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Teenagers Video

Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 31
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Posts: 124
June 1st, 2007 at 08:19pm
Oh my gosh I was like... "I so wish I were an extra in that video..." At the end whoever was attacking the band... I wouldn't attack them... Attack them with HUGS! Oh my, I don't think I'd let someone do that... Attack my stage... How many people think someone got hurt?
regretting fear.
regretting fear.
Age: 32
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Posts: 83
June 1st, 2007 at 11:10pm
Reminds me of 1984, the teens look like drones.

Kind of boring, there are so many better MCR videos that are better, but the end is pretty good. They should have made it more violent at the end. Love the message they give after it.

what the hell with the backdrop when the curtain drops? nuclear bombs? it looks like a mushroom. makes me think of "OHMYGOD THE EVIL MUSHROOMS NOOOOOO MUSHROOMS LEAD THE DEVILS OF THE TEENAGERS"

oh, and on the issue of the slutty cheerleaders, I am sorry for any cheerleaders who aren't like that, but it fits the video better. The video shows how "today's teenagers are becoming delinquents of the world."
I was watching it and was like, 'ooo, I don't like that. How racy. ;P'
Emily Haines.
Salute You in Your Grave
Emily Haines.
Age: 33
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June 1st, 2007 at 11:13pm
what the hell with the backdrop when the curtain drops? nuclear bombs? it looks like a mushroom. makes me think of "OHMYGOD THE EVIL MUSHROOMS NOOOOOO MUSHROOMS LEAD THE DEVILS OF THE TEENAGERS"

Uhm, they're called "Mushroom Clouds". It's what happens when you drop a nuclear bomb. That's why it looks like a mushroom.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 33
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Posts: 101
June 2nd, 2007 at 04:51am

kind of disappointed after the long wait to be honest
it's ok at best =/
i get the point they're trying to make, but i don't see much of a storyline

is it going to come out in the uk? i haven't heard it on radio or seen it on tv
Motor Baby
Age: 104
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Posts: 816
June 2nd, 2007 at 12:53pm
It just anoys me how many words are cut out of it.........proberbly just cos it's america, they always have to be cutting things out of videos/film.
alexander skarsgard.
In The Murder Scene
alexander skarsgard.
Age: 34
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Posts: 22960
June 2nd, 2007 at 01:09pm
I hate America.
I want to move to Japan.
They bleeped out Shirt.
What's next, Pant's?
Sooner or later we all won't be able to wear clothes because
it'll be innappropriate. We'll all be in ze nude. Adam and Eve style.
I guess then we won't be labeled "Emo", "Scene" or "Prep" cause of what we wear.
It'll be how we look naked.
Like..omg her boob's are too high she's lyk a prep omgawsh.
Like omg she draws on her body she's lyk scene.

okay sorry. I'm in one of my moods xP
Shotgun Sinner
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June 2nd, 2007 at 04:51pm
Evil Angel:

What's next, Pant's?

lmfao Tehe
Motor Baby
Age: 34
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Posts: 825
June 2nd, 2007 at 05:39pm
Yeah, I was ticked when everything was bleeped. I was kinda bummed that Frank and Bob and Mikey just kinda disappeared at the end.
Shotgun Sinner
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June 2nd, 2007 at 05:42pm
Frank didn't seem very you, jumping around and such. But he doesn't much anymore.
insane clown posse.
In The Murder Scene
insane clown posse.
Age: 31
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Posts: 21349
June 2nd, 2007 at 07:22pm
I wasn't shocked that the video sucked.
I mean look at Famous Last Words.
I Don't Love You was amazing but the other videos from The Black Parade were terrible.
I miss there old stuff. <3
Mary Freakshow
Motor Baby
Mary Freakshow
Age: 32
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Posts: 819
June 2nd, 2007 at 08:37pm
Those were real fans. Unleashing them on MCR was a tad dangerous. (lol)

My friend Sarah said if she was there she woulda picked up Bob and ran away with him XD

And no, the video wasn't incredible, nor did I aexpect it to be. Yes, perhaps the Revenge videos were the greatest, especially The Ghost Of You, for me, because it tells a story, and I'm addicted to concept-anythings, but it's really hard to pick a video to be my favorite. Famous Last Words was good, Welcome To The Black Parade was amazing, I Don't Love You was also pretty awesome but I don't think it was the best. I think they're making wither to many videos off this record or making them to fast. I don't really know.
johnny walker eyes.
Demolition Lover
johnny walker eyes.
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June 2nd, 2007 at 08:54pm

I atually was expecting abit more... i would think gerard would make it all creative, like he did with many of the old others. I think the video was abit predictable.

I was thinking its either going to be at a school.. y'know, them being nerds and how everyone 'scare the living shit out of' them.. but thats to much like ino.
My second thought was them being attacked by screaming fans.

Random thought.
Everyones like " I miss the old mcr."
To me, i get abit annoyed when people say that because they are still the same 5 perfect boys, but seeing this video has made me see where they are coming from.
Ino was about being unliked, and how they were the nerds of the school. They played 'uncool' games and shit..

Teenagers is about being over liked. The complete opposite.

I still love them more then anything, but now i can really see how they have changed.
I kinda miss the guys that would do anything because they wanted to, now they care about how well it will sell.

Gee-Bear Whore
Motor Baby
Gee-Bear Whore
Age: 31
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Posts: 791
June 3rd, 2007 at 06:54am
I liked it...I watched it over and over again on youtube...
everytime i watched i wishe di was one of the teenagers attacking MCR..
didnt like the cheerleaders..
but i liked how Gerard spazed out a lot..
I wanted to see Frankie move a bit more...
i liked it...but not as good as their others
infinity guitars.
Awake and Unafraid
infinity guitars.
Age: 32
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Posts: 10838
June 3rd, 2007 at 07:27am
i like it.
its not as "omg kick-ass in your face wow" as other my chem videos.
but its entertaining..
made me laugh, at least.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 35
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Posts: 1576
June 3rd, 2007 at 09:31am
Okay truth to be told, i don't get why so many people feel disappointed or don't like the video at all. What is there not to like? My only complaint about it is that they don't show Bob much, but that's quite minor.. lol. And of course that they censored basically the whole song, but it wasn't up to mcr so..
I just don't see what makes it any worse than their other videos. : /

I like it A LOT, definitely more that IDLY (it's good too, but not one of my favorites..). I think it's good that it isn't a story, i don't think it would've worked really.. I didn't find the video very funny though, just good.

I love it but my favourite videos still must be FLW and Vampires will never hurt you.. i guess i'm more into that sort of stuff. There's some simplicity and brutality about those two.. and even honesty i guess. : )
Motor Baby
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 825
June 3rd, 2007 at 11:50am
I like all the videos from TBP, just as much as all their previous videos. They are good in their own way, like a different style
regretting fear.
regretting fear.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 83
June 4th, 2007 at 02:57pm
I'm so happy with the irony of censoring words that will make kids go on killing sprees when there's a message during the entire song about not doing that.

"I'll whoop you with mah shirt!""Watch out, if you don't pay me, I'm munna kill you!!"

Motor Baby
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 775
June 4th, 2007 at 03:01pm
I didn't like it much.

I was disappointed by it. The amount of action in the background distracted me from a lot of it, and I guess I was sort of expecting more of a story-line, you know?
Gerard gets held back so much. This guy is a natural born entertainer, and could have done SO MUCH with this video acting-wise.
bound and gagged
Bulletproof Heart
bound and gagged
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June 4th, 2007 at 03:40pm
I laughed at Gerard's pants
Bess is Yoda
In The Murder Scene
Bess is Yoda
Age: 35
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Posts: 20910
June 4th, 2007 at 04:52pm
I want it to premiere here in the UK, dammit!!