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sweet disposition.
sweet disposition.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 48272
October 19th, 2007 at 05:24pm
Does manslaughter count as a criminal offence if it was self defence and you accidently killed them?

Is it as bad as murder?


In my opinion, I think it depends on how the person's died.

For example, someone was attempting to rape you and you give them a blow to the head in your defence and they die from it.
I don't think you should be put in jail for this.

But take the same scenario, but instead of a blow to the head, it's repeated stab wounds with a weapon.
To me, this is different.
I'm not sure why.

I understand if you're being attacked, your first instinct is to protect yourself.
But something like stabbing/shooting to me if different to phsycial harm such as hit and kicks.

What's everyone else's view on this?
If the above makes sense.

EDIT: Do you also think that after a certain amount of time, manslaughter should be taken a criminal record?
Thug Life.
Bleeding on the Floor
Thug Life.
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 1315
July 4th, 2008 at 09:06am

Hey random questioner of the law.

well in most western societies that have a laws and stuff theres usually a guideline as to what constitutes as manslaughter. Basically you have two kinds of manslaughter; Involuntary and voluntary manslaughter.

okay involuntary manslaughter is pretty much like killing someone but like it was a complete accident or you had absolutely no control over what was going to happen. However it begs one to ask what counts as "involuntary". A supreme court judge in the united states (i forget his name ) said the only absolute reason that you could go for involuntary manslaughter and mean it was if " you were driving down the highway and a swarm of bees rushed into your car and blured your visision".

volountary like stabbing someone or hurting someone trying to attack you goes under voluntary manslaughter, where you meant to kill the person but had a damn good reason to like for instance you were being raped.
a real good case was in Australia a young man who had being sexually assaulted by his uncle since he was 6 hit his uncle over the head with a frying pan and killed him. he could not be healed accountable because of the repeated mental trauma from all the sexual abuse didn't make him one of stable mind, that and im sure it would of been a good reason to do it.

manslaughter is actually put on a criminal record

Bulletproof Heart
Age: 32
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Posts: 25232
July 4th, 2008 at 10:17am
Isn't involuntary when it is completely uninvolved. Like if you were driving down the road, and you swerve to avoid a deer, but hit a dumpster, and crush a person behind it.

no, I don't think it should be taken off, but I think that people should know what the circumstances were
Thug Life.
Bleeding on the Floor
Thug Life.
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 1315
July 4th, 2008 at 11:13am
yesums. to sum it up its like you dont mean to do it .