impregnate you." If you wanted to save time, you could've just written that and both your message and your bigotry would've gotten across just fine.
Age: -
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Posts: 25
July 10th, 2007 at 04:49am
LOL writerGrrl i dont think thats exactly what C and S meant...^^
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2286
July 10th, 2007 at 04:59am
I clarified myself, thank you for your concern. Smile
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
July 10th, 2007 at 06:13am
^^If a white girl wants to start a relationship with a thug of any race that's her problem but I know if it were a black girl making the same mistake you would've call her a "trash ho" not gorgeous and bright. Basically what you're saying is "don't date black guys because they're all thugs on welfare who will impregnate you." If you wanted to save time, you could've just written that and both your message and your bigotry would've gotten across just fine.

Sweetie, did you actually read that post?
If you had, rather than scanned it and jumped on your moral high horse, you would have noticed that absolutely nowhere in that post did I state MY feelings on interracial couples, only the way society reacts to them. I simply shared my experiences from being around other people - and the fact is, other people DO think that if a white girl is with a black guy, she's an idiot.
And like I said at the beginning of my post, unless you live in Gladstone, QLD (not America or anywhere else where the situation could be completely different), you can't tell me s*** about what black people here are like, so I don't appreciate your assuming that I'm a bigot and stereotyping black people in general - hell, the stereotype wouldn't be there without a reason, would it? I know there are many out there who are just the same as white people with regards to getting jobs and education etc, but in this town, they don't bother - why should they when the government hands them everything they want without asking anything in return, like requesting that they work for a living like the rest of us have to?

And no, if the situation were reversed, I would by no means have said 'trash ho' in place of 'gorgeous and bright'. To be honest, I've never in my time encountered a black-girl-white-guy relationship while living in this town, because, as anyone with a brain might have gathered from my post (rather than just jumping up with their arms in the air and accusing me of being racist), people in this town, especially white males, are pretty racist, and nobody I know would look at a black girl twice because, unlike some people, white males in this town DO think that black girls are 'trash hos'. Hence the reason white males in this town won't look twice at a white girl who's dated a black guy - as far as they're concerned, it makes her either retarded, filthy or a combination of the two.

I'm not saying 'don't date this' or 'don't date that' - whatever the hell people want to do in their own relationships is not my problem - you either live happily ever after or you realise you've made a mistake and move on, it's got s***-all to do with me. And, wouldn't you know it, but I've had people dare to call me racist simply because I have never met a black guy in this town that I would have dated. Oh my God, I'm a monster! Sorry, but there's plenty of white guys in the area I wouldn't spit on if they were on fire either, so what does that make me then?
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2286
July 10th, 2007 at 08:51am
Actually I did read your post but I appreciate you clarifying it, now I know more about the social rules of Gladstone than I’d ever want to know. I’m not as uninformed as you may think; I’ve heard that the Australian government has quotas of how many Aborigines have to be in their colleges for example; my guess is you think that’s unfair and, although my liberal opinions on a lot of other things would probably make you gag, I agree with you. I’m sorry if you didn’t like me calling you a bigot, that was my first impression of you and it had more to do with the way you said what you did, than with your actual ‘observations from living in Gladstone for 15 years,’ but my guess is you’ve heard the same thing from a lot of people like me and you’ve already prepared a response to it (if you want you can give it to me right now; I’m interested in what it is.) I don’t think you’re a bigot anymore by the way; just angry at a lot of people.

So as to not get off topic I'll say that unlike the person above me, I live in a community that is more tolerant of interracial dating and it doesn’t sound like that much fun to live in a place where there is either more racial strife or the only time you see someone of another race is on TV. What I find annoying though is when you glance at an interracial couple and they automatically assume you’re staring and return your little glance with an accusing look that wasn’t needed.
Jazz Hands
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 288
July 19th, 2007 at 08:34am
well i remember that i dated this black guy and one of my friends hated it. she said "well what if you guys have a baby together? than what? you dont want a mut baby do you? i mean, what would people say?"
first of all, we were only in seventh grade, so where did the idea for a baby come from? and needless to say we stopped being friends because of it.

and i dont see what the big deal is, science has proven that there is no genetic difference of the races, its just skin deep. so whay the issue?
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Posts: 128
July 19th, 2007 at 02:39pm
I don't understand why people would not support it. There's NEVER a good reason to think that a couple can't be together because they are different races.
Failure to Breathe.
Motor Baby
Failure to Breathe.
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 979
July 19th, 2007 at 06:26pm
Honestly, it doesn't matter what race you are. I mean if your in love your IN LOVE. You cant judge someone by their race its pathetic when people do that. Im white and going out with a mexican.
whats the big deal?

skin color has nothing to do with love..or your eye color.......or your hair color.............. SURE it might have to do with you attraction to that person..but people need to support it.

its just a skin color.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 9954
July 26th, 2007 at 07:28pm
I't dosent matter what race you are all that matters is that your in love.
my great grandparents went through hell for being a different race to each othe (great g-dad black great g-ma white)but they belived in their love and not what they looked like and they were marid for 66 years (till one of them died) my mums mixed race and my dad is white..they don't care.....and i just look like i have a year round if you think about it have two generations of mxed familys and in the end you'll be white so its REALLY dumb

do whatever you want its you life not your dads
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
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Posts: 2159
July 26th, 2007 at 07:47pm
My grandfather basically disowned one of my cousins because she had a baby with a black man. To make matters worse, they weren't even married. To me, all this sounds absolutely ridiculous but I do see his point. He grew up in a different era, and to him, all black men were evil in some bizarre way. He never made the attempt to get to know my cousin's boyfriend, and no matter anyone said he wouldn't change his mind. My father has inherited a lot from him. I know he'd go absolutely nuts if I'd come home with a black boyfriend.
Personally, the race doesn't matter. Okay, there might be cultural differences but they might just make your life a hell of a lot richer. Ethnic background is something that too often stops you from meeting really wonderful people, because of the prejudices people still have, regardless of the anti-racistic atmosphere presented in public.
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 47
Gender: Female
Posts: 46925
July 26th, 2007 at 10:26pm
I support interracial marriages (Well, I should, I'm mixed race. My dad is black, and my mum is white), and love shouldn't know colours. Love is love. I think the only bad negative thing my parents experience whilst together (They're now divorced), was when my mum was at a funeral in Alabama, for my dad's side of the family, one distant relative spat in my mum's drink. She was the only white person there. My dad's parents, and close family were disgusted. Luckily that didn't stop my parents, and they had a good relationship together.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 50
July 29th, 2007 at 07:54am
well i myself would have to say im biased for multi-racial relationships because one:im a daughter of a multi-racial couple and two: im in a multi-racial relationship but my grandpa would not aprove of him but i think multi-racial couples are great because diversity make the world more interesting
Jazz Hands
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 255
July 29th, 2007 at 01:45pm
i dont think it matters at all what the colour of your skin is.. like most people have quoted : 'love is love'.
hey my cousin, who is greek, married a guy of african descent, and one of my good friends is half english, half indian-portuguese. actually the second one is kinda funny, cause she has olive skin, and then 2 birthmarks.. one is really dark brown and the other is white.
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August 1st, 2007 at 08:14am
The only race is the human race.
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Posts: 13229
August 1st, 2007 at 08:16am
Cigarettes And Suicide:
...if your a white girl and you date a black guy....other white guys will want nothing to do with you...

It's kind of like that where I live, and this country claims to be super-open-minded. The thing is, nobody can figure out what white girls (and it's usually the really pretty ones), who have everything going for them, see in Aboriginal guys who, sad to say it, are usually unemployed alcoholics-in-training, usually with drug habits, no car, no prospects, and nothing to support them except the government and welfare.
Don't argue with me unless you live in Gladstone, Queensland - this is what it is like. I am not being inflammatory or stereotyping anybody - this is the basic, outright truth and you can't tell me any different unless you've lived here for fifteen years the way I have.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. These gorgeous, bright young girls seem to purposely go for black guys, probably because of their image - they think a guy who carries a knife, is well-known as a criminal or thug and has a lot of friends and family members to back him up, is 'cool' to be with because she'll be 'protected', or at least notorious. It's about reputation - it seems to be in this town that if you're just a normal person dating a normal guy, pfft whatever - everyone wants to be known and remembered, so they go for the guys that are well-known or feared by people in order to make a name for themselves.
It's usually when they're in high school and too freaking stupid to know any better - when you're 15, 16, your reputation and social status is far more important than being in a relationship with somebody who loves and cares about you and treats you well. And then, when they either break up or the guy gets sent to jail (after about fifteen court appearances for various offences, the justice system here is far too lenient on black people, they deserve to be punished just the same as whites, not given endless 'second' - or tenth or eleventh - chances), the poor girl realises that she's made a mistake and now wants to find someone with a job, a car, who will treat her well and not be a thug - only to find that nobody who fits that description wants anything to do with her because she's been in a relationship witha black guy, making her 'dirty'.
I have a lot of friends who, although they may have friends who are Aboriginals, when they see a white girl walking around holding hands with a black guy dressed in a silky and basketball shorts, will shake their heads in disgust and outright say, 'What the hell is she thinking? When he kicks her to the curb for another girl, nobody's gonna want to be with her - especially not if she's got kids with that loser,' and it's the truth - girls seem to think that having kids with their black boyfriend will make everything perfect, whether it's an attempt to make him stick around or an effort to get instant welfare until the kid turns 18 because if you're black, you get paid a LOT of money in welfare... and it just backfires if the relationship doesn't work out, because nobody I know wants anything to do with a girl who's had sex with a black guy, let alone has half-black children in tow.
Rolling Eyes
I just checked out your're awful.
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 47
Gender: Female
Posts: 46925
August 1st, 2007 at 08:04pm
terminal condition.:

Rolling Eyes
I just checked out your're awful.

my thoughts exactly Clap Neutral
Motor Baby
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 804
August 1st, 2007 at 08:52pm
terminal condition.:
The only race is the human race.

I couldn't have put it better.
This is 2007, there is nothing, anywhere, that says that interrracial relationships is wrong.
All it is is throwback from the days of ignorance and slavery.