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Age: 31
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February 13th, 2007 at 08:58pm
I think sexism is gay and unwanted. Nobody wants to say "well you move the furniture becuase your a man and you can lift" or "Clean the house, thats what you were made for!" . In no cases it can be good . I really do think girls get more sexist marks made about them . In fact, everyday I hear a new one. This may not be sexist but it sounds like it ; My mom always tell me " You can't stay out as late as Trevor because you have a vagina (dur!) and guys want to rape you." Thats gay, nobody will rape me just becuase i'm a girl . I really don't find sexist jokes funny because they are embarassing to both females and males and theres no need to make them . It just makes everyone feel uncomfortable about their body and their gender and themselves.

the used.
In The Murder Scene
the used.
Age: 34
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February 15th, 2007 at 04:45pm
No, I don't think it's gay or something like that.
Just false informed about what equality actually and really means.
Because, I am sure, that there are some confusion when it come to the word sexism.
Men and women should be taken seriously at the same level.
Not the man more and the woman less.
Not the woman more and the man less.
EQUAL! Get it?
I really want to take sexism as a debate theme in school, but my class is so fucking retard when it comes to discussions.
I don't think the pupils are mature enough to discuss it, so I think I'll just debate here on our beloved INO.
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My Chemical Romance April 9 th 2007 & June 2007
Age: 33
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February 15th, 2007 at 09:10pm
I strongly believe that sexism and chauvenism is directly influenced by religion. The christian bible begins with woman causing the fall of all of mankind, thus condemning her to an eternity of painful child labor and subordination to her husband, and this is also true for judaism. in the qu'ran it is acceptable for a man to have up to four wives. this concept originated with a basic need for male heirs, but if that's the case, shouldn't we have done away with polygamy by now? there is of course also the practice of sati in hindu cultures, which mandates that the wife burns herself alive upon her husband's funeral pyre should he die before her. i have nothing against a belief that there is a god, im a deist myself, but i really do see a direct correlation between the prominence of religion in society and the position of women. it's a male dominated world, and religion is just a male device holding us back.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
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February 16th, 2007 at 04:06am
This may not be sexist but it sounds like it ; My mom always tell me " You can't stay out as late as Trevor because you have a vagina (dur!) and guys want to rape you." Thats gay, nobody will rape me just becuase i'm a girl.

Well, it just so happens that you're wrong. How often do you hear of a guy being raped at a party by drunken morons?
I was very lucky in that my parents never inflicted such horrors as *gasp* a curfew on me as a teenager. IMO it was kind of stupid of them, seeing as the parties I always went to involved far too much alcohol and too many boys looking to get wasted and get their rocks off, but I was extremely lucky in that the only time someone ever tried to force themselves on me, I had a group of male friends nearby who heard me telling him to get the f*** off before he got hurt, and they came to my aid.
Listen to your parents, they're not being sexist, they're trying to protect you and look out for you. And they're resting assured that Trevor (who I'm assuming is your brother?) is not going to find himself in that position because drunk boys tend to think women are there for the taking, the most that could happen to him is getting in a fight - which still isn't good, but I'd much rather get punched in the face a couple times than raped. It sucks being a female in that way, that you can't do what you want, when you want, without worrying about being taken advantage of, but it's a sad fact of life, and I don't think anything is going to stop boys thinking we're available whenever they want.
Think of it this way - if you stay at home on a Saturday night, they'll pick on some other poor girl with a vagina. Consider yourself lucky that your parents care so much about you and don't want to see you hurt.
the used.
In The Murder Scene
the used.
Age: 34
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February 16th, 2007 at 04:34am
I can actually be agreeing with some of your aspects on this topic.
But we shouldn't just blame religion and that's it.
We should try to find out what we actually want in the world.
Justice and equality for all or dominance for one sex?
<3 My Chemical Romance <3
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My Chemical Romance April 9 th 2007 & June 2007
Salute You in Your Grave
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February 16th, 2007 at 09:16am
Religion is at the roots of sexism, but today it has evolved into something totally secular.
I Am The Used
Fabulous Killjoy
I Am The Used
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February 16th, 2007 at 09:37am
i am a guy but i compleatly respect women when i see a guy being sexest is pisses me off
don't aim to please.
don't aim to please.
Age: 34
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Posts: 1543
February 17th, 2007 at 01:38am
I think sexism is gay and unwanted. Nobody wants to say "well you move the furniture becuase your a man and you can lift" or "Clean the house, thats what you were made for!" . In no cases it can be good . I really do think girls get more sexist marks made about them . In fact, everyday I hear a new one. This may not be sexist but it sounds like it ; My mom always tell me " You can't stay out as late as Trevor because you have a vagina (dur!) and guys want to rape you." Thats gay, nobody will rape me just becuase i'm a girl . I really don't find sexist jokes funny because they are embarassing to both females and males and theres no need to make them . It just makes everyone feel uncomfortable about their body and their gender and themselves. Yes, sexism is very homosexual.Rolling Eyes Crack open a dictionary, will you? There are many better words you can use. And actually, yeah there are plenty of people who will rape you cuz your a girl.

sou kanarazu atta
sou kanarazu atta
Age: 33
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February 17th, 2007 at 01:42am
I think sexism is one of the dumbest things out there, I don't really understand it. But alot girls I know use there gender as excuss and it really just makes me mad because if said of those remarks they would go off on me.
don't aim to please.
don't aim to please.
Age: 34
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Posts: 1543
February 17th, 2007 at 03:12am
I think sexism is one of the dumbest things out there, I don't really understand it. But alot girls I know use there gender as excuss and it really just makes me mad because if said of those remarks they would go off on me.
you're right. girls will say they want equality...but only when it's convienent.
Crash Queen
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February 17th, 2007 at 10:40am
I hate my math teacher. He's so sexist and i hate it. We all have equal rights, we all deserve equal rights & respect
the used.
In The Murder Scene
the used.
Age: 34
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February 17th, 2007 at 05:26pm
Well, at my former school, we had this male teacher who really liked the female students in his class.
It was alll about how wonderful the girls were and how well they did at school.
The boys were just told that they could try a bit harder.
He totally favourized girls, and I was actually one of his favourites.
This creeps me out now.
Because now I realize what a scumbag he really was, and still is.
I'm happy that he's not at my school anymore....
<3 My Chemical Romance <3
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Quinn Allman
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February 17th, 2007 at 06:01pm
Women are just as capable of doing the same things as men. Everyone in my eyes are equal. It's unfair to women to put them down just because they are TOLD to be the "weaker" sex. I'm totally against that view.
the used.
In The Murder Scene
the used.
Age: 34
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February 17th, 2007 at 06:05pm
Yeap, I totally agree on that one ^^.
Equal in both eyes.
That's the key word in this topic.
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Fabulous Killjoy
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February 17th, 2007 at 09:23pm
I belive in equality between ALL living things (animals, people, sexes, races etc.) and I'm also a feminist, so I guess that pretty much explains my view on this. Sexism is not cool.
Age: 30
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February 17th, 2007 at 10:49pm
I'm 100% against sexism. I believe that everyone is equal, and that if a woman is less strong than a man, or a man is less smart than a woman, it's because they've been taught that man are stronger and women are smarter. Anyone can be anything they want if they try hard enough, and their gender shouldn't have anything to do with it.
the used.
In The Murder Scene
the used.
Age: 34
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February 18th, 2007 at 04:00pm
No matter what, sexism will always excist.
And it has, sadly, always been there.
From the Stone Age for many, many thousand years ago, 'till now.
I'm afraid to say this, but sexism will always be a part of the society.
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Rock Steady
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February 19th, 2007 at 06:44pm
i personally think that sexism is often used to describe logical, biological facts.

women are made to raise children - so to expect a mother to raise her child its not sexism its natural.

a man is stronger - so to say they have to do menial work is logicial - they can do it better.

i also totally disagree with the whole feminism movement - its just so hypocritcal.
they want to be seen as equal to men and yet they build a group that totally excludes them. we should celebrate our differences and use it to work together.

However some sexism is totally pointless but u shudnt let it get to u. women and men can be equally sexist and its a natural competion.
the used.
In The Murder Scene
the used.
Age: 34
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February 20th, 2007 at 08:26am
Yeah, this is exactly what I mean, too.
Just because the woman is more "caring" as a human being, she is the one who has to be at home with the children.
And just because the man is stronger than the woman, he needs to do the heavy work.

The world is so fucked up, did you know that ?
Bleeding on the Floor
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February 20th, 2007 at 08:37am
a lot of my guy friends make sexist jokes. there was one stage a couple of years ago, where they always said BTTK! to us, which meant Back To The Kitchen. a couple of my [girl] friends got particularly angry at that, but i personally don't mind, because i KNOW they're joking.

when i grow up, i honestly want to be a housewife. i know that's pretty unlikely to happen, just because of the way society is now, but its just what appeals most to me. i mean, i hate cooking, i hate cleaning, i wasn't even brought up being told 'one day, you're going to be someone's wife' sorta thing.

the only time that it really annoys me is when people are completely serious. and i agree with HarlequinXRomance about the feminism movement.
actually, i agree with everything that HarlequinXRomance said.

and yes, religion certainly was the starting point for it, i think.