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MCR Interviews

Laceration Gravity
Jazz Hands
Laceration Gravity
Age: 34
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Posts: 371
August 17th, 2005 at 03:35am
Post any interviews with MCR here. It can be written or it can be a video. Smile
Laceration Gravity
Jazz Hands
Laceration Gravity
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 371
August 17th, 2005 at 04:10am

^there's a pretty old one, when matt was still in the group.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 32
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Posts: 10625
August 17th, 2005 at 04:16am
^ awww it doesn't work cause my computer is messed
Demolition Lover
Age: 33
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August 19th, 2005 at 04:38pm
its not working for me either Sad
circa leena
Salute You in Your Grave
circa leena
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August 19th, 2005 at 05:16pm
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August 19th, 2005 at 09:41pm
This is so random..Yet very funny

You are offered something for free. Which do you choose? Sky diving lessons, a custom tattoo, a lap dance from an exotic dancer or 50 free sun tanning sessions?
Gerard: Oh the lap dance!
Frank: The tattoo.
Mikey: What were they again?
[Everyone helps little Mikey out]
Mikey: I guess the tattoo.
Frank: I knew it! Which is funny because you don't have any.
Gerard: You would see what you could get and trade it for money.


Gerard: I have a nihilistic attitude so it's like, the new's popular. You know what I mean?
Frank: Popsicle is the new black.
Gerard: What did I say? Oh yeah. Screaming is the new gay, everybody's doing it.
Frank: I wish it were Popsicle.
Gerard: Popsicles?
Frank: Popsicles should be the new black and then everyone would have one.

That's really nice Frank!


Mikey's up next and he pulls word association. First thing that comes to mind.

Video games
Mikey: Mario

Mikey: September

Jack Daniels
Mikey: Uh. Coca Cola

Mikey: I don't know!
Gerard: Not even a bare ass?
Mikey: No.

Unknown Angel
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Unknown Angel
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August 19th, 2005 at 09:53pm
Okay guys these are some tough questions you up for it?
Gerard: Go for it.
Frank: Shoot.
Skittles or M&M’s?
Mikey: Skittles!!! Fuck yes Skittles!!!!
Gerard: Wow uh, yeah have to agree with Mikey on that. Skittles all the way.
Frank: I prefer sweet stuff over chocolate anytime.
Ray: Dude, no way M&M’s are way better.
Frank: But they all taste the same! Put some variety in your life man!
Bob: Gummy bears
Gerard: Dumbass that wasn’t one of the choices
Bob: ...oh well it is now.
Just so you know I didn’t come up with this one: Which would you rather do impregnate a cow or eat road kill squirrel?
Frank: Are there any alternate answers?
Gerard: I’d rather eat road kill anything than get near a cow.
Mikey: He hates cows. But seriously eating a road kill squirrel? That would be just plain weird. And disgusting.
Gerard: Cows smell like shit.
Frank: How about neither?
Ray: C’mon Frankie you know you wanna fuck a cow or two.
Frank: What?! That's plain wrong!!
Bob: Dude impregnating a cow just means you stick-
Mikey: Eeew! Keep it Pg-13!! Pg-13!!
So what’s the meanest thing your band mates have ever done to you while on tour?
Ray: Don’t even get me started the list could go on for hours.
Gerard: Come on. You know we pick on Mikey more than anyone.
Frank: We’ve all had our days.
Gerard: Once you guys fucked up my samich and let me eat it.
I always thought it was sandwich
Gerard: When mikey was little he would say samich and it just kind of stuck.
Bob: Tell her what they did to the sandwich!
Mikey: Oh god no.
Gerard: I was making a tuna and whip cream samich and I left for a second to go check on something. When I came back my samich was no longer whip cream and tuna it was Mikey’s cum and tuna. It was so fucking disgusting. I swear I’ll get you back for that.
Mikey: Yeah and you did. I remember this one time when you and Frankie zipped me up in a sleeping bag and dumped me in the pool at that one Sheraton hotel because I wouldn’t go up to that creepy floor with you guys.
What was so creepy about it?
Gerard: There was this fucking psycho Satanists cult up there and Mikey was scared shitless.
Ray: Those guys were so cool
Frank: There was this one guy who was chasing us around the floor they were on and shouting at us in latin. Or I think it was latin. We really pissed them off. I guess he was trying to curse us or something.
Do you guys believe in that kind of thing?
Gerard: Well, we’ve had a few incidents with a Ouijia board and we’re all very superstitious.
Frank: Don’t go walking under ladders.
Okay new subject. Again I did not have anything to do with the making up of this question. Boxers briefs man thong or commando.
Mikey: (laughing so hard he fell off the chair)
Frank: Man thongs all the way!!
Gerard: Fuck yeah!!!
Ray: Boxers for me thanks
Bob: No comment
Mikey: Ahh he’s commando aren’t you?
Bob: Like I said, no comment.
Gerard: Gross!!! I am not sitting next to you anymore!!!
OK a friend wanted to know what you really do in the shower
Gerard: Well I take long hot pleasurable showers, and I touch and scrub my whole entire body.
Mikey: Eww
Ray: Oh Mikey you’ve thought about that before.
Mikey: Ewww No!
Gerard: Dont deny it!
Mikey: Shut up back to the question.
Gerard: That is part of the question.
Frank: You guys are fucked up.
Ray: Hey Mikey, don’t you take toasters in the bath?
Gerard: YES he does!
Mikey: Well not anymore, every once in a while I do like to watch T.V. in the bath but I guess it's not a safe thing to do!
Frank: You’re such a dumbass!
Okay this one’s for Frankie. Have you ever thought about one of your band mates in a sexual way and if so who?
Frank: Yes actually. But it was nothing too dirty or anything. I just-there was this one pair of pants he had that really showed off his ass and uh…package.
Gerard: Yeah everyone knows I’m sexy.
Definitely Gerard. Anyway one of your fans wanted to know how far you’ve gotten with Bert
Gerard: Okay…I haven’t fucked him haven’t sucked him or vice-versa. But I have seen him naked.
Frank: I think Bob and Ray left us.
Mikey: Wussies, can’t handle the sex talk.
Gerard: You’re one to be talking.
Mikey: Fuck you!
Gerard: Fuck yourself!
Mikey: Go fuck a cow!
Gerard: Go fuck a toaster and turn it on!
Mikey: Go fuck you mom!
Gerard: She's your mom too, dumbass!
Okay I think it’s safe to say that this interview is over
Frank: On behalf of all the rest of MCR and myself, WE’LL SEE YA AT THE SHOW!!
Gerard: Go fuck a whale!!
Mikey: How many time do I have to say that I'm not interested in you like that Gerard!?!

Yeah, I don't know where it came from.
Still trying to figure that out.
I'll get back to ya on that
But its pretty fucking funny
Star Crossed Lover
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August 19th, 2005 at 10:24pm
Unknown Angel:

Skittles or M&M’s?
Mikey: Skittles!!! Fuck yes Skittles!!!!
Gerard: Wow uh, yeah have to agree with Mikey on that. Skittles all the way.
Frank: I prefer sweet stuff over chocolate anytime.
Ray: Dude, no way M&M’s are way better.
Frank: But they all taste the same! Put some variety in your life man!
Bob: Gummy bears
Gerard: Dumbass that wasn’t one of the choices
Bob: ...oh well it is now.

GO BOB,listen to him'Well it is now.'
Hahaha,thats my Bob,I <3 him.
Awake and Unafraid
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August 19th, 2005 at 11:19pm
LMFAO x2395825692968368386 -wipes tear form eye- Oh god....oh jesus....someone hold me.

Saying samich is awesome. Cool people say Samich Cool
Unknown Angel
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Unknown Angel
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August 19th, 2005 at 11:23pm
Mikey Lover:
LMFAO x2395825692968368386 -wipes tear form eye- Oh god....oh jesus....someone hold me.

Saying samich is awesome. Cool people say Samich Cool

*Holds you*
I know! I say Samich all the time now
Star Crossed Lover
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August 19th, 2005 at 11:37pm
Haha,I've always said Samich.
Demolition Lover
Age: 33
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Posts: 17098
August 19th, 2005 at 11:49pm
its odd I cant say "sandmich" o.O everytime I try I always say "samdwitch"
Ray Toro.
Salute You in Your Grave
Ray Toro.
Age: 36
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Posts: 2356
August 19th, 2005 at 11:56pm
that was so funny i fell out of my chair and i think i have to change my clothes now
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
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Posts: 2407
August 19th, 2005 at 11:58pm
OMG That was freakn hilarious! OMG Fuckn funny!
Demolition Lover
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 17098
August 19th, 2005 at 11:59pm
I think Mikey is the only person that if you say a name of a beer comp. he says a coke comp.! XD
omg stfu
Demolition Lover
omg stfu
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August 20th, 2005 at 12:01am
*Falls off chair laughing* *Hits head on ground*
Star Crossed Lover
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August 20th, 2005 at 12:02am
Are you okay Sam???
omg stfu
Demolition Lover
omg stfu
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August 20th, 2005 at 12:08am
Um. I think so... Cool

I should really take the wheels off this chair. No wonder I'm always falling off. I lean back too far.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 486
August 20th, 2005 at 12:17am
hi umm.. that was the funniest interview ever like i wanted to laugh really loud but i had to keep it quiet cause my dad woulda got mad... hez already mad at me 4 putting red streakz in my hair... -nat- Very Happy
omg stfu
Demolition Lover
omg stfu
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August 20th, 2005 at 12:22am
How long ago was that interview?