Author | Message |
stormy Demolition Lover
 Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 15911 | October 7th, 2005 at 05:26am
Not the exact least not of one on this thread
But some answers were like word for word
and how the FECK did I miss that one on UMCRS?!? Than again, I haven't read them all...
This could be why eh??? |
kids Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 37 Gender: Male Posts: 4940 | October 7th, 2005 at 04:50pm it was funny, but i'm thinking that its not real... it doesnt win me over sorry |
lost_in_my_agony Joining The Black Parade
 Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 219 | October 7th, 2005 at 10:33pm I have read every article and interview @ UMCRS. It isn't there. It doesn't even have a real flow to it. It seems really jumbled like someone cut and pasted it together. |
moreMOREmore. Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 4095 | October 7th, 2005 at 10:45pm I dont think its real |
Yuliya Missles & Toes Really Not Okay
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 602 | October 7th, 2005 at 11:53pm *shriek* yay. |
loveandconfusion Jazz Hands
 Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 384 | October 8th, 2005 at 01:01am Nikki:THE FULL VERSION:
Hi Mikey, hi Gerard I'm Jess from The Ultimate My Chemical Romance Site
Gerard and Mikey: Hi Jess
J: First off I got A couple letters here from some fans on my site. I told them I'd give them to you
Gerard: Wow theres a lot of letters! Whyd they waste their time writting to a shitty band!
Mikey: Dude weve got great fans even though we are a shitty band.
Gerard: Yeah weve got the best fans ever, they truly love and support us.
Mikey: We should frame these letters, weve never got this many at once!
Gerard:They look like theyre heart filled.
J: They are and some are very deep,
Mikey: Did you write one?
J: Yes but I didnt sign my name on it.
J: well we should get started, OK a friend wanted to know what do you really do in the shower?
Mikey and Gerard start to laugh
Gerard: Well I take long hot pleasurable showers, and I touch and scrub my whole entire body.
Mikey: Ewwwww
J: Oh Mikey youve thought about that before
Mikey: Eeeeewwwww NO!
Gerard: Dont deny it!
Mikey: Shut up back to the question.
Gerard: That is part of the question.
Mikey:Well I want to answer, hmm well I do clean my body but I also ummm....I got nothing
J: ha ha. Hey dont you take toasters in the bath?
Gerard:YES he does!
Mikey:Well not anymore, evryonce in a while I do like to watch T.V. in the bath but I guess it's not a safe thing to do!
Gerard: Youre such a dumbass!
J: Ok well also what kind of towels do you use?
Gerard: The sweaty ones! I steal them from Ray though but theyre always covered in white stuff...
Mikey: Hey they actually are always covered in white shit!
J:Any idea what the white shhit is?
Mikey: Well it could be his Raygasms
Gerard: Yeah thats probably it. He has a lot of Raygasms and he gives a lot of them!
J: ha ha! What is the definition of a Raygasm, Ive heard of it before!
Gerard:hmmm Well a Raygasm is an explosion of love that Ray either has or gives!
Mikey: Yes or he can also make it!
Gerard:what that doesnt make sense.
J: Ok anyways Gerard if Mikey asked you to dominate his ass would you let him?
Gerard: ha ha, Why of course! I love Mikey! He can dominate my ass wheneverhe wants!
Mikey: REALLY!
J:ha ha, Ok OH Mikey do you ever change your clothes? you always wear an Anthrax shirt or Track Jacket.
Mikey: I do change my clothes! But I love my Anthrax shirt and my jacket! They stink though....
Gerard: Ya they do stink, even when you were younger you always wore the same thing, I guess
it's a Mikey thing..
J: Hav you guys ever snorted Pixie sticks?
Mikey: ha ha! No but now I want to!
Gerard: I once snorted kool aid when I was like 10 but I think it was by accident. It sucked though
it made my nose run and it stung like hell.
Mikey: Your nose Ran?
Gerard: Ya
Mikey: like literally ran?
GErard: Well no, youre fucking dumb, like snot and shit came out.
Mikey hhhh hey Im not dumb!
J: Have you ever though about an animal in a more sexaul way?
Gerard: Yes A bear.
Mikey: Were you serious about that? you sounded serious.
Gerard: No, I've thought about Wolverine in a sexual way though, that does count?
J:Yes that sexy beast Wolverine counts I guess!
Gerard: He is actually pretty Sexy, hes like tough, bad ass Sexy.
mikey: Yeah he is, so Iam.
Gerard: No your'e not, youre like the weak little boy in the corner.
Mikey:Well Im still Sexy,
Gerard: Yeah you actually are, like Mikey gets all the ladies, they all flock to Mikey.
J: What a PIMP!
Mikey:Yes Iam!
J: Oral Sex or sex?
Mikey: ORAL!
Gerard: well Oral Sex is a lot of fun but the actual sex is the really plesurable part.
Mikey: Yeah but c'mon oral.
J: Gerard don't you like sex standing up?
Gerard: ha ha! Ye I do!
Mikey: eeww now Im thinking about my brother having sex!
J:Ok for Mikey we'll get to the next question. Have you ever paid for sex?
Gerard: ha ha Mikey has!
Mikey: No I havent! But I've been paid for my sexual expertice! ha ha
Gerard: No you havent!
Mikey: Well fuck you!
Gerard: Wait *thinks* no I havent paid for sex.
Mikey: You paused for like 5minutes.
Gerard: No I didnt.
Mikey: Well it was like 5seconds but still.
Gerard: Ok 5 seconds!
J: Oh someone wanted to know if the autographed Album covers you sold on your site were real?
Gerard: The 3 cheers covers?
J: Yeah
Gerard: Yes those were real, it took forever to sign them all!
Mikey: My hand hurted after that.
Gerard: Hurted?
Mikey: Yes hurted. Thats a word.
Gerard: No its not!
Mikey: Yeah it is I just invented it.
Gerard: You cant just invent a new word.
Mikey: Damn!
J: Mikey, what would you do for a klondike bar?
Mikey: hnmmm what wouldnt I do for a klondike bar?
Gerard: I dont like klondike bars, theyre gross.
Mikey: I like them.
J: Mikey dont you love popsicles more?
Mikey: Yes I can go threw a box of popsicles a night!
Gerard: Mikey always has popsicles. And he leaves the sticks laying around, and theyre all sticky and shit.
Mikey: No I dont! Its Frank!
Gerard: Dude theres popsicle sticks all over the bus and Franks not here.
Mikey: Ok it is me! ha ha
J: Oh yes Frankie is not on the tour why?
Gerard: Well theres a family illness.
J: Oh I hope they get better!
Mikey: We all hope so too!
J: Gerard, I know yuve been asked this before but I hav to ask again, but I want the TRUTH!
Gerard: ok
J: Are you BI or Gay?
Mikey: ha ha ha
Gerard: like 50 people have asked me this in the past month, but no Iam not BI or gay, I like girls.
Mikey: Ok people label me the EMO one in the group so you'd think they would ask me if Im gay.
Gerard: Yeah youd think they would but they target the lead singer.
Mikey: Well its probably because you and Bert.
Gerard: Oh yeah huh? But Bert and I are NOT gay together, we just give the crowd what they want
and I love Bert to death so I show people I do but I know Im not gay or BI.
J: You and Bert are very sexy together though!
Gerard: Yes we are! ha ha
Ok well I know ths has been the most professional interview, but it must end.
Gerard: No I dont want it to!
Mikey: Nope it will not end, Im sick of the professional ones.
Gerard: Teenagers should do all the interviews.
Mikey: Yeah that would be awesome.
Well you guys got a show to play and I got to go watch it! I see your tour manager waving for you guys to
go over there, but thank yu so much for doing this, I truly appreciate it!
Mikey: no problem
Gerard: Yeah No problem at all.
J: Hey you guys better look at my site! The address is on one of the letters.
Gerard: I think I will just because it's the ULTIMATE site!
Mikey: Yeah I will too! And I will tell you what I think!
J: Thank you!
i really hope this isnt real, which i doubt it is |
I ARE TRISH.HEAR ME ROAR! Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 2741 | October 8th, 2005 at 03:45am it doesnt seem so real... how could teh owner of a site get an interview? that puzzles meh |
stormy Demolition Lover
 Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 15911 | October 8th, 2005 at 04:11am the owner of TIP got one with Frank
And he said that "Anyone can get a press pass" ... <shrugz>
Never know...could happen.
But I'm not sure that was such an example of that happening |
*-*Soldier Side*-* Jazz Hands
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 376 | October 8th, 2005 at 04:19am Nikki:LMFAO x2395825692968368386 -wipes tear form eye- Oh god....oh jesus....someone hold me.
Saying samich is awesome. Cool people say Samich
I say Samich and Frickin' Mokeys! Oh yeah. And Forest Gumpoo |
stormy Demolition Lover
 Age: 38 Gender: Female Posts: 15911 | October 8th, 2005 at 04:25am give_me_a_reason:Nikki:LMFAO x2395825692968368386 -wipes tear form eye- Oh god....oh jesus....someone hold me.
Saying samich is awesome. Cool people say Samich
I say Samich and Frickin' Mokeys! Oh yeah. And Forest Gumpoo
Said samich as a child and still do more often than sandwich...I Get funny looks when I order things at restaraunts b/c of it <shrugz>
I say really odd and random things tho...<tires to think of an example>
Oh wait, I like to go into FargoChat (a chatroom for the metro area I live in) and start tellin stories about monkeys that shop at Hot Topic and talk and drive cars (i've had many adventures with them) and Cows that limbo and just...really odd things. Frickin, feck, shite, eejit...hmmm just odd words come out of my mouth...and great stuff...
Ha ha ha
Mikey should do stand up comedy one day durin the concert or before it...
that would be feckin hilarious |
pendulum; Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 2891 | October 8th, 2005 at 09:00am i'm meeting mcr in novmeber... only by chance i got the passes though, my friends cousin was asked wether he wanted backstage passes for it, he said yeah and then realised he couldn't go so gave them to my friend who couldn't go either because of this family thingy so gave them to me for a13th birthday present. -shrugs- i guess i was really lucky |
Briiii. Bleeding on the Floor
 Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 1722 | October 8th, 2005 at 09:14am ^^LUCKKYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Nikki. Awake and Unafraid
 Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 11846 | October 8th, 2005 at 09:30am I think its real. The way I see it, I have two theories:
1. They get answered the same questions all the time. Maybe they just give the same answers, hence making it look like a copied interview.
2. Just a coincidence. But nonetheless a funny one. |
lost_in_my_agony Joining The Black Parade
 Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 219 | October 8th, 2005 at 10:54am ^^that is possible |
kids Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 37 Gender: Male Posts: 4940 | October 8th, 2005 at 11:35am its so... soo.... just not very believeable in my mind... |
serene dream Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 2468 | October 8th, 2005 at 11:51am It probably isn't real, like that other interview about M&M's and skittles and stuff... that wasn't real.. come do you really think that Mikey would wank into his own brothers sandwich? |
kids Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: 37 Gender: Male Posts: 4940 | October 8th, 2005 at 11:55am serene dream:It probably isn't real, like that other interview about M&M's and skittles and stuff... that wasn't real.. come do you really think that Mikey would wank into his own brothers sandwich?
i thought that in that one that they JUST TOLD gerard that it had his cum in it... i dunno thats what a friend told me... |
serene dream Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 2468 | October 8th, 2005 at 11:59am rebel snowman:serene dream:It probably isn't real, like that other interview about M&M's and skittles and stuff... that wasn't real.. come do you really think that Mikey would wank into his own brothers sandwich?
i thought that in that one that they JUST TOLD gerard that it had his cum in it... i dunno thats what a friend told me... If I remember rightly (I most likey don't) then he really did it.
Meh, to me the whole thing just didn't seem like them.
I don't know. |
Nikki. Awake and Unafraid
 Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 11846 | October 8th, 2005 at 12:19pm ...okay.
So you're basically saying that
If an interview with them says they do soemthing REALLY stupid
Its automatically false?
People do stupid things.
No one's really that smart. |
serene dream Salute You in Your Grave
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 2468 | October 8th, 2005 at 12:29pm Nikki:...okay.
So you're basically saying that
If an interview with them says they do soemthing REALLY stupid
Its automatically false?
People do stupid things.
No one's really that smart. I didn't say that... where did I say that. I said it just didn't seem like them, that's all. Of course they are going to do and say stupid things but that was too far that's why I think it's fake. I didn't say it was I said I think it is. |