Youth Decisions.
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hunteri heroici. Always Born a Crime Age: 31 Gender: - Posts: 6926 | I went through some bad situations and I got really mature from the age of nine. Now, being a fifteen year old, I can say that I was able to make right decisions by the age of twelve. It really is not about age. It's about maturity. |
malibu. In the Cannibal Glow Age: 31 Gender: - Posts: 54114 | Its not so much about age but more about maturity. I don't think I'm mature enough to make the right decisions but I do hope I will be soon. |
LiveAndLetDie Killjoy Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 12 | Sad As In Pathetic;: -I agree with that totally. The same thing happened to me. But I'm at a point where no-one wants to know how mature I am- just how old I am. I can't do certain things, go certain places or be with certain people. Because of my age. I'm always told in shcool reports that: "Ellie is mature above her yers" Yet I can't hand that to the voting station and say "Ha, look I'm mature above my yers now I can vote..." Because I'm not OLD enough. It's really rediculous abd seems so unfair. I'm into politics I understan the concept I've done my research; yet I'm not OLD enough.... >.< But I know, I really know that most people are immature at 14/15 there are those who aren't. But sometimes you have to go with the majority. It's the only way to do it. Otherwise you'd get even more drunk 15 year olds. So now, you've just gotta wait for your age to catch up with you >.< |
Be Brave Tonight Killjoy Age: 29 Gender: Male Posts: 50 | I think it always depends on the person and thier state of mind |
Just Steph... Motor Baby Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 909 | I think as long as someone is able to understand the real world they should be allowed to live in it. i know when i leave home I'll need to pay bills and buy food etc before i buy things like CDs and books. Yet there will be people who just get their pay check and think "wow i have loads of money now" and go blow it all and aren't able to pay the bills. But my mum thinks i'm too immature to leave home because i still play videogames and like to act childish with my siblings and because i don't think adult life has to be like what she thinks it does, which is getting up in the morning, getting the kids ready for school/going to work, doing housework/working, picking the kids up/coming home from work, giving the kids their tea, putting them to bed, watching tv, then going to bed. then doing it all again the next day. I'll admit, i can't cook or use the washing machine, and i've never ironed anything in my life, but those things can be learned. You're only young once, but you can be immature forever. I believe that, because you can act immature and have fun as long as you understand that bills have to be paid etc. You don't have to be a boring old fart. |
Chantal Bleeding on the Floor Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 1015 | think it depends on the person. responsibility and maturity are things that you learn.they come easily to some and others have to work at it, the same as anything. but i do think there is a difference between maturity and youth. i go crazy and act stupid sometimes, but it doesnt mean im immature. immaturity would be me treating people without any thought to how it affects them. immaturity would be me blowing off all responsibility. i can be some what mature and still be a kid. |
OurAvengedRomance Killjoy Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 43 | It does have a HUGE affect on people. Ecspecailly me (srry can't spell) BTW: I have to listen to MCR everyday or Ill go bananas If I listen to I Don't Love You or Cancer, I'm sad. If I listen to Dead! or Mama, I'm more on the angry side. Kill All Your Friends or Welcome to the Black Parade, I'm happier. U get the point. lol |
Mindfuck Always Born a Crime Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 5614 | ^How exactly has that go anything to do with youth decisions? Yes;Indeed;True;: You know what's so ironic about this statement, is that most adults I know behave exactly like what you ^described, which just goes to show that maturity is a fluid thing and doesn't always stick. I think it's quite a myth that adults are always mature and responsible, and that teenagers aren't. I'm not attacking you, by the way, just making a note of something that caught my eye |
Darkromance Banned Age: - Gender: - Posts: 322 | It matters with your personality. i know people my age who are irresponsible, egotistic, a have heads clouded w/ arrogance. they just wanna have fun. but i know people who are the opposite, and they're totally reliable. |
Darkromance Banned Age: - Gender: - Posts: 322 | and FYI there are adults who act like big babies who and who say sh** about other people because they cant accept those people , despite their own flaws. Sometimes i feel like i take things better than some of the adults who i see |
Pansy Wolf Fabulous Killjoy Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 171 | my friends are all out doing certain stuff and they said to me the other day they were like even though you don't do the stuff we do. You know you're so mature for our age, like. You don't do stuff if you don't want to. But at the same time you can make right decisions. I thought it was good, because people think things about you if you make certain decisions but for them to say you know you always do the right thing. You're mature. It was kind of nice. |
Go fuck yourself Devil's Got Your Number Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 37823 | I've been seeing alot that it depends on a person and their maturity. It also completely depends on what they have been through. I mean like drugs, I'm 14 and I'm currently getting cleaned up, was a little young yeah, but I just wanted a way out. here, I don't know about other places, but here you can get emancipated at 16. Honestly I hate home and I would love to get out, so it might be nice to get of home, but if I got out of home, who knows, i might swan dive back into bad stuff. so its a balance like that. If a person can truely take care of them self and they know what they want and it won't hurt anyone, then I say they should be allowed to do it |
FrankiieIero Jazz Hands Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 359 | I think there is no set age where a person can make serious decisions. Everyone grows up differently. Some 16 year olds may make silly decisions while other 16 year olds may make smart decisions in life. Some people mature faster then others. |
Pansy Wolf Fabulous Killjoy Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 171 | My Dear Delirious: hey, that's good you're gettign cleaned up and stuff *cookie for you* and i think you're completely right, for instance with your situation many people would continue and not make the right decision. Also i think many people don't know what the right decision is so there isn't really an age. |
Go fuck yourself Devil's Got Your Number Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 37823 | Pansy Wolf: Most people just wait till their like on the side of the street, not knowing who they are and puking their guts out, I never puked on the street but I did have times as young as 12 when I was so high (at that time it was just mess loads of painpills) that I wouldn't know who I was. I mean I started cutting and getting self destructive at age 9! I think in todays we're just exposed to too much stuff so either we grow up really fast or basically just go off on the dark side |
Lovesick Melody. Bulletproof Heart Age: 84 Gender: Female Posts: 25760 | Darkromance: Please, no swearing on the discussion board. It really depends on the decision. Because this kind of ties in with juvenile crime. If it's something very serious, then it really does depend on the person and their personality. You cannot tell a kid who has been isolated from the world to make inexperienced decisions. However, there are many teenagers who are mature and responsible enough to know what to do. I, personally, do not believe that adults are always more mature and responsible then teenagers/youth. | Motor Baby Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 841 | age does not affect IQ or smartness or rationality. You could be 60 and still be too immature to make decisions. You could be 10 and be able to make wise decisions. |
blow Bleeding on the Floor Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 1137 | Stripey-Stripes.: Really? Where I live they don't do that. I've had a bank account since I was maybe 10 or 11. The bank has never tried to get me to get a credit card. When I was that old my parents mostly controlled it, but now that I can remember my ss# I can pretty much do what I want with the my money. I think maturity and the ability to make good decisions is affected by age and how you grew up. As you get older you begin to make more decisions. Your learn how to way the pros and cons of choices you make and you get to learn when you make mistakes, thus an older person would have more experience and (hopefully) be able to make a good decision. The values that your parents instill in you and your childhood also contribute to your decision making ability. If your parents gave you a lot of lee way as a child then you would learn at an earlier age how to make a good decision. Or if, for example, you had parents who both had full time jobs you would probably be more mature. Both my mom and my dad work full time, so I am responsible for getting to and from school, washing my clothes, doing dishes, and making dinner. I think this makes me more mature than most kids my age. (who knows) Of course I still make stupid mistakes, and am overly impulsive. |
sad savior; Wild Eyed Joker Age: 29 Gender: Female Posts: 86309 | It's not about age, it's about how much you understand and how mature you are. Everyone matures at a different rate, and age is just how long it's taken you to mature....if that makes sense. |
Sid Salute You in Your Grave Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 2065 | I do believe it is about age to a certain degree however. I remember when I was fifteen I thought I knew how everything worked. And I didn't, and I still don't. The reason why we have age limits is because it takes time for people to learn. Being mature may help you handle and understand things better but at the end of the day, we learn from experiences, most of which we haven't encountered yet because we haven't been around long enough. |
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