Author | Message |
taking control. Really Not Okay Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 700 | Men are stronger, Women are smarter. This is just a fact. I'm not saying that women can't be strong, they absolutely can! I'm not saying that men aren't smart, more women are smart though. I can beat up guys, my guy-friends can win in a "smart testing" game. I just think that sexism is stupid. Men and women are COMPLETLY THE SAME. Women are not born to do chores for men, Men don't have to make the money. Women can dominate the men. Men can out-do the women. Sexism is stupid. Did you know that women are payed 73% of what men are payed? Yeah, I hate it when guys tell me that I'm weak. I HAVE to give them a bloody nose. God made men and women, And it is completely wrong to be a sexist. Both are completely equal. There are so many great women in history, And now, Women could win basketball games against guys, If they didn't have their own league. Do not judge people on their sex, It will crush dreams. |
spencer smith. Devil's Got Your Number Age: 32 Gender: - Posts: 36167 | I think people think sexism goes on more than it actually does. Someone could say something like 'Men are stronger' and women automatically go 'Youre sexist! Woman can do anything men can do' When men are naturally stronger... |
Simple and Clean Salute You in Your Grave Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 2616 | Well, of course, most of us will be against it. But, is everything that we call sexism really sexism? I think not. I mean, Men are just stronger. End of. And often women hear a sexist joke and pounce, but I'm sure they laugh and tell sexist jokes of men. And that's what they are. Jokes. People laugh at jokes, but shouldn't take them seriously. |
blackaisten Motor Baby Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 926 | Baka-kun XNinjaX - Couldn't agree more! still, it can be difficult sometimes to understand if people are serious or just joking.. It's here we get the prob. |
PShortie Killjoy Age: - Gender: - Posts: 7 | My dad one said "You could have the best male and female of anything you like, and put them in a competitionm and i bet you anything the male almost always, if not always, beats the female" Bull shit! |
mariaxrose Killjoy Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 15 | In my opinion, sexism is completely wrong. Every time I hear a joke that is sexist or hear a someone say that either gender is better at something than the other it's infuriating. I believe that a girl can be just as stong or even stronger than a guy. A guy can be just as smart or even smarter than a girl. It just all depends on the person. It also makes me angry to know that in some jobs, men get paid more than women just because of their gender. Sure, I can understand that if they're in a higher position or if they do a better job, but just because of that? It's just wrong. Women should be able to have the same rights as men, and shouldn't be considered "weaker" or "the ones who stay home, clean, and take care of the family." Once again, it all depends on the person: how they act, how they perform at work, how they do in school, and how they live life. NOT on gender. |
xXDr. KrazyXx Fabulous Killjoy Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 120 | I think sexism is natural. Men have bodies that are generally built for strength and women are generally more intelligent than males. I'm not saying always, but that's normally how it is. We are all equal, no one is better than anyone else. But, again, we have to see that it's been the same way for the longest time. And I sometimes find sexist jokes funny, just like racist jokes and jokes against gays, even though I believe in gay pride. I think it's just a joke, y'know? |
Fezzik Salute You in Your Grave Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 2748 | I find it interesting that some people in this thread (like the person above me) say things like "men are generally stronger and women are generally smarter." 'Smart' is of course extremely relative, but the stereotype generally goes that men are smarter. Males usually do better in mathematics and sciences, while females are better at communicating and interpreting feelings. I think that in most of the time these stereotypes are true. And that's fine. The only time there's an issue is when a person believe's men can't be better communicators and women can't do well in science. I mean, I'm a girl and I do better than most of the guys in my Trig class (God, I sound so full of my self. I'm not, it's just...I sort of do). |
LifeOnStandby Motor Baby Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 941 | Girls and men are completely equal. Other than a few hormonal and body differences we're woven the exact same. I hate the fact that femalism in a guy or vica versa for a girl is interpreted as an indication of homosexuality. Some might argue to differ, but just cause a male has a female cliche does not mean that he's gay. A bit OT... Sexism is used as a defence and people fin that wrong...but I don't completely. Often in culture one sex is put down more than others and have a damn good excuse to complain of unfair treating. |
differant. Shotgun Sinner Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 8856 | i think its wrong to judge someone based on whats inside their pants. but hey, thats the way the world is. and it sucks. doesnt everyone have the same needs? the same emotions? so why is your sex even an issue? i just dont understand it, at all. |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | I was just watching a doco on SBS about women who are, ahem... stacked, if you will, and one of the women had an interesting theory which I think could apply to the sexism issue. She said something along the lines of, 'You're told to be proud of your body, as a woman, and not be ashamed of the fact that you've got these big knockers, that it definitely gives you a certain power over men. But then, when you're walking down the street and guys are cat-calling, honking their car horns or wolf-whistling, it's like they're trying to take that power away from you, and make you helpless again, so you can't intimidate or have something over them.' I thought that was an interesting point. That we, as women, have power over men in certain ways, and they use sexism to kind of take us down a few notches so they aren't scared of us anymore. Opinions? In other news, I'm a bit of a contradiction in the chauvinist stakes. I'm the kind of girl whose sole ambition is to make a nice home, produce a few babies and cook great food - and I definitely intend on staying at home with my children to take an active role in raising them the way I want them raised - not leaving it up to daycare workers who are told that pretty much everything stunts a child's development (discipline, etc). People are like, 'But you have such a high IQ, you could go to college and end up a brain surgeon or astronaut!' etc, but to tell the truth, I'm a big fan of the traditional female role - the nurturer. I want to be the mommy, have hubby's dinner on the table every night when he gets home from work, and spend the day doing housework and watching Maury Povich while the kids are at school. But, God forbid a guy (or anyone for that matter) tell me I can't do something because 'I'm a girl'. So, I get confused. But I don't think sexism is much of a problem as far as men are concerned, I think women tend to be raving fanatics about it though, always going on like everything bad that ever happens is because 'the men don't like women' blah blah blah. Get over your super-feministic ideals and realise we've come a long way since the Dark Ages, and an even longer way since the bra-burning hippies of the 70's. EDIT: Also, (and don't bite my head off for this, because it is just my opinion, and you're free to feel differently) I don't believe men and women are equal. Otherwise we would all be men, or women. Not both. That's not worded very well, but I don't know quite how to put it. Fundamentally men and women are polar opposites, which isn't to say that a woman can't do a man's job, just that we have different needs, different reactions to situations, different views on life etc. By no means am I saying one is superior to the other, that's not true at all. I'm just saying that men and women have never been, and will never be, equal as such. |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | xXFreakAmongFreaksXx: As the person below you stated, intelligence is relative. Do you mean that in the sense of 'ability to absorb and recall knowledge', like booksmarts? That's not really smart, that's just having a good memory and being able to recall other people's opinions or facts and parrot them without your own logic or lateral thought process coming into action. Do you mean 'ability to think rationally, logically and in a chronological or linear fashion', by which I mean you take several pieces of information or clues, and use your own knowledge and rational thought to piece it together and come to your own conclusion? Do you mean 'streetsmarts', ie, somebody who perhaps has very limited schooling/education, may be illiterate (cannot read), but at the same time has a wealth of knowledge of how the world around them works, or has a brilliant mind that could teach college graduates a bunch of stuff they'd never figure out themselves? I'm very intelligent in some areas, and graduated high school and completed some diplomas etc, so you would think that I'd be 'smarter' than my partner, who was a high-school dropout and spent a lot of years dealing drugs to make a living because he found it hard to find employment due to not having a senior-school certificate. However, there's a lot of instances where we'll be having a discussion/debate over something and he can pick my argument to pieces and give me valid reasons as to why I'm incorrect, or he'll give me another perspective that makes far more sense than how I was looking at it. He knows a lot more about politics, human nature and how to go about getting your own way than I do, but I have all the bullshit qualifications that would make it appear that I'm the bigger-brained of the two. So 'smarter' isn't really a valid point, as far as your statement goes. |
The Apocalypse. Salute You in Your Grave Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 2227 | i believe that males and females are equal. I think that females can do a job just as good as a male could and vice versa. I think that people's ability shouldn't be judged on whether they are male or female. We are all the same really. |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | The issue isn't solely about whether a female can succeed in the same work environment as a man... I'm seeing a lot of 'girls can do a job just as good as a man' and I think you're missing the point. Sexism doesn't apply only in the boardroom, but in general society. What about the church's opinion of women (as the lesser being), what about men sitting around at bars eyeing off women like they're objects, what about women having to have separate leagues in athletics, what about women being expected to make babies and stay at home to raise them while men are expected to go out and work every day of their lives to support them? It works both ways. That's the real thing about sexism, not just 'I can do your job, and I deserve the same pay rate', although that does also apply and is true. But men and women aren't equal, in a lot of ways. |
Oxycontin Genocide. Banned Age: 30 Gender: Male Posts: 2955 | There are alot of people that think sexism is wrong. Unfortunately, kids are raised to think what their parents think and if their pr\arents are sexist, then so will they and they have no idea it's wrong. I come from a very intelligent household, so I'm not sexist in any way. |
Mr.Armstrong Awake and Unafraid Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 12135 | I think both men and women are equally the same!!both men and women have the same rights!and are allowd have same laws!its wrong to be a sexist!!its just a waste of time trying to figure out who is better!! |
asshole. Jazz Hands Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 316 | LVFD: You do know that the equal rights movement was never passed in the US, right? A man can still work the same exact job as a woman, but get paid more. I'm pretty sure that is sexist. And as for jokes, unless you are completely lacking of good judgement, you know who is JOKING, and who is SERIOUS. If some of my guy friends made a joke, i would find it funny, and laugh. But if someone who is really sexist makes the same kind of joke, it isn't the same at all. |
Cigarettes And Suicide Bleeding on the Floor Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 1725 | People who get offended over jokes are morons. But then where do you draw the line between a 'joke' and a 'joke'? (If you get what I mean.) There are times when people will make a comment or insult, and then try to pass it off as 'Have a damn sense of humour, I was just joking!', and God knows I was subjected to plenty of it in high school. But if somebody says, 'Did you hear the one about the...', and it's blatantly racist, sexist, whatever, I'll take it with a pinch of salt and have a chuckle with them. I don't usually take offense to anything unless it is a deliberate personal attack against me. |
nick_eats_babies Killjoy Age: 32 Gender: Male Posts: 26 | sexism is something everyone can join in discussion in. i hatei t, i find it mean and just another way to set back men or women instead of treating them as equals. anyways, plainly i think its stupid, and the jokes that go with it. but thats just me i guess |
the used. In The Murder Scene Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 22515 | Yeah, I agree with you. I am against sexism. And sexists, in that case. But if people like doing it, then okay. It's their life, and I couldn't care less. I'm just against it. Anyway, I also think that sexism is just another way of spreading the boundaries between men and women. It shouldn't be that way, but unfortunately, it is. I mean that every sex should be equal. And the jokes that people make. They are ridiculous, stupid, lame and unnecessary... God, I hate them. Thanks for letting me speak. I really needed it... 'Cause we're all a bunch of liars, tell me, baby, who do you wanna be...? My Chemical Romance April 9 th 2007, Malmo, Sweden] |
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