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Cornflake girl
Joining The Black Parade
Cornflake girl
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July 7th, 2008 at 01:33pm
I believe music can inspire you to stick it out through difficult times, but in the end you have to make an effort to change things. And who's to say music can't help motivate you to do just that? So in a way, I guess music really can save lives, if not literally.

Personally I'm addicted to music. If I'm not listening, I'm singing. Got music for every mood, not just the crap times. If I feel insanely happy, I'll listen to other songs than I would listen to if I were down.
Famous Living Dead
Fabulous Killjoy
Famous Living Dead
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July 8th, 2008 at 01:59pm
I think music can be a lot of help through some hard times. Music can both cheer you up and make you feel shitty. I often cries to music if i feel like shit, then the music helps me to get it all out and then feel better afterwords. I can't live without music. I've been singing in a choir since i was 6 years old and i started playing the flute at 8 year old, and i've like 'grown' with my music.
I feel like a much better person after i began to listen to MCR. They've changed my look on the world and how everything isn't meant to be perfect. It's okay to be different and 'not okay'.
I think music can make you grow in both good and bad ways. It's mostly how you see the music and the lyrics. For me it helps me to be a better person so i doesn't react like this angry shitty person irl, i'll just get it out with the music.

Fall To Peices.
Salute You in Your Grave
Fall To Peices.
Age: 31
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July 11th, 2008 at 10:31pm
I don't think music saves lives. I think it helps relax people and that it does help and hell it may have a huge impact on what you do.
I also think a lot of the 'teenies' that run around saying that 'MCR saved my life!" is total bull crap and they need to be taught that the didn't need saved because they weren't in danger to begin with. True music can either raise your sprits of make you feel like shit, saving you from killing yourself is a-whole-nother story.
Kitty Clover
Jazz Hands
Kitty Clover
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July 12th, 2008 at 01:27am
Well I believe that music can influence creativity and help you when you're feeling down on yourself or having a hard day or are just feeling tense. I have to say that sometimes the phrase "saved my life" can be in the metaphorical sense in that music can help you to decide to live your life or that it helped you through depression or changed a destructive or artificial lifestyle. I know that I use the same phrase but in a metaphorical sense, because in actuality, you save yourself but music can help you to make that decision.
Bleeding on the Floor
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July 12th, 2008 at 02:01am
teen spirit.
Crash Queen
teen spirit.
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July 13th, 2008 at 10:57pm
I completely agree with everyone who's said that the whole "MCR saved my life" thing is overused and frequently said without meaning. I also agree that they don't directly save lives. I mean, I love My Chem to bits but I don't go to listen to them when I'm upset. In fact, I've only ever turned to music once, and it was Nirvana, not My Chem. I mean, if I feel upset or something I'd much rather call a friend. Because you know they really care. I'm not saying My Chem don't care about their fans, I think they really, really do. But they have a lot of fans they care about. It feels special to call someone who you know thinks the world of you, and knows you well. My Chem have made my life better. But I wouldn't say they exactly saved it.
NJ Sucess Story
Jazz Hands
NJ Sucess Story
Age: 32
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Posts: 337
July 14th, 2008 at 06:12pm
I don't think MCR saved me.
I think a more appropriate term would be
'directed my life in a different direction'
and the direction was definetly for the better.
Age: -
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July 16th, 2008 at 09:40am
I think music has a huge impact. It makes people think about things, using a catchy tune. Those things sort of influence how they look at other things.
Age: -
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July 16th, 2008 at 09:41am
NJ Sucess Story:
I don't think MCR saved me.
I think a more appropriate term would be
'directed my life in a different direction'
and the direction was definetly for the better.

exactly. That's pretty much the best way to describe it. Clap
Jazz Hands
Age: 32
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Posts: 268
July 16th, 2008 at 02:55pm
name one person who hates music
i have yet to meet one
that only proves that music is universal
and that we all help create it, and keep it going
i would say that music has a huge impact on ppl
it can change their religion, influence others
it can make things sound better than it reallly are
it can make you feel happy sad excited and even mad
music speaks
calculated sacrifice
Shotgun Sinner
calculated sacrifice
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July 17th, 2008 at 12:51am
I think that, music had become such a big part of my life. I mean, I cant imagine going through life or a day without it. It might sound overdramatic but its true. Music sort of balances out my emotions. Like what so many other people have said before. When you're mad, you listen to loud music, when you're sad, slow music, etc.

I mean, I can't imagine a show without an opening theme song, a movie without an OST, a radio show without music to play. Life would just be plain and boring.

Its also a way to show creativity if you arent good at, say, drawing, people can show their talents through music, whether it be playing an instrument, singing, or dancing.

Im done. ^_^

I think O.o
Age: 31
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Posts: 56
July 19th, 2008 at 01:01am
I believe music is so important. I wish real life had back round music; you know just that little music that fits the mood. Without music I think the world would be only in black and white. Music brings in color. Especially when you've hit rock bottom and your in the darkness, I think music brings in the light. Music I think definitely describes what your feeling in the moment your in.
Loud = mad or even happy.
Soft = sad
Upbeat = happy or excited.
I think without music people can't describe themselves. It's like music is your best friend; you can cry with it, yell at it, relax with it, and for sure love it. No matter how mad you get at it music will be music. It's always there for you. That's just my opinion on it. Now that I've said a lot, I'll stop. Mr. Green
Go fuck yourself
Devil's Got Your Number
Go fuck yourself
Age: 31
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July 19th, 2008 at 01:10am
considering the fact Elvis was considered public enemy number one back like 50 years ago, I think it's bullshit that people back then rebeled agianst that and said that the authority was full of it. Now MCR is considered public enemy number oneand those same people who protested for ELvis are now agianst MCR (take for example the Daily Mail, they have written articles on Elvises glories)

I have no care for what people say, they'll always say bs like that
Age: 31
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Posts: 56
July 19th, 2008 at 01:38am
I agree. All the Daily Mail wants to do is pick on MCR for their music. They want to poison people's minds with the wrong ideas. MCR isn't a threat, but a band who i sonly working to do the oppposite.
It's such bull crap.
Always Born a Crime
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July 19th, 2008 at 02:28am

I think without music people can't describe themselves.

I'm struggling to figure out what you exactly mean by that Image
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 33
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Posts: 1052
July 19th, 2008 at 06:40am
Well you at least admit to not being able to see the big picture. You have to understand that hip hop especially “gangster rap” is exactly that, it their culture and they express their culture and im not sure if you’ve ever walked around in “the ghetto” but theirs a lot of drugs violence sex and profanity and since its generally supposed to be a music for that demographic its just natural that it talks about what they know about. Why would 50 cent talk about teenage angst when growing up he was exposed to crack dealers and street violence. The reason they sing about getting rich is because they weren’t before! When rappers brag about how much bling they have they’re not just flaunting it for the sake of it, it in itself is an expression of pride within ones own achievements. Its declaring “I’ve made it out of the hole I was in “
Onomatopoeia in a rap song is an expressive technique much like a poet uses it.

Rap would not be a finger painting it would probably be a Picasso that statement is a fine example of music elitism where rock music is clearly shown to be more complex than rap. When clearly they are exactly the same, you just can not appreciate the production value on a hip hop record. Think about most my chemical romance songs think about the riffs three chords a piece then there’s a little solo interlude that’s been the stock standard formula for the better half of thirty years. Hip hop indeed is just as complicated if not more, there are rhythms to the rhymes that must be attacked at the exact timing so that the next line can flow just as well, the beat is checked at the exact rpm for the song and at the same time the dj has to keep both tables flowing at the exact same time or close to keep the song going right and to make a proper transition into the next beat. You don’t listen hard enough to the craftsman ship to music if people got rid of their elitist view on music there would be a lot more appreciation and people would realize there’s a world outside guitar based music.

But again the big picture doesn’t exist in that sort of music because like I explained before the big picture to rappers who rap about that sort of material is that, they talk about what they craved the most in their world , you have to understand they talk about their world and that’s it, where’d they come from ? a low socioeconomic back ground. What happens there? a lot of sex. How can you tell? Pregnancy rates. So if sex is all on their mind growing up and where they come from obviously that’s what they’re going to talk about. So if that’s what they’re going to talk about well so be it that’s their view on their world that’s what they’ll talk about. And you can’t hold that against them because that’s their perspective and context and you can’t change that about a person.

And yes you can say that about my chemical romance being a cash cow. Even though a record label hasn’t thrown them together, that’s a practice that’s dying and really isn’t working to much. They labels have turned to just signing bands that area already formed and using them to rake in the $$$

They put videos on mtv, people watch mtv especially 12 year olds who are looking for an identity. These kids go out and buy the CD. Simple as that, you fail to see that because you hold them to a high standard even though they’re just like the rest of any musician with a name. The only people that can honest to god say that they’re not part of the machine that sings catching hooks and so on are people who sing in cafés and busk on the street for spare change that’s a musician.

If you have ever watched a movie called “when the music dies” you’ll realize that My chemical romance and fall out boy and panic at the disco all fall into the same category of mad money making machine. Because real music’s dying. The grass roots and the bass of all music is dying because image comes before music. And if you may you’ll probably argue me on this one, my chemical romance built their foundation on their imagery and that to me is what makes them a money making implement, they way they look is appealing to kids Erykah Badu is a female rapper that I enjoy very much, said that when she listens to music she closes her eyes she doesn’t care about stage sets or anything.

And rock is not light years away from creativity Infact rock stopped moving about twenty years ago. Name one new thing rock has managed to do to deviate from its old self, NOTHING Its still the same verse chorus verse chorus solo chorus formula. It’s still the three chord melody. It’s still the same shity distortion thick riff. How is that creative? Chuck berry was doing this stuff like half a century or more ago?! It’s just feeding on what’s already been done, and that’s everything!

Ch-Check it out - The Beastie Boys
Sabotage - The Beastie Boys
Intergalactic- the Beastie boys
Kick Push - Lupe fiasco
Paris, Tokyo - Lupe Fiasco
Dumb It Down" - Lupe Fiasco
You Got Me - The Roots ft Erykah Badu
Bittersweet Melody - Kanye West
Alls Fall Down - Kanye West
Through the wire - Kanye West
The Message - Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five.
prototype - Outkast

just get started on these.

Hey Miguel, I’m back (for now). This might not have been the greatest idea, but I was up so I thought this would be as good a time as any, so here we go:

I see where you are coming from, it is a reflection of they’re culture; it just seams to get so redundant sometimes. I respect Ontomontapia in a way poets use, including rap. I meant it in a way that before almost every rap song I’ve heard there always grunting and YE-AAH!s, which gets pretty lame pretty fast.

I completely agree with the idea of MCR, it is all similar and the guitar isn’t as important as it should be. MCR does receive fans just cause of they’re image, and they are apart of the corporate business. I was only trying to say they are not Hannah Montana. I should clarify when speaking of “Rock” I’m not really speaking of MCR. Though they could be included, I’m really representing like Hendrix, Cream, the Beatles etc. etc.

That’s good to know about the production and all, I really have no real understanding for it all though. I’m also glad to here you say good music in general is dieing. I agree and feel that rap today along with rock isn’t helping.

When I said Rock is light years ahead, I meant in no terms of actual time. I agree that rock hasn’t really expanded in a terribly long while. What I should have said was “Rock as gotten further in terms of creativity the Rap ever has” Now I’ve come to learn that there is more to rap then I thought (Tupac), but I still lead in the favor of the guitar. To just about every rap song I’ve looked into, I can match it with a rock song, but I can’t say the opposite. Show me a rap song that’s:
a total reference to literature or mythology
inspired by a dream
humorous and Non-senseical
the equal of a Rock Opera
an Instrumental
meant as a lullaby
For these reasons, I feel that rock is ahead when it comes to creativity. That is not meant to put you down for digging rap, its just somthin I’ve found to be true.

Alright so I looked up all the lyrics you and Mindfuck sent me, here’s what I’ve got:

Jesus Walks ~ I find the idea of a religious rap a bit laughable, but respect it for its message is positive and different form what’s commonly heard
Good Die Young ~ Glad to see a rap track think with emotion and meaning. Also pleased with the interesting rhyme scheme
All the Beastie Boys ~ It’s cool you like um Miguel, but I gotta say they really aren’t my thing. I respect their message and all, but I’m not a fan with the same ol’ rhythm.
Paris To Tokyo ~ Like the way the places were weaved into the song. A nice meaningful thought to think/rap about.
You Got Me ~ Again a wonderful thing to rap about; loving a single woman, telling her you’ll be faithful
Bitter Sweet and The Message ~ Really cool to hear em rap about they’re lifestyle and how they see it falling apart
Through the Wire ~ Great to see an age old message carried on, reminds me of The Who song Bargain: “I’d gladly lose me to find you, gladly give up all I’ve got, to catch you, I’m gonna run and never stop.”
TUPAC! Man I got to hand it to you Miguel, songs like Changes and Keep Your Head up were more uplifting than I can describe. So great to see such wonderful statements about war and peace and kindness and women… Never knew there was such a thing. Man, does Tupac Rock! If only he were still around…

So if I looked into something that you really feel strongly about, I’d really appreciate it if you’d do the same for me. Of all compliments and appraisals I could give, let me just say that of all the artists in the world, there are none as diverse as Todd Rundgren. A quick googling will show how well versed he is musically, having been apart of the business for 40+ years, both in the studio and on the stage.
Songs To Look Into:
International Feel: The start of “Wizard; A True Star” which is a seamless conceptual album as all the songs flow together.
SingRing and the Glass Guitar: A mini Rock Opera; If you do download it, message me and I’ll tell you bout the actual performance cause there’s only a few minutes of footage of such an amazing show.
I Love My Life: Try with a Gospel type feel, but not religious
World Wide Epiphany: Raps the third verse. One of my favorites
Black Maria: A Stab at HardRock with a tinge of the Blues
I Hate My Frickin ISP: A release of anger about waiting for the computer to work
A Dream Goes On Forever:If you download it, get the live version from “Back To The Bars” It’s a lot nicer with the piano.
Fascist Christ: Stickin it to all the religious hypocrisy found today
Soul Brother: A Work with soul music, his opinion of Rap today
Death Of Rock: Self Explanatory
Fade Away: Both Intellectual and Endearing
Onomatopoeia: For the sake of this discussion I threw it in
Something To Fall Back On: From “A capella” all sounds done with the human voice
Just One Victory: End of “Wizard…” Quite uplifting I gotta say, always the Encore

Wow, hope I didn’t forget to comment on something, let me know it I did. Oh well, I can hear birds chirping, probably time for bed. ~ Rex
p a n d a_xx
Salute You in Your Grave
p a n d a_xx
Age: 33
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Posts: 2123
July 19th, 2008 at 09:45am
I think music has a huge impact on the way people live, in both positive and sometimes negative ways. The only negative part is the stereotypes that come a long with certain genres, like if you listen to rap you're gansta or if you listen to alternative you're emo. But besides that music impacts everyone greatly in very positive ways.

I know first hand with me that music gives me hope for the future and it allows me to have faith in something, even if it is small it's still there. Music gave and still gives me an escape from the reality of my life and lets me dream about how I want things to end up, though I know the dreams wont come true it still gives me a little light to keep searching for.

I know that music has done the same to many more people and it will continue to live on through everyone : )
Bleeding on the Floor
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July 19th, 2008 at 12:38pm
I meant it in a way that before almost every rap song I’ve heard there always grunting and YE-AAH!s, which gets pretty lame pretty fast.

Most of the really popular songs are like that, but they are made by artist's who are just in it for the money.
Like with any kind of music there are those who reflect badly on the rest of that genre. I find that the best musicians are never, or very extremely rarely, chart toppers.
And actually there's a song I like that addresses the issue of all those 'gangsta rappers'
Kidnapped by The Symphonics (and it makes a literary reference)
A completely unknown rap group, but one that I think is rather good.

And yes, the stereotypes attached to the different genres of music are ridiculous. I know a girl who is practically the definition of 'preppy', but her favorite bands are Korn and Slipknot.
Thug Life.
Bleeding on the Floor
Thug Life.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1315
July 19th, 2008 at 12:55pm

I see where you are coming from, it is a reflection of they’re culture; it just seams to get so redundant sometimes. I respect Ontomontapia in a way poets use, including rap. I meant it in a way that before almost every rap song I’ve heard there always grunting and YE-AAH!s, which gets pretty lame pretty fast.

I completely agree with the idea of MCR, it is all similar and the guitar isn’t as important as it should be. MCR does receive fans just cause of they’re image, and they are apart of the corporate business. I was only trying to say they are not Hannah Montana. I should clarify when speaking of “Rock” I’m not really speaking of MCR. Though they could be included, I’m really representing like Hendrix, Cream, the Beatles etc. etc.

That’s good to know about the production and all, I really have no real understanding for it all though. I’m also glad to here you say good music in general is dieing. I agree and feel that rap today along with rap isn’t helping.

When I said Rock is light years ahead, I meant in no terms of actual time. I agree that rock hasn’t really expanded in a terribly long while. What I should have said was “Rock as gotten further in terms of creativity the Rap ever has” Now I’ve come to learn that there is more to rap then I thought (Tupac), but I still lead in the favor of the guitar. To just about every rap song I’ve looked into, I can match it with a rock song, but I can’t say the opposite. Show me a rap song that’s:
a total reference to literature or mythology
inspired by a dream
humorous and Non-senseical
the equal of a Rock Opera
an Instrumental
meant as a lullaby
For these reasons, I feel that rock is ahead when it comes to creativity. That is not meant to put you down for digging rap, its just somthin I’ve found to be true.


But your wrong again they are as bad as Hannah Montana or the Jonas brothers, they're just suited to a different audience much like when you go to a restaurant everyone picks a different meal suited to their taste, you again have shown your musical elitism by putting mcr above hannah montana even though they are guilty of the very same thing. My chemical romance are signed to a major label that mass produces their album and ships to every consumer driven country in the world. Rock and more particularly the Beatles are as guilty as this, they make money and thats the bottom line.

:a total reference to literature or mythology: Tupac constantly makes reference to Niccolò Machiavelli, a poet and playright . He even goes as far as refering to himself as "makaveli"
inspired by a dream maaan have you listend to outkast ?! faaah
humorous and Non-senseicalEvery single beastie boys song. is just random and hilarious
[b[the equal of a Rock Opera[/b] i dno if its a complete equal but alot of the stuff on Outkasts speakerboxx/the love below is a bit of an opera
an InstrumentalThe Roots are hip hop band that play with instruments much like gym class heroes but not crap. They play instrumental jam sessions all the time, why the other month i saw them play a rendition of star spangled banner on the daily show.
[b[meant as a lullaby[/b] show me how many rock songs are intentionally meant to be a lullabye

Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 1052
July 19th, 2008 at 12:58pm
And yes, the stereotypes attached to the different genres of music are ridiculous. I know a girl who is practically the definition of 'preppy', but her favorite bands are Korn and Slipknot.

Exactly, just like how a friend of mine looks like the embodyment of a wholesome, goody toe-shoes catholic girl, but is in love with Gerard Way and Sweeny Todd.

I'll have to look in to them.